Clay Cantrell (8 July 2018)
"Repost: Dream of USA Nationwide Epidemic"

On March 12, 2016 I had the following dream:

All night I dreamed of a dangerous and very scary disease that was coming to the USA. I don't know how one got it, but it was highly contagious. I, and people I knew, were infected. Once infected, most people died quickly. In the dream I was infected, but by the end of the dream it looked like I was starting to recover, but it was still borderline.

The main distinctive symptom that accompanied the illness was that it affected one's ability to walk. Your gate was slowed way down. Then, as the disease progressed, you wouldn't be able to walk at all. Death occurred quickly after that. That was made very clear in the dream. 

There was widespread fear and panic in society over it. 

Again, I dreamed this all night - it seems like it went on and on like the dream of the planes crashing in the USA the night before. 

That's two nights in a row that I have had a dream that repeated itself over and over. That is NOT distinctive of any of my other dreams that I felt were of God.