Steve W (19 July 2020)

       Hello Five Doves, 
                   This is the 4th article of discoveries about Jesus Second Coming in 2028
      'coded' in the Bible submitted for your publishing. As you will see in the text below concerning
   the Daniel 9:27 discovery, the very fact that Five Doves is publishing these articles is triggering 
       personal SIGNS and CONFIRMATIONS about these 2028 Revelations !!
        God Bless Steve W

                                         !!!  TABERNACLE 2028 REVELATIONS !!!

        This article examines evidence that the year 2028 for the prophesied Second Coming
    of JESUS is coded in the dimensional construction of the TABERNACLE of EXODUS.
        With that discovery we can then go into an in depth examine of where the
              revelation of  2028 is coded in various other books of the Bible.

               The first time the word  TABERNACLE  is seen in the Bible is Exodus 25:9.

                       Take close notice using simple english gematria
                                                        TABE the first 4 letters add to 28 and the
    next 3 letters RNA add to 33 and the last 3 letters CLE add to 20 !!
    And letters RNACLE add to 53.                         ^                  ^^
                                                                              ^              ^^
      Evidence shows JESUS crucifixion was on 4/28/28 AD and many scholars conclude
    he was age 33 when he died and Isaiah 53  gives many prophetic details of JESUS 
     earthy ministry including his crucifixion.

      Exodus 26 begins the description of how the  TABERNACLE  and its dimensions was to be built.

       "Moreover you shall make the TABERNACLE  with ten curtains of fine woven linen
      and blue, purple, and scarlet thread; with artistic design of cherubim you shall weave them."
                              "The length of each curtain shall be 28 cubits,
                                    and the width of each curtain cubits,
                and every one of the curtains shall have the same measurements".
                                                        Isaiah 26:1,2
        This is the only time in the entire bible 4 and 28 are seen together in a verse in the bible
     and its the very first thing the bible talks about in construction of the TABERNACLE !!
       That's quite powerful evidence GOD wanted JESUS crucifixion April 28 AD coded into its construction !!

          From Isaiah 25:9 its exactly 33 verses over to Isaiah 26:2 !!
         word TABERNACLE        ^^                         April 28 AD
          first seen in Bible                 ^^                      Jesus crucifixion 
 Again ! This is more powerful evidence JESUS crucifixion date 4/28
                                       at the age of 33 is encoded in the TABERNACLE and in the Bible !!

                  "For the gate of the court there shall be a screen 20 cubits long, 
            woven of blue, purple,  and scarlets thread, and fine linen, made by a weaver,
                                 It shall have 4 pillars and 4 sockets"
                                                    Isaiah 27:16

       notice in the verse simply add  20428

                            And notice  this screen20 cubits long is made of the exact same material in
           Isaiah 26:1,2 to make the curtains 28 cubits long.
                             now look how these verses synchronize together.
                                                            4/28 >><< 20+4+4=28
                               Isaiah 26:1       Isaiah 26:2       Isaiah 27:16
                                      !........1 vs to.....!......51 vs to....!
     letters in JESUS CHRIST add to 151 !! His crucifixion  4/28/28 AD
                  JESUS CHRIST prophesied Second Coming 2028 !!!!

     Now that we can see the year 2028 is encoded in the construction of the TABERNACLE
    we're going to examine where the word TABERNACLE is found in other places of
    the Bible and see how the 2028 revelation comes to light there.

    The word TABERNACLE appears 3 times in the book of Revelation here they are...

