Humbly Irrelevant (18 Mar 2014)




Humbly Irrelevant





If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t feel alone.  There are legions of us who are fatigued and exhausted from the same daily predicaments.  In fact, in these last of days, we have finally been ordained into a very special group called the UNITED DIMWITS ASSOCIATION (UDA).  Our staunch Pre-Trib beliefs shape the core values of the UDA and generate persistent attacks from anti Pre-Trib believers, as well as the unsaved.  We are outnumbered, but we are infinitely strong in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.


To become a member of the UDA, you must exude such characteristics as an interminable anxiousness for the IMMINENT return of Jesus; a prolific and watchful attitude for the Rapture -- NOT the Second Coming; a firm belief that the TRUE Church will be removed BEFORE the Tribulation; an incessant quest to determine not just the Season (which we are in) but also possible/probable DATES; an openness that the Rapture may or may NOT actually occur on a Feast Day; and an indisputable knowledge that we will be soon be presented as the BRIDE to Jesus -- please Lord, let it be “NOW” and not “soon”!!


Our unique perspective engenders quite a bit of conflict, consternation, hostility, derision, and sarcasm from those who are much more “learned” and “scholarly” than we are.  These “bastions of erudition” mock us daily for being diminutive Dimwits who foolishly cling to an uninformed “pipe-dream” and “pie-in-the-sky-in-the-great-bye-and-bye” mentality.  Within the complexity of their “sophistication”, they pity us poor Pre-Tribbers for believing in a “Blessed Hope” (promised to us in Titus 2:13), and arrogantly chastise us for not being as “enlightened” as they are about the eschatological paradigm that we live within. 


Well folks, if that wasn’t a mouthful, here are some more thoughts of dimwitism from the self-proclaimed Grand Puh-Bah of Dimwits.


For every browbeaten member of the UDA that is presently enduring perpetual condescension from the “prideful elite” -- reflect upon the words of Jesus that He did not come to bring peace, but to bring a sword amongst family and friends (Matthew 10:34).  That is why we experience some form of conflict almost every day of our lives on this Christian battlefield.  Hang tough, hang tight, and hang on until that Blessed Day appears!!


For those downtrodden members who are suffering through physical, emotional, financial, marital, and occupational affliction -- take solace in the fact that Jesus advised us in advance that when we pick up His Cross daily, we will continually be exposed to scorn and persecution (Matthew 16:23-27, Mark 8:33-38, Luke 9:23-26).  Jesus stated that we are “blessed” and should “be exceeding glad” when we are “reviled” and “persecuted” by men who falsely “say all manner of evil against” us ((Matthew 5:11-12).  In the grand scheme of Eternity, how does the "little bit" of suffering that we experience compare with the horrifically-torturous death that our Savior experienced when He laid his life down for us.  Jesus is God and He didn't deserve to die for us -- but He did!  Thank you Jesus!!


Yes, with each step we take we must proceed ahead in unshaken faith. The struggle to live in a world that is not our home has us constantly reevaluating our coping mechanisms to enable us to stem the tide and endure each day until He comes!

Stand tall Christian Soldiers and don't back down or give ground to the enemy.

Thank you John for all you do!   
