Ron Reese (28 June 2011)
"Dr. Wills' genealogies ALL point to Barack Hussein Obama as the Antichrist"


Dr. Wills' genealogies ALL point to Barack Hussein Obama as the Antichrist!
Many of you have attempted to give reasons why Barack Hussein Obama cannot, in your opinion, be the Biblical Antichrist, and why we cannot be less than 10 months from the start of the 1260-day Great Tribulation.  Today's post is a first in a series of posts, where I will attempt to deal with your concerns.  If your reason is not included in today's post, please be patient, as this will be at least a six-part series.  If I am being bombarded with questions, it will make it very difficult to move this series along quickly, as there are only so many hours in a day, that I can attend to this.
Many Christians, and watchers, have very strong opinions as to the proper lineage of the Biblical Antichrist.  Many have ruled out Barack Hussein Obama for this reason.  People have different reasons for believing one, or more, of the following about the lineage of the Antichrist.  Some people say that: 
1.  The Antichrist MUST be an Assyrian or
2.  The Antichrist MUST be from the Israeli tribe of Dan or
3.  The Antichrist MUST be a Muslim, and be traced to the Prophet Muhammed or
4.  The Antichrist MUST  be traced to the Caesar's Roman Empire or
5.  The Antichrist MUST be a Jew, and traced to King David.
It would seem very unlikely that any one man could possibly be traced genealogically to all 5 of the above.  Dr. Wills must have invested hundreds, if not  thousands, of hours, attempting to prove all four of these genealogies of Barack Hussein Obama.  Yes, the same retired Baptist minister, who was shown, by the Lord, that Obama confirmed the covenant of Dan. 9:27, on Oct. 29, 2008, thrusting the world into the Final 7 Years, has painstakingly constructed genealogies for all five of the above.  It is my understanding that #1 and #2 above are the same genealogy, making only four genealogies.
It is totally amazing, at least to me, that any one man could fulfill all four of the above genealogies.  But to have that man be the man who will, in less than 10 months, become the Biblical Antichrist, defies all of the odds that you would want to put out there.  Astoundingly, below, are all four of these genealogies.  Hopefully, this will greatly reduce the emails that I receive that tell me that Barack Hussein Obama cannot possibly be the Antichrist, because he does not have the proper Biblical lineage. 
The Christian world owes Dr. Wills a tremendous amount of thanks and gratitude, for investing so much time and effort in exposing Barack Hussein Obama for what he is soon to become, the Biblical Antichrist.  I do not have Dr. Wills' email address, so send a thank-you note to him to, and Dr. Wills should be able to read your letters on the next day.  Thank you, Dr. Wills.  You are truly a servant of the Lord.
Below, is the lineage that links Barack Hussein Obama to all four of the above genealogies.  This should deal with all of those concerns, by so very many Christians and watchers who have previously eliminated, in their own mind, Obama, as the man who will become the Biblical Antichrist:
Ron Reese

Richard L. Wills (28 Oct 2010)
"Genealogy of BHO"

This genealogical list shows a descent from Antiochus I Soter (Savior)

to Barack Hussein Obama, Jr........................................................................:

--Seleucus  Nicator I

--Antiochus Soter I (soter-"Savior") + Stratonice Antigonid

--Antichus Theos II, King of SYRIA     + Laodice


--Princess  Laodice of Syria   ---& (brother)-ANTIOCHUS Megas III, the great, K of Syria

  + Heliucles           of Bactria                           +Laodice III

--King Eucratides I of Bactria                          --ANTIOCHUS IV Epiphanes, King of Syria

--King Heliucles I   of Bactria                           +Laodice IV of Syria (his sister)

--King Heliucles II  of Bactria                           --Laodice V of Syria

--King Antialcidas "   "                                       +King Mitheredates III, Ponus IV, the great

--King Amynfas  of Peshwar                           --Laodice III Mitheredates

--King Hermaeus "    "                                       +Antiochus III

--Princes of Peshwar                                       --King Mitheredates VI

