Hello Five Doves,
Appreciate your website. Please consider passing this info belowonto your members. It could be a very unique never before seen way of confirmingthe accurate date of Jesus Crucifixion in addition to the work othershave done on this matter like the PHD Pallant Ramsundar from Cambridge.
On June 7, 2020 I wrote out this article and I believeit contains some never before seen discoveries"confirming" in a very unique way the true date of theCRUCIFIXION of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
On June 7, 2020 I found this websiteAccording to this website the date April 28,28 ADis the date of JESUS CRUCIFIXION taking intoconsideration the conversion in Oct 1582 from the Julian to Gregorian Calendars.This means the LORDs RESURRECTION took place on May 1, 28 AD !!
So I thought, what would be a significant modern date that we could syncthat Crucifixion date to, to potentially get a confirmation somehowand immediately I thought of the Revelation 12 SIGN of 9/23/2017.which reveals this
JESUS CHRIST REVELATION12CRUCIFIXION SIGN in the HEAVENS4/28/28 9/23/2017!....................726617 days..........................!! !!...........1989 years 4 months 26 days.......!
Look closely at that timeline and you can see its revealinganother date as 4/26/1989 !!That date in year 1989 on the jewish calendar is the 21st of NISANJESUS CRUCIFIXION took place at the time of PASSOVER !!Also in history 21st of NISAN is the day GOD by MOSES command parted the RED SEA !!This we know was a prophetic typology event of the dividing of the Temple Veil in the Holy of Holiesroom immediately after the CRUCIFIXION of JESUS as recorded in Matthew 27:51 . which isthe verse immediately after JESUS DEATH is recorded in Matthew 27:50 .
Thats a stunning enough sync but ,now here's where it gets mindboggling !
We take that date and sync it once again to REVELATION 12 and!!! OH MY GOD !!! Look at what we get ......( i was literally shaking when I made this discovery )
prophetic marker REVELATION 12sync date SIGN in the HEAVENS4/26/1989 ! 9/23/2017!.......................28 years 4 months 28 days....................!
!!! Incredibly this reveals the CRUCIFIXION date of JESUS CHRIST !!!
!!! 4/28/28 !!!Ok, so after I made the above discoveries I went searching for even morepotential confirmations and amazingly I came upon this PROPHET and AUTHORnamed GABRIEL ANSLEY.
First thing I found was one of his older books which u can read part of onlineHe documents in this book how he also came to discover JESUS crucifixionwas in 28 AD ! Gabriel has also written a newer book about the end timestitled "2028 END" I immediately ordered this book.Then I found this amazing you tube video GABRIEL has put together how the LORDhas been giving him "confirming SIGNS" all thru his life he is on the right trackprophesying the 2nd coming of JESUS CHRIST in 2028 !!!You gotta watch this video just amazing !Then I found his website > 2028END.COM < and there's a ton of end timeprophetic evidence on there. https://2028end.com/
Another one of the amazing confirming END TIME SIGNS that has been given which ucan find at this link involves SUPER BOWL 51 played on Feb 5, 2017.The final score of that game wasNEW ENGLAND 34 ATLANTA 28
This is called the "MIRACLE" SUPER BOWL because of theway New England rallied from an impossible score behind 28 to 3in the 3rd qtr to WIN ! No other SUPER BOWL victory is even closeto such a come from behind win in score differential.The game ENDED in regular time 28 to 28 !! New England had to win in OVERTIME !!When GABRIEL saw that score at the END of regular TIME he heard the LORD speak"Son when I speak something TWICE its a SURE THING"See Genesis 41:32 where this is prophetically confirmed in the word.
Also for almost 20 minutes of the game the score displayedon the tv screen was 20 to 28 !!And amazingly the guy who scored a rare 2 point conversion to makethe score 20 to 28 his jersey # is 28 !!And the same guy who scored the winning touchdown in overtimewas James White , again who's jersey # is 28 !!And James White scored 20 points for New England in the game !!there's even more in the link.....
Here's something I discovered from the date of Jewish Holidaythe game SUPER BOWL 51 PASSOVER2/5/2017 April/12/2028!.......its exactly 2028+2028+28 days to.............!Obviously this takes on special meaning when we realizethe CRUCIFIXION of JESUS CHRIST was April/28/28 AD at PASSOVER !!
After I wrote all the above today I took a pause then came back to meditateon this crucifixion date and ponder if the Bible is potentially hiding thisdate in plain sight. And sure enough it didn't take long to find itright here in this link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapters_and_verses_of_the_Bible
Of the 66 Books of the Bible there are only TWO books that have exactly 28 chapters !!
Matthew has 28 chaptersACTS has 28 chaptersAnd from Matthew you count 4 books over to ACTS !!!
Crucifixion date JESUS CHRIST !!! 4/28/28 !!!Of course Matthew 28 is all about JESUS RESURRECTION from DEATH !!
"in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the Last Trumpet.For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed."1st Corinthians 15:52
Last SIGN for this article Jewish Holiday Jewish Holidayfrom REVELATION 12 LAST DAY of LAST DAY ofSIGN in the Heavens PASSOVER Feast of TRUMPETS9/23/2017 4/13/2023 9/22/2028!............. 2028 days..............!................1989 days............!^^^^ ^^^^ potential date^^^^ PASSOVER ^^^^ 2nd COMING of^^^^ 21st Nisan that yr ^^^^ LORD JESUS CHRIST^^^^ prophetic marker ^^^^^^^^ sync date ^^^^^^^^ 4/26/1989 >>>>>>^^^^^^^^ !^^^^ !...28 years^^^^ !... 4 months^^^^ !... 28 days...^^^^ !^^^^ REVELATION 12^^^^ SIGN in the HEAVENS^^^^ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 9/23/2017
!!! Incredibly this reveals the CRUCIFIXION date of JESUS CHRIST !!!
!!! 4/28/28 !!!