The Latter-Day Letters

Colossians 4:16
"After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceansand that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea ."

It is interesting to note that 1/3 of the 66 books ofthe Bible is in the form of "letters".The last 22 books of Scripture are letters written by the apostles to the churches and their co-workers. It is alsointeresting to note that there are 22 Hebrew letters in all, from Aleph to Tav (see Psalm 119) , i.e. from Alpha to Omega. If it seems coincidental that there are 22 Hebrew alphabets ( letters) and 22 Epistles (letters ) and both sets are "letters", I would rather
attribute that to the wisdom of God displayed. Do write in your letters to be read by all and do read the letters from all. May the grace of God be with you.

Please send your letters, questions, articles or reports to John Tng at

Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth. Thank you.

WWW Five Doves

July 2024 Letters: Click here.

30 Jun
Hebrews 2:2: For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward;
Hebrews 2:3: How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;
Hebrews 2:4: God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?

Name Message
Douglas H
Trying to nail down timing (written on June 22nd)
Douglas H
The 1st of the 5th, July 7th or August 4th?
Douglas H
A very good video: Feast of New Wine & The Rapture Part 1
Elliot Hong
12 Reasons Why This Coming July 4 Could Be It
Carl Worline
A Song
(URL) A possible path for Obama to become President of the USA again and then of the whole world as the Antichrist during the 7 year Tribulation
(URL) What is Biblical Justice? How to deal with restoration of past sins of Pastors (Jake, Evans, and Morris) By Pastor Steve Cioccolanti
(URL) The red dragon image appears many times in New York City By Jonathan Cahn
(URL) Missiles in Beirut, nukes in Iran, Gaza news and Antisemitism at CONNECT By Amir Tsarfati
(URL) Did Christ’s Church replace Israel? No! By Amir Tsarfati
(URL) Will UFO’s come out after the Rapture to bring the big deception!
RE: Fay: 06.23.24: turn thee back
RE: Chance: 06.23.24: conscription
RE: Donna Danna: 06.23.24: with the repentant thief
pictures of Jesus
RE: Chance: 06.23.24: dark underbelly
UFO Transiting Sunspot 3712 on June 15th.
Noctilucent Clouds. Wowza!
Nothing Happens by Accident!
Nurse Ratched and her Defibrillator???
Obama says "Bad  Debates Happen".
Biden's 1st Post-Debate Speech?
You know It, and They Know you Know It!
They Threw Biden under a fleet of Buses
To Chance
Bruce B
15th of Av (Tu B'Av)
James M
(URL) Dem Harris County D.A.: Nungaray Killing ‘Bound to Happen’ — ‘Great Deal of Violence Committed by Illegal Immigrants’
James M
(URL) Debate Night: If Trump Hammers The Economy Under Biden And Asks Reagan's Famous Question 'Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?' He Will Win While Biden Flounders
Jean Stepnoski
The Days of Noah and The Days of Lot Revisited
Artificial Intelligence in the Military - What Can Possibly Go Wrong?
A South Korean Study on "Non-Serious" Covid-19 Vaccine Adverse Events
News On June 26, 2024 - Inching Towards War With Hezbollah And A Muslim Coalition
Israel Moving To Annex The West Bank - "Explosive Situation"
Covid-19 "Vaccine" Regret
Possible False Flag in Europe
U.S. At Risk Of Getting Hit By Major Islamic Terror Attack
Pandemic Before The Election? - Russian General Puts Out Warning - Will It Be Bird Flu, Monkeypox,, Or ?
Pandemic Before The Election?  - Rumors of Deliberate Infection of Food Supply With Bird Flu - Part 2
(URL) Rapture 2024: He has set a Day
Lewis B
The demonic Temple Mount deception
Mike P
Gino: "I Can Only Imagine"
Mike P
