Will the rapture happen on
Pentecost or on the Feast of Trumpets?
If we weigh all the evidence the scales
lean heavily towards
the feast of Trumpets. We know the
Messiah’s first coming coincides with
the “Lords Feasts”. Jesus, the Messiah,
was the Pascal Lamb sacrificed on
Passover Nisan 14th. In Scripture a lamb
was to be picked on the 10th of Nisan
then sacrificed on the 14th of Nisan (Ex. 12). As customary, a lamb was
kept by each household for four days to
thoroughly examine it for any
Jesus who had been concealed
from the world for four days, four days
being prophetic of four thousand years
for one day to our Lord is as a thousand
years, was also offered on this fourth
day from creation, to fulfill the law in
Exodus chapter 12. He came to the house
of Israel on Palm Sunday Nisan the 10th
and for four days was examined and found
to be guiltless. He was crucified on
Thursday the 14th just as the priests
were offering up the lambs.
Jesus was hastily placed in a
tomb because the Sabbath feast was
quickly approaching Friday 15th. Thus He
was the unleavened bread meeting the
requirements to be the bread of the
Feast of Unleavened Bread, the bread
without sin. Leaven is symbolic of sin
in the Scriptures (Matt. 16:6). Then on the first day of the
week Jesus the Messiah was raised from
the dead fulfilling the Feast of
We see a pattern emerging in
the Feasts that shadows the steps of the
Messiah. There is really no denying the
accuracy of the life of Jesus Christ to
that of these first three feasts. The
gift of the Holy Spirit was the
fulfillment of Pentecost the 4th feast.
What I’ve noticed is that many
anticipate the rapture to be on
Pentecost because of the two loaves
presented at Pentecost as a wave
offering. But if we kept with the
pattern of the Feasts with the eyes of a
bride prepared for her wedding we will
keep the order of the feast.
There are several reasons to
believe that the rapture will happen on
the Feast of Trumpets and not Pentecost.
First, if we examine the Feast of
Pentecost we see that this feast runs
parallel with the order of the
bridegroom making a covenant with his
bride called a ketubah. This happened at
Mount Sinai when God made a covenant
with Israel in the month of Sivan which
is the month of Pentecost. In Jeremiah
31:31-32, God said, Behold, days are
coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will
make a new covenant with the house of
Israel and with the house of Judah, not
like the covenant which I made with
their fathers in the day I took them by
the hand to bring them out of the land
of Egypt, My covenant which they broke,
although I was a husband to them,”
declares the LORD.
This covenant was a marriage contract
written upon tablets and sealed with the
sprinkling of blood (Ex 24:1-8). A contract that could not be
fulfilled by Israel therefore God sought
for a new covenant not like the one at
Sinai. On Pentecost 32 AD, God sent His
Holy Spirit to write this new covenant
on our hearts by the Spirit as Paul
says, “our adequacy is from God, who
also made us adequate as servants of a
new covenant , not of the letter but of
the Spirit; for the letter kills, but
the Spirit gives life” (2 Cor 3:5-6). This is the covenant I will
make with the house of Israel after that
time, declares the Lord. I will put my
laws in their minds and write them on
their hearts. I will be their God, and
they will be my people (Heb 8:10).
After a bridegroom gave his
bride a contract and made a covenant
with her he would give her gifts called
a mattan and the father would give her
gifts as well called the shiluhhim.
These gifts sustained his bride for the
duration of their separation till their
wedding day. The gift given by Jesus
Christ and the Father was the gift of
the Holy Spirit to sustain us till Jesus
returns for His bride. This was
fulfilled at Pentecost fifty days after
the resurrection of the Messiah. The
requirement to bring a first fruit of
the wheat harvest was symbolic of those
who receive the Spirit of God. “We
ourselves, having the first fruits of
the Spirit, even we ourselves groan
within ourselves, waiting eagerly for
our adoption as sons” (Rom 8:23).
