Gerry Almond (13 Mar 2016)
"Our Redemption is very near."

March 12, 2016

Have we finally arrived? Is the event of the ages, the rapture of God's ready people about to occur?

It is time seasonally, according to the agricultural signs given in the Song of Songs, chapter 2 and verses 10ff. It is also time according to multiple voices of watchers and visionaries who are being told that it is time. It is time based on events in the world, with Israel completely surrounded by her enemies, of which America seems to be one.

It is time based on every sign of the Holy Bible being present at one It is time based on the huge Laodicean spirit of the churches in America and indeed the world. That spirit is one of easy-believism, which means a virgin with a lamp without oil (Matthew 25:1ff). It is time based on the talent of the man with 1 talent who hid his talent in the ground and had to suffer weeping and gnashing of teeth in the time of God's wrath because he did it.

And, it is time because the time of abib has come. It is Passover. See and read for yourself a code at what Mike Plunkett has discovered. Whether a believer in the veracity of these codes or not, it is an intriguing study.

The Spring equinox will be here in eight days. That triggers again the signs of the Song of Songs, especially chapter 2, verses 11ff.

To me, it is simply time. And the above Bible code agrees that it is time. The rapture seems to be this Passover, somewhere within seven days.

I cannot see us having to wait another year. I think the world will be in ruins if we do. Thankfuklly it was reported on (Bill Koenig's News) that an ISIS fighter who loved to kill Christians had a visit from Jesus who told him “you are killing my people”. He has converted and is serving Christ.

It is also reported that experts warn that world war may be coming due to the Chinese building of islands in the south China sea. And U. S. President Obama has given up on controlling Iran's nuclear ambitions. He is actually promoting their doing so. He also refuses to call the murder of Christians genocide, when everyone knows that it is.

CERN, the hadron collider is challenging God Almighty as it seeks to unlock the mysteries of the creation of the universe. God is watching. Bible codes are saying that CERN will release the 200 million demons from the pit.

More and more messages from God's “trumpeters” are getting messages warning of the end of this age. God is ready to strike at His enemies on the earth in the final times. Great tribulation is ready to break out on planet earth.

America has its own “Trump”, running for the presidency and exposing much evil in the nation.

The approach of a killer planetary system cannot be hidden any longer. It is visible now.
Brothers and sisters in Christ who love Jesus and serve Him. It is time. We must go home!!

May it be so.


Gerry Almond