(VIDEO) Beware July 4, 2024 & August 19, 2024 - The Abomination of Desolation is Completed; and the Rapture.
Mike P
(VIDEO) Understanding James in Context
Mike P
(VIDEO) In Christ Alone
Reply to Donna Danna re Aliens & Fallen Angels
Remarkable Discovery:  Jesus Coin Found in Galilee
Reply to Steve Mullin re Geo. Ritchie's NDE (re Demonic Attacks)
Gerry A
“almost, but not quite”
Donna Danna
Archbishop Vigano: I Accuse Bergoglio of Heresy & Schism
Donna Danna
Vatican's Trial Of The Century Heads To British Court
Donna Danna
Pope Francis: Christian, Jews, Muslims 'Worship The One God' (But They Don't)
Donna Danna
Church Hosts Tibetan Buddhist Monks For Talk On Non-Christian Meditation
Donna Danna
SCOTUS Decisions: Delivers Kill Shot To Big Gov't; J6 Decision Affects 100's of Capitol Protestors
Donna Danna
How Did The Church Become So Complacent, Celebrating Drag Queens In The Pulpit?
Donna Danna
'Only God': Couple Finds Jesus After Previously Getting Married As Gay & Transgender
Donna Danna
Plan to Add Abortion, LGBTQ Rights to NY Constitution Back on Nov. Ballot After Court Reversal
Donna Danna
U.S. Supreme Courts Says It's OK For Federal Gov't To Outsource Online Censorship To Big Tech, Curtailing Speech of All Americans
Donna Danna
Idaho Farmers Being Fined $300 Per Acre For Watering Crops With Their Own Wells (Engineered Famine)
Donna Danna
The Dragons Are Here! -- Jonathan Cahn
Donna Danna
10 Jewish Parents Join Suit Challenging Louisiana Law Requiring 10 Commandments In Schools
Donna Danna
Florida: 50+ Synagogues Receive Bomb Threats
Donna Danna
JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank & Goldman Sachs Flagged For Holding Trillions of Dollars In Derivatives Without Proper Contigency Plans
Donna Danna
(URL) Dissident Religious Sisters Flout Church Teaching With Blasphemous 'Pride Month Prayer Service'
Donna Danna
(URL) N.Y. Catholic Parish To Celebrate LGBTQ Mass Ahead of N.Y. Pride Festival
Donna Danna
(URL) PCUSA May Adopt LGBT Antidiscrimination Policy For Clergy
Donna Danna
(URL) Most Protestant Churches Not Backing Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
Donna Danna
(URL) Religious Leaders Push To Kill Pro-Life Law, Judge Issues Stunning Ruling
Donna Danna
(URL) Orthodox Anglicans Set Out Their Positions On Church of England's Same-Sex Blessing Plans
Donna Danna
(URL) New Vatican Document Reveals Francis' Plan For A Grotesque Parody of the Papacy
Donna Danna
(URL) Saskatchewan Realtor Ordered To Pay $3,000 Fine For Facebook Posts Against LGBT Agenda
Donna Danna
(URL) Atheist Jailed For Not Attending Church wins $100,000 Settlement
Donna Danna
(URL) Canadian Tribunal Awards Gender-Confused Man $35,000 After Spa Refuses To Wax Him
Donna Danna
(URL) Klaus Schwab Pushes '4th Industrial Revolution' At WEF's 'Summer Davos' Opening
Donna Danna
(URL) PayEye Iris Payment Terminals Arrive In U.S., Partners With Mastercard & VISA
Donna Danna
(URL) Audit Reveals 282 U.S. Banks Are In Danger of Failing
Donna Danna
(URL) A Day of Fury: The Antisemitic Pogrom At A Los Angeles Synagogue
Donna Danna
(URL) Flatulent Cows, Sheep & Pigs Face World's 1st Carbon Tax In Denmark
Donna Danna
(URL) Ireland's Hate Speech Law Could 'Censor Entire Internet'
Bruce K
Messiah's coming
Bruce K
Eastern Golden Gate in Jerusalem
Bruce K
Rapture Dream--Staggering
Bruce K
Sight Movie is playing now
Luis V
NEW WINE RAPTURE - 17th of Tammuz Correlations
Luis V
NEW WINE RAPTURE TIMING - Triangulation of Theories
Luis V
RAPTURE NEW WINE TIMING - End of the Church Age
Luis V
CYDONIA MARS - Kiev Star Gates Pattern
Luis V
NEW WINE PENTECOST - Alternate Feast Day Counts
Luis V
NEW ECONOMIC ORDER - U.S. Financial Collapse Patterns in Phi Ratio
Luis V
NEW WINE PENTECOST - 4 Months to a Wheat Rapture Harvest