  +King Kuyula Kadphises of the Kushans

--King Venia Kadphises II  of the Kushans

--King Kanishka I  of the Kushans

--King Hvishka I  of the Kushans

--King Vasudeva of the Kushans (ruled 125-175)

--King Kanishka III  of the Kushans

--King Vasudeva II of the Kushans

--King Vasudeva III of the Kushans

--King Vasudeva of Seistan (Kabul) Afganistan

--Princess IIfra Hormizd III  of Kabul, Afganistan

  + EMPEROR  of Sasanian PERSIA

--Emperor Shapur II of Sasanian PERSIA

--Emperor Shapur III of Sasanian PERSIA

--Emperor Shapur III of Sasanian PERSIA

--Emperor Yezdigerd II of Sasania PERSIA

   +Shusandukhi (of Jewish Exile)

--Emperor Vacahan (Bahram) Susania PERSIA

--Emperor Yezdigerd III of Sasanian PERSIA


--Emperor Peroz (Firaz) of Sasanian PERSIA

--Emperor Kawadh I of Sasanian PERSIA


--Emperor Chrosroel of Sasanian PERSIA

   + Princess of Turkey

--Emperor Hormazd IV of Sasanian PERSIA

   +the daughter of Princes Khirad

--Emperor Chosroe Pavez II of Sasanian PERSIA

   +Princess Sirian of  the Ephtalites

--Prince Shakryar of Sasanian PERSIA

--Emperor Yazdigird of Sasanian PERSIA died abt 651

  +Priness Manya of Byzantine

--Priness Izdundad

   +Bustanaiben Haninai (exile of the Jews)

--Princess Hizdai Sharijar

--Natronai ben Nehemiah (of Jewish exile)

  +daughter of Princess Hizdai

--Habibai (of Jewish exile)

--Natronai Al-Makir (a Duke) born 730

  +Alda (or Hilda) Pricess of the Franks

--Saint Ida Raedburh  (born 788)

   + King Egbert of England

--King Aethelwulf of England   +Osberga

--King ALFRED THE GREAT   +Alswitha

--Aelthryth of Wessex   + Baldwin II

--Arnold I  + Alix De Vermandois

--Balswin III (911-961)  + Matilda

--Arnold II "the young"   + Lady Susanne (Rosella)

--Baldwin IV "The Bearded"   +Olgiva of Luxembourg

--COUNT Baldwin V of Flanders  + Princess Adela of France

--Countess Matilda of Flanders +KING William the Conqueror

--King Henry I Beauclerc Plantagenet of England + Matilda Nesta

--Empress Matilda

--COUNT Geoffrey Plantagenet V  + a concubine Adelaide

--Hameline Plantegenet  + Esabel De Warrenne

--Isabel Plantagenet  + Roger Bigod

--Mary Bigod  + Ranulf Fitz Robert

--Ranulf Fitz Ranulf

--Fitz Ralph Ranulf

--John Fitz Randolph born abt 1325

--Randulf Fitz John (1345-1388)

--John Fitz Randolph (1374-1405)

--Ralph Fitz John (1398-    )

--John Fitz Randolph  (1480-1524)   + Joan

--Christopher Fitz Randolph (1495-1554) + Jane Langston

--Christopher Fitz Randolph  (1530-1588)   + Ann Wood

--Edward Fitz Randolph    + Frances Howes

--Edward Fitz Randolph    + Elizabeth Blossom

--Nathaniel Fitz Randolph

--Samuel Fitz Randolph

--Prudence Fitz Randolph    + Shubail Smith

--Mary Smith   + Jonathan Dunham

--Samuel Dunham

--Jacob Dunham     + Mary Ann Kearney

--Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham (1894-1970) + Ruth Lucille Armour

--Stanley Dunham (1918-1992)  + Madelyn D. Payne (1922-2008)

--Stanley Ann Dunham (1942-1995) + Barack Hussein Obama Sr. of Kenya (Luo tribe)

--BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, Jr. born 1961  + Michelle


A DESCENDENT of The Selucid Dynasty/Persian Royalty/Syrian Royalty.

A FIRST COUSIN about 69 times removed of ANTIOCHUS EPIPHANES IV.