        "The he opened his mouth in blasphemy against GOD, to blaspheme
           his name , his TABERNACLEand those who dwell in Heaven".
                                           Revelation 13:6

        "After these things I looked and behold, the temple of the TABERNACLE
                          of the testimony in heaven was opened;".
                                          Revelation 15:5

                            "And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, 
      “Behold, the TABERNACLE of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, 
   and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God."
                                           Revelation 21:3

              So the verse count construction of these three verses looks like this...

           seen in text                seen in text              seen in text 
        Revelation 13:6          Revelation 15:5        Revelation 21:3
                    !............37 vs to.........!..........105 vs to........!
                                    ^^                         ^^^
                                      37 divided into 105  =  .35238095238
   Now take the year 2028 and divide into  .35238095238  = 5755.135
    The revelation comes to light with a simple math equation 5755-1+35 = 5789 !!!!
                                                                                                  The jewish year of 5789 begins
                                                                                                     Sept 21, 2028 !!!!
                     All the evidence we have been examining in these articles     ^^^^
                        and much more continues to confirm LATE SEPTEMBER 2028 
                   is the time appointed for the prophesied !!!!!!! SECOND COMING of JESUS !!!!!!!

      Incredibly you can also take the year 2021 which will be the start year of the prophesied
     year tribulation of Daniel 9:27 to 2028 and get  even more astonishing revelations using the 
     same equation as above in the following way...

                 take the year 2021 and divide into  .35238095238  =  5735.270270
 Again the revelation comes to light with a simple math equation  5735+27+27=5789 !!!!
                                                                                                          The jewish year of 5789 begins
                                                                                                                          Sept 21, 2028 !!!!
                                                                                                        Also notice closely 2+7=9/27 
                                                             We have a perfect sync here with Daniel 9:27 !!
                                                                                                   and Daniel is the 27th book of bible !!

                     "Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week
         But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering
             And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate
     Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate.”
                                                        Daniel 9:27

    This one weekor 7 days is the prophetic last  7  years leading to JESUS SECOND COMING !!
    JESUS himself told us in Matthew 24:15 when giving SIGNS of the times leading to his SECOND COMING
    to take special note of what Daniel prophesied.

                        Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation,’ 
                      spoken of by Daniel the prophetstanding in the holy place
                                                        Matthew 24:15

A remarkable series of personal SIGNS and confirmations accompany the above  Daniel 9:27 discovery
made on July 11, 2020 . On July 12, 2020 I realized for the first time
                                 that from Daniel 9:27 its exactly 79 verses to THE END of book of Daniel. That same day
 July 12, 2020 Five Doves posted an article by Bob Ware in this link
                       where he very prominently uses the #79 several times in the first paragraph. You can see in the
                              article Bob even noted that 5 X 79395.  You'll see why that's significant below. Again same 
day July 12, 2020  Fives Doves was posting this article and just one day after I discovered
the Daniel 9:27 TABERNACLE syncs above, I was skimming thru my old recordings from 2019 which I never
got to viewing and clicked on a video of IRVIN BAXTER speaking.
Baxter  hosts the END OF THE AGE tv show.

       So Baxter starts talking about a Dream he had in December 2017 where he saw
       ISRAEL SIGN a  7 year peace treaty and he went on to explain how this connects 
       to the prophecy of Daniel 9:27.
                      He says as soon as he woke up he heard the LORD say to him >
       "What you just dreamed is getting ready to happen what are u going to do about it."
       that's when Baxter started the online college > < and he
       has thousands of students enrolled now.

     So we synchronize all the prophetic info we've learned to this point and it leads us to this potential prophetic timeline...

