"saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.”Hebrews 6:14"blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavenand as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies."Genesis 22:17
Hello Five Doves,This article documents DONALD TRUMP's birth date is perfectly encoded with Hebrews 6:14 which simultaneouslysyncs him with all the evidence we are examining for the 2nd Coming of JESUS CHRIST in 2028 !!
astonishing amount of
DONALD evidence amassing here forTRUMP the Second Coming ofborn on JESUS CHRIST6/14/1946 9/30/2028!........................30059 days.........................!! ^^^^^^^ !Start of Bible ^^^^^^^ Hebrews 6:14!........................30059 vs to...................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start of Chapter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End ofHebrews 6 Hebrews 6:14 Hebrews 6 End of END OFStart of Book of !..............14 vs........!..........6 vs...........! Hebrews 7 Book of HebrewsHEBREWS !.........................................20 vs...........!...........28 vs..............! Hebrews 13:25!..................................95 vs.........................!.........................208 vs......................................................!^^ ^^^95 divided by 208 = .45673076Notice 67+3=70From his birth date 6/14/1946 DONALD TRUMP became 45th President of USA on 1/20/2017at the exact age of 70 yrs 7 months 6 days !!!!!!!^^ ^^^^ ^^These HEBREWS chapters 6,7 are only place in New Testament with a 20,28 verse sequence. They are prophetic for theswitch from the 6th to 7th millennium on GOD's calendar mankind will make in 2028 with 2nd Coming of JESUS CHRIST !!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^Notice we can see in these vs alignments DONALD TRUMP's ^^^^exact birth date > 6/14/46 < right where 2028 forms by vs count in the New Testament !!
In fact Hebrews 6:14 is vs number 6914 of the New Testament, and with theverse alignment of chapter 6 being 14/6 we can see all of the precise digitsfor DONALD TRUMP's birth date > 6/14/1946 encoded here !!! How amazing is that !!!
Your looking at odds of TRILLIONS to 1 > 100,000,000,000,000 to 1 < to be able to see DONALD TRUMP'S exact birth date encodedin the Bible 6/14/1946 + simultaneously revealing from his birth, the exact timeline of of 70 yrs 7 months 6 days to the exact day he became President 1/20/2017, + seeing from start of Bible to Hebrews 6:14 the exact timeline of 30059 days from his birthto 9/30/2028 where All the evidence is amassing for the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The text of Hebrews 6:14 is quoting from Genesis 22:17 which gives us this revelation about DONALD TRUMP.
DONALD TRUMP birth dateHebrews 6:14 6/14/1946
Start quotes this verse encoded hereof Bible Genesis 22:17 Hebrews 6:14!...............565 vs..............!..................29494 vs..........!^^^ ^^^^^565 divided by 29494 = .019156438^^^^ ^^ ^^Notice 1915+64+38=2017 !!!!^^^^DONALD TRUMP became 45th President of USA in year 2017 !!!!^^ROMANS is the 45th Book of the Bible which gives us this further revelation about DONALD TRUMP.Start Hebrews 6:14 End of 45th Bookof Bible Genesis 22:17 ROMANS 16:27!...............565 vs..............!..................27799 vs..........!^^^ ^^^^^565 divided by 27799 = .02032447^^^^ ^ ^ ^Notice 2032-4=2028 !!!!^^^^ ^ ^ ^Notice 2032-4-4-7=2017 !!!!^ ^ ^ ^^^^DONALD TRUMP became 45th President of USA in year 2017 !!!!^ ^ ^Notice we have the number 447 being revealed here which synchronizes withthe CRASH of AIR FRANCE Flight # 447 on 6/1/2009 killing all 228 aboard. We have alreadydocumented the prophetic significance of this event in this Five Doves article > http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/feb2021/stevew27-2.htm <DONALD CRASH of DONALD TRUMP astonishing evidence amassing hereTRUMP AIR FRANCE 45th President for the Second Coming ofborn on Flight # 447 of USA JESUS CHRIST6/14/1946 6/1/2009 1/20/2017 9/30/2028!............22998 days....!..........2790 days.......!.............4271 days........! ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^22998 divided by 2790 divided by 4271 = .00192999 ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^Notice 1929+99=2028 !!!!Year of Stock Market CRASH was 1929 !!..............................................................................................................................................................................................Many times during DONALD TRUMP's Presidency he was compared to a modern day CYRUS because of how loyaland helpful he was to ISRAEL even moving the USA Embassy to JERUSALEM which no other President had done.In fact in ISRAEL they minted a coin with TRUMP on one side and CYRUS on the other.
