Pastor Bob (22 June 2014)
""SDA Aberrations -4""


SDA's say that the Sabbath was given to Adam in the Garden of Eden and that God intended for all men/women to keep it.  I quote here from Ellen G. White's 'The Great Controversy', from a copy on my shelf of books on the cults:

"God instituted the sabbath in Eden, and so long as the fact that He is our creator continues to be a reason why we should worship Him, so long the Sabbath will continue as its signs and memorial. ... The keeping of the Sabbath is a sign of loyalty to the true God."  -(Ellen G. White, 'The Great Controversy', pg. 386).

SDA's say that Jesus Christ and the Apostles kept the Sabbath and that it is binding upon all Christians.

"...From this it is evident that all ten commandments are binding in the Christian dispensation, and that Christ had no thoughts of changing any of them.  One of these commands is the observance of the seventh day as the Sabath..."  -('Bible Footlights', pg. 37).

Did you note what she said above, particularly that which I underscored.  She acknowledged something attacked vehemently by SDA's.

"The example of Jesus is clear and consistent.  His custom was a sabbath-keeping custom. ... Yet in spite of this, we find a strange situation in the world today.  For though we have the same Christ as one example, the same Bible as our guide, yet we find two Sabbath days kept by Christians.  ..."  -(George Vanderman, 'Planet in Rebellion', pg. 277).

Now, let's see what the Bible really says: 

1.  The Sabbath, though mentioned in Genesis 2:2-3, it was not delivered to man until it was given to Israel in the wilderness as noted in Nehemiah 9:13-14.  Ellen G. White added to Scripture when she taught that Adam and the Patriarchs kept the Sabbath.  This is a major example of SDA math at work.

2.  The Sabbath was not given to mankind in general, but specifically to Israel alone as a special sign between Israel and God -(Exodus 31:13, 17).  If the Sabbath had been kept by mankind from the creation, it could not have been given as a special sign to Israel.

3.  The New Testament teaches that the believer is not bound by the Sabbath law.  "Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days, which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ."  -(Colossians 2:16-17).

4.  The Sabbath was a "Type" of salvation.  "There remaineht therefore a rest to the people of God.  For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his"  -(Hebrews 4:9-10) as God rested on the seventh day from His work of creation, the believer today rests in the completed work of Christ Jesus.  In order to enter God's rest, a person must accept God's work and must cease from his own work -(John 6:27-28).  Salvation must be accepted as God's Gift.

5.  Jesus kept the Sabbath because He was born under the Law to fulfill the demands of the Law.  Galatians 4:4-5 reads, "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the Law.  To redeem that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of sons."

6.  It cannot be proven that the Apostle Paul and the early churches ever observed the Sabbath.  It is true that Paul met in the synagogue on the Sabbath in order to preach to the Jews assembled there, but this does no mean that he observed the Sabbath.  According to the Bible, the reason Paul visited the synagogues on the Sabbath was to preach Christ Jesus.  He was burdened for his own people, the Jews.  So he went where the Jews were to preach Christ Jesus to them.  Consider these passages from: -(Acts 13:14-44; 16:13-14; 17:2-4; and 18:4).

9.  There is considerable evidence in the Bible and elsewhere that the early Christians met and worshiped on the first day of the week rather than on the Sabbath.  Consider all of the following that confirms this piece of evidence:

++On the First day, Christ Jesus rose from the dead -(Mark 16:9).

++On the First day, Jesus first appeared to His disciples -(Mark 16:9).

++On the First day, Jesus met with the disciples at different places -(Mark 16:9-11; Matthew 28:8-10; Luke 24:34; Mark 16:12-13; and John 20:19-23).

++On the First day, Jesus blessed the disciples -(John 20:19).

++On the First day, Jesus imparted to the disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit -(John 20:22).

++On the First day, Jesus commissioned the disciples to preach the Gospel -(John 20:25; Mark 16:9-15).

++On the First day, Jesus ascended to Heaven, was seated at the right hand of the Father, and was made Head of all things -(John 20:17; Ephesians 1:20).

++On the First day, the Gospel of the risen Christ was first preached -(Luke 24:34).

++On the First day, Jesus explained the Scriptures to the disciples -(Luke 24:27, 45).

++On the First day, the Holy Spirit descended -(Acts 2:1).

++On the First day, Pentecost was on the 50th day after the Sabbath following the wave offering -(Leviticus 23:15-16).  Thus, Pentecost was always on a Sunday.

++The Christians met to worship on the First day -(Acts 20:6-7; 1 Corinthians 16:2).

++Since these days, the vast majority of Christians have met to worship on the First day of the week.  They do this in honor of the Resurrection of our Savior.  Christ was in the tomb on the Sabbath and rose from the dead on the First day (just after sundown, when the Sabbath day ended).  The Sabbath signifies the last day of the old creation -(Genesis 2:2).  Sunday is the First day of the new creation.

8.  Sunday is not the Sabbath.  Bible-believing Christians do not observe the Sabbath by assembling on Sunday.  The New Testament believers is redeemed from the obligation of Moses.  Romans 14:1-13 and Colossians 2:16 clearly state that believers are not to be judged in respect to Holy days, which caused the Apostle Paul to fear that they were not even saved!  See Galatians 4:10-11, 20.

9.  The idea that Sunday observance will be the "Mark" of the Beast is not found in Scripture.  This false idea came from Ellen G. White, one of the SDA co-founders.  It is true that the Antichrist will "think to change times and laws" -(Daniel 7:25), yet nowhere does the Bible say this will involve the Sabbath on Sunday.  The Bible does not reveal exactly what laws the Antichrist will change.  The fact that Constantine was responsible for designating Sunday as the official day of worship in the Roman Empire is well documented as an early attempt or example of the church's move toward adopting "Supersessionism" (the beginning of "Replacement" theology) does not explain away that Daniel 7:25 applies to the Antichrist and is a future event(s).  Nor does it invalidate the evidence offered here for Christians observing the First day of the week in group worship.

I submit to all of you, do not be deceived by anyone that tells you that you are going to hell because you worship on Sunday or that they are true Christians because the observe the Sabbath.  That is a monster lie straight from the pit of Hell.  The SDA cult rides this hobby horse as if they were on the ride of Paul Revear.  This applies just as much to those organizations, churches, ministries, that paint a picture that they are the "remnant church" living according to God's Sabbath.  It is all nonsense, and furthermore, it is returning to the Mosaic Law.  This was a hallmark of the old Worldwide Church of God known as "Armstrongites" led by Herbert W. Armstrong, which promoted British-Israelism or that England the USA were descendants of Ephraim and Mannassah of the Old Testament.  When the Worldwide Church of God broke up, it splintered into many different groups.  Many of them publish magazines, which routinely profess Sabbath observance as God's way.   I can't begin to enumerate the groups of folks that have been taken in by this deception.  Store this post for your future reference.  Get to know the key passages that refute "Sabbath" worship.  In my confrontations with the cults, I have long learned the necessity to be a better Bible scholar as the only way of contending for the faith once delivered, you must know your Bible for yourself.  If you don't they will put you under a guilt trip that will eat your lunch.

Where I live the travelers go right on past my doorstep.  Why?  It's not because of the 22-steps to my front door.  They used to climb the steps to ring my doorbell.  That was because I took them on.  I decided years ago that when I saw them on the street I would go down and wait for them by sitting at the bottom steps of my porch.   They are so brain-washed into their cult script they cannot deal with the truth of the Bible.  A key question that cuts to the chase is simply ask them what day of the week they meet for corporate worship.  If they tell you they observe Saturday as the Sabbath, you know with what you are dealing with.

God bless,

Pastor Bob