              Documented in this article
                              Five Doves on this date posts
    I made my first discoveries of Jesus                   Bob Ware article that several times has
   Crucifixion  4/28/28 AD coded in bible          79 prominently featured in its beginning paragraph
            and  the 2028  REVELATIONS                              Me Steve W Watches 
                         coded in Bible on                                       IRVIN BAXTER DREAM video  Daniel 9:27 sync
                                      June 7, 2020                                                        July 12, 2020
                                                 !.................exactly 35 days to........................!
                                                                                35 X 79 = 2765 days
                                   From Daniel 9:27 its exactly 79 verses  to THE END of Daniel !!
                                                          Daniel 9:27                ^^^^      many confirmations of
   Revelation 12:1               potential date for            ^^^^        Evidence pointing to
      SIGN in the              ISRAEL signing year    ^^^^                   JESUS
    the HEAVENS                   peace treaty             ^^^^           SECOND COMING
       9/23/2017                          3/6/2021               ^^^^                   9/30/2028
              !.............1260 days...................!........................2765 days...................!
                 Exactly 5                          ^^^^^^^                  2765 = 7 X 395
      verses after Rev 12:1           ^^^^^^^                                    395 = 5 79
    in Rev 12:6 we see the            ^^^^^^^<<  From Daniel 9:27 its exactly 79 verses
     prophetic 1260 days in                                                               to THE END of Daniel !!
         text of the verse !!                                                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                    July 12, 2020 Bob Ware uses  395 = 5 X 79 in article posted by
                                                       Five Doves >
                                  same day  July 12, 2020 Steve W watches testimony of IRVIN BAXTER
                                dream about ISRAEL signing year peace treaty prophetically
                                                                 synced to Daniel 9:27 !!

       Now using a simple prophetic connection we take the SCREEN of Exodus 27:16 which was
       20 cubits length and where the full verse numbers reveal 2028  we count
       20 verses forward from Revelation 13:6 and arrive at  Revelation 14:8

                                               "And another angel followed saying,
                                                    Babylon is Fallen is Fallen,
                                  that great city, because she has made all the nations
                                   drink of the wine of the wrath of  HER FORNICATION"
                                                              Revelation 14:8

          This is the second time in both cases that these prophetic phrases are seen in the Bible.
                                                     Babylon is Fallen is Fallen,
                                                         HER FORNICATION
         Seeing these prophetic phrases together in one verse the Bible is clearly implying
                        they are meant to synchronize for a special reason as we shall see.

          The first time these prophetic phrases appear in the Bible they are both in the book of Isaiah.

                     "And look, here comes a chariot of men with a pair of horsemen!
                                                 Then he answered and said,
                                              Babylon is Fallen is Fallen,
                                          and all the carved images of her gods
                                             he has broken to the ground."
                                                             Isaiah 21:9

                                     "And it shall be , at the end of 70 Years,
                                         that the LORD will deal with TYRE.
                                             She will return to HER hire,
                               and commit FORNICATION with all the kingdoms
                                       of the world on the face of the earth"
                                                          Isaiah 23:17

      Here's the astounding revelation. Just look at the verses as whole numbers and do a
                   simple math equation 2317 - 219 - 70 = 2028 !!!!!!!
           Prophesied Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST in 2028 !!!!!!!revealed!!!!!!!

    The prophetic phrase Babylon is Fallen is Fallen, is found 3 times in the Bible in
           Isaiah 21:9Revelation 14:8Revelation 18:2.

      Around the year 2010 I got what I believed was a revelation about this prophetic phase
                                        Babylon is Fallen is Fallen
      that GOD was showing us this is a 3 phase Judgment coming on America and the world
      in the following way;

      PHASE 1 was when the TWIN TOWERS of NYC were destroyed on 9/11/2001.
      PHASE 2 was 911+911+911 days later when stock market dropped to its lowest low
                                  of 666  as measured by the S&P500 on 3/6/2009
        But I didn't fully understand until this year 2020 that
      PHASE 3 will happen at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in 2028 !!

              Look at the full timeline...blows the mind how perfectly synced it all is...Who but
       GOD who knows the future could cause so many events to so perfectly align with the Bible !!

                    Three times Babylon is Fallen is Fallen is seen in the Bible.