The story goes when the PAGAN KING CYRUS saw his name in the Bible and realized the prophecy of ISAIAH 45 wastalking about him he helped ISRAEL return to their land to BUILD THE TEMPLE !!!!! Notice again TRUMP 45th President.
Is that not what we have today, in prophetic typology, looking forward to the potential initiation of DANIEL's prophecy wherethe Jewish people will be allowed to go back to the TEMPLE MOUNT and start up their Old testament rituals there again !!
So when we look in the Bible we see the very last place the name CYRUS appears is DANIEL 10:1, which is the verseright after DANIEL 9:27, where the END TIME prophecy of ONE WEEK of "7 Years" is given.And DANIEL 10:1 is verse number 22017 of the Bible which again perfectly syncs to the yearDONALD TRUMP became President in 2017 !!
In fact what this also reveals is DANIEL 10:12 is verse number 22028 with 67 verses remaining in the Book of Daniel !!So this numerical alignment in the Bible can be read as the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christin the year 2028 will mark on GOD's calendar,from the creation of ADAM, the switch from the 6th to the 7th millennium !!Again this prophetic alignment is confirmed from what we saw earlier as the 6th and 7th chapters of HEBREWS isthe only place in the New Testament where there is a vs sequence of 20,28 and its right in that section HEBREWS 6:14reveals the exact birth date of DONALD TRUMP 6/14/1946 !! And HEBREWS 6:14 being verse number30059 of the Bible syncs TRUMP from his birth date 30059 days forward to the prophetic date 9/30/2028 !!!!!!
"Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand,and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words."DANIEL 10:12...............................................................................................................................................................................................
So lets go back to the Bible Hebrews 6:14 and discover further revelations about DONALD TRUMP when syncedto the Book of REVELATION !!All evidence amassing herefor the Second Coming of
DONALD TRUMP will be 108 days >>> and 82 years age on 9/30/2028Start Book of ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^REVELATION ^^^ REV 6:12 ^^ REV 11:15!..........108 vs.......!...........82 vs.................!! !DONALD TRUMP ! 7th and LAST TRUMPET
birth date ! sounds here6/14/1946 6th SEAL for Second ComingStart of synced here is opened here of Jesus ChristBible Hebrews 6:14 Revelation 6:12 Revelation 11:15!.........30059 vs........!............747 vs..........!.............82 vs.................!^^^^^ ^^^ ^^DONALD 30059 divided by 747 divided by 82 = .4907271TRUMP ^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^born on ^^^^^ Notice 7+271=2786/14/46 > 30059 days > 9/30/2028 ^^^ ^ ^^^The amazing Revelation here is the DANIEL 490 year prophecy !!! The most crucial part of thisprophecy for END TIMES is the one week of "7 Years" in verse 278 Book of DANIEL 9:27 !!!^^^^^^^^^^"Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.”
We have documented in recent prior Five Doves articles below, we are seeing growing evidence that DANIEL'sone week of "7 Years" prophecy could initiate in the 2nd half of 2021 by some real world event that will trigger it,
and we begin the 7 Year countdown from 2021 to 2028 from there.So all eyes on ISRAEL with great intrigue to see how events play out the rest of 2021.......................................................................................................................................................................................................SIMON PARKES is one of the WHITE HAT insiders. In his latest update JUNE 9, 2021 he is saying we are gettingvery close to the MILITARY making their move to kick BIDEN out and restore TRUMP to President.Possibly as early as JULY.
Before this update we were hearing MILITARY would act in the AUG - SEPT - OCT time frame.
When BIDEN goes and TRUMP comes back, it will literally be fulfilling Bible prophecy in typology of theADONIJAH vs SOLOMON story of 1st Kings chapters 1 and 2.....The key prophetic vs is 1st Kings 2:25 whereADONIJAH is put to death !! 1st Kings 2:25 is vs 78 book of 1st Kings and BIDEN is age 78 now so in prophetictypology BIDEN will go to his political death this year 2021 for cheating his way into the Presidencywith a fraudulent 2020 vote !!...........................................................................................................................................................................................God BlessSteve Wcomments welcome > wilkste@aol.com
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