Pastor Bob (8 June 2014)
""SDA Aberrations - 1""


This series of posts will deal with the Seventh Day Adventist Cult.  The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:11 states, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.  For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.  But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light."  Another word for "reprove", in the Greek text which is more specific is that of "to expose". 

In the Apolgetic's Study Bible on page 1,874 is an article entitled, "What Are Common Characteristics of the New Religious Movements?"

New Religious Movements or the more traditional and not so nice sounding "Cults" are in this case groups that while based on Christianity have significantly deviated from traditional Christianity in any number of ways.  The article lists 27 different ways in which NRM's or Cults have deviated from traditional Christianity.  This list is a summation list of points where Adventists deviates from Biblical Christianity.

1.  The group is almost always outside of dominant religious forms and culture and display an oppositional style and substance meaning it is elitist and exclusionary.

2.  Often there is a "new authority" (Ellen G. White) or a new revelation (all her writings) beside the Bible truth from which adherent of the group must find ultimate truths.

3.  It is also possible that the group might claim "all we use is the Bible."  After which they reinterpret the Bible to justify, defend, and promote false teachings.  (Investigative Judgment, Soul Sleep, Remnant Church).

4.  The group is centered around a central figure (Ellen G. White) who is/was a prophet-founder "chosen" by God to deliver a special message to the modern world (See point 3).  This message is not found in the Bible nor has it been known to genuine Christians in the history of the Church, they might also "recover" a teaching of the ancient Church that has been lost through the centuries.

5.  This leader (Ellen G. White) was (....) is authoritarian.

6.  Often this group teaches that the Bible foretold the coming of its particular group or leader.  (In a sermon by Dwight Nelson, he stated that just as John the Baptist came before Christ ... that Ellen G. White came before Christ's Second Coming).

7.  The group thinks of its belief system as the last bastion of God's work on earth, the adherents are God's "final and last group" and they play a central role in the last things.  They have the exclusive spiritual truth and without them the world is doomed.

8.  The group believes its adherents are being persecuted (and will be persecuted in the future) - (i.e., the National Sunday Law.).

9.  The group engages in predatory and destructive recruitment of new members with vigor, zeal, and high pressure.  Often they are very deceptive and fail to reveal their full theology.

10.  The group sanctions wayward and rebellious members.

11.  The group is fixated on eschatology (end times) and is usually apocalyptic in its teachings.  This is especially true in Revelation Seminars and Recruitment.

12.  The lifestyle of its groups' members is highly legalistic.

13.  Some groups (within the SDA Cult) are strictly controlled by and authoritative power that basically is in charge of controlling multiple aspects of those involved with the group.

14.  The group emphasizes secondary issues and minor points of theology.

15.  The group claims that it is in harmony with the Bible and traditional Christianity but in fact it reduces and discounts the Bible or otherwise adds to the Scriptures.  (Bible writers like Ellen G. White in other words fallible, adds to Scripture or butchers it entirely - "Steps to Christ"/"The Great Controversy"/"The Clear Word Bible").

16.  The group has hijacked traditional Christian vocabulary but has redefined and reinterpreted terms and concepts from the Bible - making the words do double duty to defend abhorrent doctrine.   Their language is pliable and has no fixed meaning.

17.  The group denies at least one central truth of Christianity in this case Adventists have heretical views of the Trinity, Jesus, the eternality of the Spirit, Christ's finished work on the cross, Christ's omniscience, the New Covenant, the work of the Holy Spirit and many more traditional Christian beliefs.

18.  The group teaches a "salvation through works" system whereby members must ultimately save themselves.  Ellen G. White and Adventists believe they will have to stand perfect without a Mediator.

19.  The group dabbles in the Occult and Spiritism.  (EGW and the Green Card...and more).

So, in 19 out of 27 points of unique distinction, the SDA is a CULT!  As the Apologetic Study Bible notes, it is a very dangerous CULT as well. 

In my years of pastoral ministry, the SDA pastors have sought to become part of the local ministerial associations, and go out of their way to present the idea "they are just like you" and are evangelical Christians.  Some ministerial associations have welcomed them, mostly out ignorance.  I have known some that were not interested in their being members.  With the loose theology about in the land today, more and more are becoming members of the local ministerial association, which is broadcast as a badge of acceptance.

You may not recognize some of the terms, books, writings, listed in the points above, however, in coming posts you will learn how this Cult operates and deceives.  Get to know the points listed so you can spot these bearing "another" gospel.  Remember what Jude 1:3 says about contending for the faith, "...that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." 

Remain diligent and remember when you go to the Rapture Bible Prophecy Forum site, you need to be aware they have an agenda, covert as well as overt, to attempt to discredit the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, even if by lies and deceit.  The SDA aberrations are endemic to Lucifer's tactics!

God bless,

Pastor Bob