         PHASE 1                                          PHASE 2                                    PHASE 3
         Isaiah 21:9                                   Revelation 14:8                          Revelation 18:2
                                                            Stock mkt marks                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^
      TWIN TOWERS                                  lowest low                              Judgment of GOD on 
            Destroyed                                         of 666                                       the world
                9/11/2001 > 911+911+911 days > 3/6/2009 >>> 7148 days >>> 9/30/2028
                                            Perfect sync with Revelation 14:8                   ^^^^^^^^^
                                                                         and the 7 year tribulation      ^^^^^^^^^
                          period we have to go thru from 2021 to 2028 to get to JESUS Second Coming !!
                                                                                          ^^^^               TABERNACLE 
                                                                                          ^^^^       Revelation 37/105 sync
                                                                                               take 714.8 divide into .35238095238 = 2028 !!
    Bob Ware discovered a 'Tau Cross' pattern with an exact center date of June 20, 1998
   when counting days from the start of 1996 and putting each year with its months in graph form
   in the following way...
                  this day count appears in the month graph form of year of 2001 when the TWIN TOWERS fell !!
                                Day count     May ,,, June ,,, July
                                     18                        1996
                                     19                        1997
                                     20           1967     1998   2028
                                     21                         1999
                                     22                         2000
  total of vertical part of the 'Tau Cross'  1996+1997+1998+1999+2000=9990 which is
      is the total gematria for both the Hebrew and Greek alphabets (including their finals).

          Using the  key sync date of June 201998
      which is the exact center of the 'Tau Cross' pattern its 1179 days to 9/11/2001
    when the TWIN TOWERS of NYC were destroyed.         ^^^
                                                    Revelation 12 is chapter 1179 of the Bible.
         Revelation 12:1 is where the SIGN in the HEAVENs was fulfilled on 9/23/2017.
               From  9/11/2001 its 5856 days to 9/23/2017.
                         9/11/2001 was PHASE ONE of  Babylon is Fallen is Fallen  prophecy,
        prophetic phrase seen three times in Bible with Isaiah 21:9 being PHASE ONE.
                                               5856 = 61 X 96 
                                            3/6/2009                ^^      ^^                9/30/2028
                              PHASE TWO        ^^      ^^            PHASE THREE 
                   Babylon is Fallen is Fallen      >><<  Babylon is Fallen is Fallen 
                  prophetic phrase seen in text  >><<  prophetic phrase seen in text
                   From Revelation 14:8 its 61 verses to Revelation 18:2.
                                                            ^^      ^^
                                               5856 61 X  96
        Remember we saw how Isaiah  61  in this article > 
                                    also synchronizes with year 2028 when using
         June 7, 1967 as the reference year which is the other part of the 'Tau Cross' pattern !!
        Israel captures                             ^^     96 20+28+20+28  !!!!
       JERUSALEM >>>>>>>> 1967 + 61 years = 2028 
                                                               5856 also = 16 X 366 
                                                                            There are 366 days in a leap day year every 4th year where February has 29 days.
                              From 1967 there are exactly 16 leap day years of 366 days to and including the year 2028 !!
                              They are 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028.
                                                        Notice the exact center year is 1996 the 8th in the sequence with 8 remaining.
                                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ And 1996 is where the day count begins to
                                              arrive at the exact center date of the 'Tau Cross' pattern June 20, 1998 which 
               brings us full circle showing how the Events of 9/11/2001 to 9/23/2017 when synced with the Bible
            are perfectly prophetically pointing us to the year 2028 for the prophesied Second Coming of JESUS !!

         God Bless
        Stephen W

 .............P.S. THIS IS A MUST WATCH VIDEO link below. It was sent to me by a sister christian on July 13, 2020.
                It contains multiple prophetic warnings that all appear to dovetail together and appear to be synchronizing
             to the time frame of Sept 2020 to March 2021 when at least some of the specific warnings will be happening.
                   What is striking about the prophetic scenario laid out in this video is "IF" we get a banking crisis
              in the Sept 2020 >< March 2021 timeframe potentially even worse than what happened in 2008/2009,
            that would certainly set the prophetic stage perfectly for the last 7 years tribulation period from 2021 to 2028.