Pastor Bob (29 Mar 2015)
""The Corporate Trinity and April 15th""

All Doves:

It has been stated by many a patriot that in a war the first thing to go is the "Truth".  The USA has been in a state of war for most of its 238 years, all but roughly ten years of its existence where we were not involved in a war.

Last year, I posted a series of articles on this site entitled "All Roads Lead to Rome". 

Americans are more interested in such things as NCAA "March Madness" and their 'brackets' and a myriad of other nonsense rather than to study the truth of the Word of God.  Critics of my articles "All Roads Lead to Rome" merely revealed their ignorance {lack of knowledge] of real history, (true history, and not that written by the victors and passed off as history). 

Since 1871 the USA has been a "corporation" and not a "country".  The USA is a "CROWN" Corporation and it is owned by the Vatican.  As April 15th wains closer, remember when you pay your taxes, 40% of it goes to the Rothschild's Bank of England and 60% goes to the coffers of the Vatican.

When one understands all of this they can fully begin to better understand the book of Revelation, particularly chapters 13, 17, 18 & 19.  Make no mistake here who the whore is and who the beast is.

I would like to offer each of the Doves an introductory (starting point) source that will confirm the essence of my rather in-depth series on "All Roads Lead to Rome".  Consider my challenge as a true lesson in patriotism.  Let me encourage you to read this, not too long, document at the web site below:

If you have trouble with the link above, then enter your search of the following phrase:   

    City of London's Ownership of American Colonies

It should come up first on your search page.

The required study of history has long been (forty years ago) dropped from college academic studies, and perhaps the information in the recommended article will help to explain why that is the case.  I won't waste my key strokes to expound on the pathetic quality of what is offered as history in the public schools.  Before you are influenced by critics of my posts, do your self the honesty of "proving all things" as the Apostle Paul stated to the Thessalonian believers in 1st Thess. 5:21.

I have been a "Truth Seeker" for 55 years and besides being a preacher/pastor/evangelist/teacher for 51 years I have been a student of history for even longer. 

We are already seeing the effects of the so-called "Net Neutrality" with Google prioritizing its content by defining "truth" by its terms, rather than reality.  I have noticed a number of web sites reporting their videos at You Tube being expunged and we can look forward to even greater censorship.  Obama has already cancelled the "FOIA" (Freedom of Information Act requests) a few days ago, so the noose is being closed around our necks when it comes to truth in anything.  But remember, "the Truth shall set you free!"  -(John 8:32). 

Pastor Bob