Hello Five Doves,Last week FAY had a very intriguing post involving the CHRISTCHURCH Quake of 2/22/2011.http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2021/fay37-10.htmhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Christchurch_earthquakehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Kermadec_Islands_earthquake
Also just last week on 3/5/2021 local time New Zealand we had the Kermadec Islands Earthquakes inthat same area as CHRISTCHURCH NZ > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Kermadec_Islands_earthquake <The Kermadec Quakes had a foreshock of 7.4 mag before the main shock of 8.1 mag !!See below how these become KEY prophetic numbers !!
When we began looking into these EQ's we discovered some remarkable syncs with DONALD TRUMPthe result of which synchronized into amazing revelations about the 2nd Coming of Jesus in 2028 !!!!!!!
These revelations begin coming to light by using simple gematria A=1,B=2 etc...CHRISTCHURCH = 138DONALD TRUMP = 138And in the CHRISTCHURCH Quake of 2/22/2011 a total of 185 people died !!His full name DONALD JOHN TRUMP = 185 !!
And that leads us into this prophetic chart of how this prophetic Quake and TRUMP synchronize in the Bible.
"And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him,“O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”Matthew 14:31^^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew 28 chapter 957 of Bible^^^^^^^^^^^^ Matthew 28:20 vs 1071 last vs MatthewDONALD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ total = 2028 !!!!TRUMP CHRISTCHURCH Matthew and New Testamentborn on Earth Quake begin with 930 chapter forming the6/14/1946 2/22/2011 prophetic date 9/30/2028!.....................23629 days....................! astonishing amount of evidence! ^^^^^ ! amassing here for the! ^^^^^ ! Second ComingStart of ^^^^^ ! !!!!!!! Jesus Christ !!!!!!!Bible ^^^^^ Matthew 14:31 Matthew 28:20!.....................23629 verses to............!...............587 verses to..................!^^^^^ ^^^ !23629 divided by 587 = 40.25 !!!! !^^^^ !SIGN in the HEAVENS ^^^^ !synced to Revelation 12:1 ^^^^ !Given on ^^^^ !9/23/2017 ^^^^ 9/30/2028!.............................................. 4025 days.................!! Kermadec Islands Quakes !! 7.4 mag and 8.1 mag !! off the coast of !! New Zealand !9/23/2017 3/5/2021 9/30/2028!..................1259 days..........!...........2766 days.............!^^^^ ^^^^1259 divided by 2766 = .45 !!^^DONALD TRUMP was our 45th President !!
Now look what happens when we synchronize the magnitude of the two Kermadec Quakes with theequivalent birthdates of DONALD TRUMP....
Kermadec Foreshock Quake Kermadec Quakes Kermadec MAIN Quakewas 7.4 magnitude 7.4 mag and 8.1 mag 8.1 magnitudeDONALD TRUMP off the coast of DONALD TRUMP willturned age 74 on New Zealand turn age 81 on6/14/2020 3/5/2021 6/14/2027!..........................264 days.............!..............2292 days...............!^^^ ! ^^^^ !KERMADEC ISLANDS EARTHQUAKES = 264 !! ! ^^^^ ! astonishing amount of^^^ ! ^^^^ ! evidence amassing hereLO AND BEHOLD > 264 + 2028 = 2292 ! for Second Coming of! ^^^^ ! Jesus Christ3/5/2021 ^^^^ 6/14/2027 9/30/2028!...........2292 days............!.........474 days.......!^^^^ ^^^2292 - 1818 = 474 !!!!^^ ^^Magnitude of Kermadec Quakes !!In addition to synchronizing with 2028 this appears to be a powerful SIGN from GOD, we've not heard the last ofDONALD TRUMP and how GOD may use him for his purposes in these END TIMES even more than he has already !!
Patriots like Juan O Savin and Simon Parkes are giving many interviews explaining how the MILITARY is going toACT sometime this year, and be the solution to RIGHT the WRONG of the STOLEN 2020 Election byForeign and domestic actors. Here's a recent interview > https://www.simonparkes.org/post/simon-recommends-watching-this <
A=1,B=2 etc > KERMADEC ISLANDS = 138 !!DONALD TRUMP = 138 !!CHRISTCHURCH = 138 !!...............................................................................................................................................................The largest Quake in magnitude and certainly by death toll (over 227,000), so far this century has been theINDIAN OCEAN Tsunami of 12/26/2004 > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake_and_tsunami <
So we're going to synchronize this Quake with the prophetic ChristChurch and Kermadec Islands Quakesand see what more remarkable End Time revelations come to light.
INDIAN OCEAN ChristChurch Kermadec Islands
TSUNAMI Quake Quakes12/26/2004 2/22/2011 3/5/2021!................2249 days.......!............3664 days.......!! ^^^^ ^^^^! 2249 divided by 3664 = .6138 !!!! astonishing amount of! CHRISTCHURCH = 138 !!!! evidence amassing hereINDIAN OCEAN KERMADEC ISLANDS = 138 !!!! for Second Coming ofTSUNAMI DONALD TRUMP = 138 !!!! Jesus Christ12/26/2004 9/30/2028!....................................................8679 days............................................................!^^^^The Indian Ocean Tsunami 8679 = 3.3 X 2630 !!!!!! < The Great Pyramid contains thestruck on the exact latitude line of 3.3 degrees !!!!!! < 26.3 degree CHRIST angle within ithttps://www.numberempire.com/23629 ^^^^ < and we have documented numerous ways
23629 > is > prime > number 2630 !!!!!! < Great Pyramid synchronizes in the bible^^^^^ < to the 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!!!^^^^^DONALD ^^^^^TRUMP ^^^^^ CHRISTCHURCH KERMADEC ISLANDSborn on ^^^^^ Quake Quakes6/14/1946 ^^^^^ 2/22/2011 3/5/2021!.....................23629 days.............!..............3664 days...............!^^^^^ ^^^^23629 divided by 3664 = 6.448^^^^Genesis 1:31 is verse 31 of Bible + 6448 = 6479 !!!!!!A=1,B=2 etc ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^So the Evening and the Morning were the Sixth Day = 479 !!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So Joshua burned AI ^^^ THE ENDprophetic phrase and and made it a heap forever, ^^^ Book 6 of Biblelast sentence seen in text of a desolation to this day." ^^^ Book of JoshuaGenesis 1:31 Joshua 8:28 ^^^ Joshua 24:33!................6000 verses to..............!...................479 verses to...............!AI and his army being destroyed is prophetic typology for SATAN and his demonic army beingdefeated at 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!! ^^^^Look close again at the Kermadec Islands link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Kermadec_Islands_earthquake <You can see wikipedia records exact time of 8:28 local New Zealand time the MAIN 8.1 Quake struck !!On a clock the 20th hr 28th min is 8:28 pm !!!!!Look at our equation above again ^^^2249 divided by 3664 = 6.138 !!!! ^^^6 X 138 = 828 !!!!!!CHRISTCHURCH = 138 !!!!KERMADEC ISLANDS = 138 !!!!DONALD TRUMP = 138 !!!!
GOD is confirming in these amazing Earth Quake SIGNS synced with the Bible, everythingis right on schedule with GOD working out his 6000 yr Master Plan for mankind !!!!!!
Jesus ChristCrucifixion Jesus ChristCreation of Resurrection Second ComingADAM 28 A.D. 2028 3028!....................4000 yrs..................!................2000 yrs...............!...Jesus Christ 1000 yr....!!.Genesis 1 >GOD's SIX DAY > 6000 yr master plan.............!..7th day millennial reign...!...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................God BlessSteve Wcomments welcome > wilkste@aol.com
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