Hello Five Doves,The article below are additional discoveries that Dovetailwith the last article you posted for us aboutJune 7, 1967 in End Time Prophecy. at this link.These new discoveries show how incredibly the 2028 Revelationis 'coded' in the book of Revelation by way of SIGNS in the HEAVENSwhich Jesus told us to be watching for in Luke 21:11.
VENUS is the "Morning Star"JESUS says he is the "Morning Star" in Revelation 22:16
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^9/23/2017 ^^^^^^^^^^^^SIGN in the ^^^^^^^^^^^^Morning Star Heavens Morning StarRevelation 2:28 Revelation 12:1 Revelation 22:16!................147 vs to.........!..............204 vs to..........!^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^147 / 204 = .720588From the last REV 12 SIGNVENUS Transit in the HEAVENS6/6/2012 9/23/2017!.............1935 days......! year of^^^^ SECOND COMING^^^^ of JESUS1935 + 72 + 5 + 8+ 8 = 2028 !!!! <<<1935 + 72 + 5 = 2012year of last transitof VENUS .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SIGN in the SIGN in theHeavens 9/23/2017 HeavensBook of End of seen in text SIGN in the seen in textRevelation Chapter 1 Morning Star Heavens Morning Starstart Rev 1:20 Rev 2:28 Rev 12:1 Rev 22:16!...........20 vs to.......!..........28 vs to.......!...........147 vs to......!..........204 vs to......!^^ ^^ !..........................351 vs to.....................!^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ JESUS fulfilled 351 Old Testament prophecies about his earthly ministry^^^^ ^^^2028 divided by 351 = 5.777 JESUSJewish year 5777 ended SECOND COMINGon 9/20/2017 9/30/2028
!.............4028 days...........!^^^^2000 +2028 = 4028^^^^ ^^^^From JESUS crucifixion 4/28/28 AD its 2000 years to 2028year of JESUSSECOND COMING
From ADAM 4000 years to JESUS Crucifixion 28 AD..........................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^June 7, 1967 Jewish holiday YOM KIPPURLiberation of Potential time frame ofJerusalem by Second Coming ofIsraeli forces. sync date JESUS CHRISTJune 7, 1967 . 4/7/2022 9/30/2028!.........20028 days...!.........2368 days.......!^^^^JESUS CHRIST = 2368 in greek gematriaTransit of VENUS perfectly syncs to this in the following way...VENUS is "morning star"JESUS says he is the "morning star" in Revelation 22:16.
TRANSIT timeline again and what it reveals >>> June 8, 2004 ....8 years....June 6 , 2012Extending the cycle once more >>> June 6, 2012 ....8 years....June 4, 2020and extending one final time >>> June 4, 2020 ....8 years...June 2 , 2028^^^in greek gematria JESUS = 888 !!!^^^ potential time frame^^^ JESUS Second ComingAnd from first VENUS TRANSIT ^^^ sync dateJune 8 , 2004 its exactly.......... 8880 ...days to..... 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^^^^^^and from June 2 , 2028 its exactly .......120 days to............. 9/30/2028in english gematria JESUS = 74 X 120 = 8880 !!MOSES a typology of JESUS of lived 120 yearsfrom ADAM to JESUS Second Coming is 6000 years = 120 X 50 Jubilees !!