Will Schumacher (1 March 2014)
"picture of redemption"


I believe God has given us types in the endtimes that we are in,  before they happen.

I believe the day counts from them are important

On October 13, 2010 big news was the 33 miners being rescued through a 2041 ft tube.  I did not realize at the time 2041 ft =622 meters

Enoch born after 622 years

3 words in bible with gematria of 2041

2nd word is REDEMPTION=2041

Rom 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

9 verses in bible with gematria of 2041

2nd verse is about redemption and is the first time the word redemption (H1353) is used

Lev 25:24 And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.

This verse is talking about Tishri 10-the Day of Atonement known as the day of redemption

So the miners rescued through the 2041 ft , 622 meter tube tying them to redemption and Enoch who is tied to firstfruits

This event was 1806 days before Gods highlighted 2015 Day of Atonement or Redemption

H1806=דליה Delayah {del-aw-yaw'} or (prolonged) דליהו Delayahhuw {del-aw-yaw'-hoo} from 01802 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Delaiah 6, Dalaiah 1; 7 Dalaiah or Delaiah = "Jehovah has drawn" 1) a priest in the time of David, leader of the 23rd course 2) a son of Shemaiah, a ruler of Judah in the time of Jeremiah in the court of Jehoiakim 3) the head of an exilic family, of uncertain pedigree, claiming to be Israelites in the time of Zerubbabel 4) a descendant of Zerubbabel 5) the son of Mehetabeel and the father of Shemaiah, a contemporary of Nehemiah

G1806=εξαγω exago {ex-ag'-o} from 1537 and 71;; v AV - lead out 6, bring out 5, bring forth 1, fetch out 1; 13 1) to lead out

Both would perfectly describe the miners rescue.  Further of interest is G1806 has a gematria of 923 in Acts 5:19 (923=9/23)

Of further interest is that G1805=redeemed.  If you were using the jewish day count it would be 1805 days.  Regardless they all would work perfectly

As I said in my previous post about the fall of Baghdad, one event having a perfect meshing with Gods word does not prove anything.  When a number of events all mesh perfectly with their day counts to the time that God has highlighted, it definitely makes you sit up and take notice.

IF the fall of 2015 is it, I would have to think that the descending and resurrection is feast of trumpets and then the rapture happens at or through Day of Atonement.  The books and heaven is opened Feast of Trumpets, judgement is sealed and heaven closed day of atonement.  Elul 1 is the beginning of repentance and the natural 40 day period if there is one before the rapture


BTW John thanks for all your dedication and hard work.  Your site is a blessing
Thanks, Will.