Luis V
CORONA BOREALIS NOVA T CRB - Signals of the Blazing Star
Luis V
NEW WINE PENTECOST - Determining the Correct Start Date
Luis V
TRUMP-BIDEN DEBATE - U.S. Presidential Succession
Ola Ilori
Steve C
(URL) Worship Service
Steve M
Bill Gates's Apeel turning fruit to rubber!
Steve M
Trump chooses Ramaswamy as his VP?
Steve M
9/11 Building 7 hit by NOTHING collapses demolition-style!
Steve M
The black eye club
Steve M
Joe and Jill Biden have refinanced their home 35 times?
Steve M
Trump Biden debate comments
Steve M
"They shall call him Elon, but he is the right hand of Satan!"
Steve M
Amazing testimonies of rapture dreams and visions!
Steve M
Interesting nugget regarding timing of the presidential debate
Steve M
Warren Buffett says a "worse" pandemic is coming
Steve M
Richest President ever in the U.S.? Judge Brown exposes Obama!
Steve M
Turkey: We would like to be a member of BRICS
Steve W
Dumitru Duduman 1984 Prophecy "America will Burn" syncs to Stage 3 Fall of Babylon 9/30/2028
KS Rajah
(URL) Bird flu: Finland becomes first country in the world to start vaccinations for humans
KS Rajah
(URL) Erdan blasts UN chief: He is an accomplice to terror and should resign today!
KS Rajah
(URL) Countdown To Cataclysm
KS Rajah
(URL) Trump Urges Viewing of Hamas Atrocity Film
KS Rajah
(URL) Report: Hezbollah uses Beirut Airport to store Iranian weapons for use against Israel
KS Rajah
(URL) Homelessness in Chicago Has TRIPLED Since 2023 as Illegal Aliens Flood City’s Shelters
KS Rajah
(URL) Extreme Global Hunger: The UN Warns That Some Of The Poorest Areas Of The World Have “Zero Harvests” Left
KS Rajah
(URL) Countdown to war between Israel and Hezbollah has begun - opinion
KS Rajah
(URL) The Number-One Prophetic Signal Bible Students Everywhere Should Be Watching
KS Rajah
(URL) Trump tells Christians their 'religion will be in tatters' if Biden wins: 'We answer to God in Heaven'
KS Rajah
(URL) Secularists Promote ‘Secret Bible Text’ Claiming Jesus Was A Hot-Headed, Lying, Murderer
KS Rajah
(URL)  Provocations — Jonathan Brentner
KS Rajah
(URL) America Is Almost $35 Trillion In Debt. That Means Every American Owes $100,000
KS Rajah
(URL) Prophecy Update: The Final Lap
KS Rajah
(URL) Threats Of War, Rogue Alliances, And Nuclear Weapons: Are We Approaching The Gog-Magog War?
KS Rajah
(URL) New York City Preparing for Possible Bird Flu Outbreak
KS Rajah
(URL) Israel At War — Week 38 - Harbinger's Daily (
KS Rajah
(URL) 11 Signs That The U.S. Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think
KS Rajah
(URL) The Sign Of The Devil Has Appeared In New York City
KS Rajah
(URL) Benny Gantz: Israel can destroy Hezbollah’s military in days
KS Rajah
(URL) Gallant tells Austin it’s time for US to honor pledge to prevent Iran getting nukes
KS Rajah
(URL) The World's Most Dangerous Delusion: Biden Thinks China Wants Stability
KS Rajah
(URL) Iranian cyber-attacks have become a global threat, warns top Israeli cyber chief
KS Rajah
(URL) A Disaster for Joe Biden
KS Rajah
(URL) BIDEN'S DISASTROUS DEBATE: Democrats in 'full-on panic,' openly discussing replacing Biden before convention after 'extremely feeble' performance | All Israel News
KS Rajah
(URL) Amir Tsarfati: Nothing Israel Faces Can Change The Promises Of God
KS Rajah
(URL) We’re Seeing a Last Days Sign Happen in the Sun
KS Rajah
(URL) Netanyahu: Iranian axis 'on the march to conquer the Middle East,' Lebanon on high alert
KS Rajah
(URL) GREAT WALL OF EUROPE Europe planning 1,500-MILE defence line protecting Poland & Baltics from Putin’s WW3 invasion threat
KS Rajah
(URL) The Rescue Of The Rapture

Letters (23 Jun 2024)

Letters (16 Jun 2024)

Letters (10 Jun 2024)

Letters (2 Jun 2024)

Letters (31 May 2024)