#1.  The KUSHAN empire formed in the

     first century AD in the territories of

    ANCIENT Bactria in what is NOW

   northern Afghanistan & southern

   Tajikistan & Uzbekistan.  It spread

   into parts of China.


#2.  The SASANIAN Persians were the

   last of the ANCIENT PERSIAN dynast-



#3.  The connections are all there on this

   genealogical report of Dr. Richard L. Wills.

   (not a recognized genealogist, but done

   with extreme dedication & research).......


  Jewish///////////Prophet Muhammad of Islam/

  relationship to Antiochus Epihanes IV///////


 and TRIBE of DAN connections.


A Root of Descendants of Muslim Prophet Muhammad (570-632)

to> Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.                                                         :


--Muhammad   + Khadijah  (ISLAMIC PROPHET)

--Fatimah of Islam  + Ali ben Abu Talih of Islam

--al-Hasan of Islam (620-    )   +Zhidah Kindaria of Islam

--Husain of Islam  (669-    )

--Zorha of Islam     + Ahu Farisi of Islam

--Na'im al-Lakhnd of Islam

--Na'im al-Lakhund of Islam

--Itaf of Islam

--Amr of Islam

--Aslah of Islam

--Amr of Islam

--Ahbad of Islam

--Qarais of Islam

--Ismail, the Imam of Seville IMAM

--Kadi Abul-Kasim, Muhammad I, King of Seville (died 1042)

--King Abu Amr Abbad ben Muhammad Aimutaoped (died 1068)

--King Abul Kasim, Muhammad III, of Seville (1015-1095) +I'Tamsd of Seville

--Princess Zaida (Isabelle) (1071-1103)  + King Alfonso "The Valiant" (1030-1109)

--Princess Theresa  of Castille  (1070-1130)  + Henry Capet of Burgundy, Count of Portugal

--King Alfonso Henriquez I of Portugal  (1109-1185)

--Princess Uracca (1151-    )    + King Ferdinand II of Leon & Galicia(1145-1176)

--King Alfonso IX of Leon & Galicia (1171-1230)   + Berenguela of Castille

--Berenguela of Leon   + King Ferdinand  III of Castille (1201-1252)

--Eleanor of Castile (1235-1290)   + King Edward "Longshanks" Plantagenet I (1239-1307)

--King Edward Plantagenet II (1284-1327) + Princess Isabella "The Fair" of France

--King Edward Plantagenet III  (1312-1377)  + Queen Phillipa Hainault (1314-1369)

--Prince John of Gaunt Plantagenet (1340-1398/98)   + Catherine Roet (1350-1403)

--Joan Plantagenet  de Beaufort  (1374-1440)    + Ralph De Neville

-- Sir Edward De Neville  + Elizabeth Beachamp  (1415-1458)

--Sir George  Neville   (1440-1492)   +  Margaret Fenne

-- Sir Edward Neville    + Eleanor Windsor

--Frances Neville (1519-1599)  + Sir Edward Waldegrave

--Nicholas Waldegrave      + Catherine Brown

--Frances Waldegrave     + Richard Weston (1577-1645) EARL of Portland

--Lady  Catherine Weston  (1607-1645)     + Richard Whyte 

--Frances Whyte    + Richard Wells

--Mary Wells   + Thomas Stockett

--Frances Stockett   + MAREEN DUVALL  "The Elder (1661-1735)

--Mareen Duvall (1680-      )

--Jacob Duvall  (1715-1800)      + Elizabeth Jacob

--John Duvall    (1745-1787)      + Mary Browne

--Gabriel Duvall (1786-1827)

--Louisiana Duvall  (1823-1855)  + George Washington Overall (1820-1871)

--Susan Overall (1849-1928)   + Christopher Clark

--Gabriella Clark  (1877-1966)   + Harry Armour

--Ruth Lucille Armour (1900-1926)   + Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham (1894-1970)

--Stanley Dunham  (1918-1992)    + Madelyn D. Payne  (1922-2008)

--Stanley Ann Dunham (1942-1995)   + Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

--Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (1961-    )Michelle        *************



This genealogical chart shows  Descent from the Caesars to Barack Hussein Obama:

Claudius 1 & his younger neice Agripinna <59th grt grdprents of BHO, Jr.