The wave offering of the loaves
at Pentecost was to be two tenths of an
ephah of fine flour baked with yeast (Lev 23:17). The two loaves represent the
two classes of people Jew and Gentile
becoming one man before God by His
Spirit. “For he himself is our peace,
who has made the two one and has
destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall
of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh
the law with its commandments and
regulations. For through him we both
have access to the Father by one
Spirit”. (Eph 2:14-15 &18). The yeast in the
bread acknowledges the sinful nature of
men and the fine flour represents the refining.
They are waved as a testimony of God’s
acceptance of them only if offered with
the seven lambs without defect, symbolic
of the sacrifice of the son of God,
Jesus the Messiah.
The Feast of Trumpets is the
best fit for the rapture of the bride
and is consistent with Jewish marriage
customs. We need to look at the Feast
with Jewish eyes. The Jews had several
idioms for the Feast of Trumpets that
are significant in identifying the
nature of this feast. The feast was
referred as “No one knows the day or
hour”. It was referred to this because
it was celebrated by the first appearing
of the moon. This could be difficult if
there was any overcast, therefore, the
feast could be delayed. No one literally
knew the day or hour it would be
celebrated. If after two days the new
moon could not be detected then it was
celebrated. The two days were considered
This feast was also referred to
as the “Last Trumpet”. It got this
name because tradition has it that the
trump or rams horn was blown for thirty
days up till the feast and then the last
trump was blown signaling the celebration
of the feast. These two idioms for the
Feast of Trumpets give us insight into
the Jewish mind. This is reflected in
Paul’s letter to the Corinthians,
“Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall
not all sleep, but we shall all be
changed, in a moment, in the twinkling
of an eye, at the last trumpet ; for the
trumpet will sound, and the dead will be
raised imperishable, and we shall be
changed” (1 Cor.
15:51-52). The last trumpet is
referring to the Feast of Trumpets and
reveals the day of the resurrection of
the Saints and catching away or rapture.
The idiom “No one knows the day or hour”
spoken by Jesus was also the Jewish
idiom for the “Feast of Trumpets”, “But
of that day and hour no one knows (Matt 24:36). Just before Jesus said this
He said, “So, you too, when you see all
these things, recognize that He is near,
right at the door” (Matt 24:33-34). How close “The Feast of
Here are the signs to look for.
Just when the bride of Christ is
recognized she will be gone. The Feast
was celebrated at the first appearing of
the moon, which is not its on reflection
but that of the suns. When we see the
bride emerge from all the others she
will be reflecting the glory of the
Lord. As of now the true meaning of
Jesus’ bride has not been understood
even by those who are called by His
name. The Shulammite in the Song of
Songs is the epitome of the bride of
Christ she says, “Before I realized it,
my desire set me over the royal chariots
of my people” (Song 6:12). She was caught up above her
people and her desire was that of
intimacy. Desire here in this verse is
the Hebrew word “yada”. Her people, i.e.
Church says, “Come back, come back, O
Shulammite; come back, come back, that
we may gaze on you” (Song 6:12)! Once the bride is taken out
from among her people there will be a
cry to know more about her and to be
with her as well. But Jesus reply’s,
“Why would you gaze on the Shulammite as
on the dance of Mahanaim” (Song 6:13). The dance of the Mahanaim
was a dance where the young virgins
would go out and dance. As they danced,
men would come and steal them to be
their bride’s. His reply to them is why
do you look for the bride she has been
stolen by me!
Number two the rapture can’t
be most years! For example, the day’s
in-between the Feast of Trumpets 2009
and the Feast of Yom Kippur 2016, the
Day of Atonement is 2,580 days. This is
30 days more than what Daniel says the
number of days for the 7year covenant
will last and 60 days longer than what
Revelation allows. So this year can not
be the rapture scripturally.
Look for the rapture on the Feast of
Trumpets in the month of September
and October of each year where there
is 86 moon duration like the year
2011 and you will be closer to what
Scripture has revealed about the 7
year covenant and rapture lengths.