--Vanissa(Genvissa/Venus Julia) & King Druid of the Britons Arivirigus

--Merus also known as Meric & Meurig +Victoria or Julia Boadicca

--Coel Eurgen 1, Roman King of Britain + Strada "the fair."

--Atheldis + King Marcomir V of Franconia

--Gall  Godhal

--Princess Aoife of Gale + King Fiacha Strabhtein (232-322 AD)

--King Muridach Tireach (270-322) King of Ireland.

--King Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin (322-365) +Cairenn Chasdubh

--King Niall Mor Noioghiallach Eogan McNeill (356-453) + Princess Roighneach

--Prince Muiredach Mac Eogan O'Neill (442-480) +Erca(Marca)

--King Muiredach Mac Earca O'Neill (463-536) of Ireland + Princess Earca of Daldria.

--King Fergus Mor Mac Earca

--King Dongardus Domangart

--King Eochaidh

--King Gabhran of Argyll + Ingenach(Llelan)

--King Aidan

--King Eogenius IV (595-622)

--King Donald (615-650)


--King Eugenius V


--King Eugenius VII + Princess Spondanna of the Picts

--King Etfinus (661-761)

--King of Scots Eochaid Rinnemail IV (748-819) + Princess Fergusia Unuistic

--King of Scots Alpin (778-834)

--King of Scotland Kenneth MacAlpin I (810-858/859) <25th grt gndson of Claudius I>

--King Constantine II (836-877) <32nd grt grdfthr of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.>

--King Donald II (862-900)

--King Malcom I of Scotland

--King Kenneth II

--King Malcolm II (954-1034)

--Bethoc MacKenneth (born abt 984) +Abbot Dunkeld Crinan (980-1045)

--King Duncan I (1013-1040) + Sybil

--King of Scotland Malcom Canmore III (1034-1093) +Margaret of Eathling

--Matilda Nesta (1079-1118) of Scotland + King Henry Plantagenet I

--Geoffrey Plantagenet V, Count of Anjou + a CONCUBINE Adelaide.

--Hameline Plantagenet (born abt 1130) + Isabel de Warrene (abt 1130)

--Isabel de Plantagenet + Roger Bigod

--Mary Bigod (born abt 1180) + Ranulf Fitz Robert (born abt 1180)

--Ranulf  Fitz Ranulf

--Fitz Ralph  Ranulf (born abt 1300)

--John Fitz Randolf (born abt 1325)

--Randulf Fitz John (1345-1388)

--John Fitz Randolph (1374-1405)

--Ralph Fitz John  (born abt 1398)

--John Fitz Randolph (born abt 1420)

--John Fitz Randolph  + Joan

--Christopher Fitz Randolph (1495-1554) + Jane Langston

--Christopher Fitz Randolph (1530-1580) +Ann Wood

--Edward Fitz Randolph + Elizabeth Blossom

--Nathaniel Fitz Randolph

--Samuel Fitz Randolph

--Prudence Fitz Randolph + Shubail Smith

--Mary Smith + Jonathan Dunham

--Samuel Dunham

--Jacob Dunham + Mary ann Kearney

--Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham (1894-1970) + Ruth Lucille Armour (1900-1926)

--Stanley Dunham (1918-1992) + Madelyn D. Payne (1922-2008)

--Stanley Ann Dunham (1942-1995) + Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (of Luo tribe

 descent in Kenya)  Read about the Luo tribe. 

--Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. (1961-)  + Michelle  (59th Grt G-son of Claudius I)

Note:  BHO, Jr. is also descended from a Miss Aufrica of Scotland, a daughter

of King William I, "The Lion" of Scotland & a CONCUBINE.  The 59th grt grd-

mother of BHO, Jr. gave birth to NERO by another marriage & persuaded

Claudius I to adopt NERO. According to my information, if correct, it would

make NERO a 59th HALF uncle of BHO, Jr.

This makes him OF the Roman Empire Caesar's..............................................