Jim Bramlett (12 July 2015)
"September 2015"

Dear friends:

Recently I shared about Sir Isaac Newton’s 300-year-old end-time prediction. I will not reiterate here what I said but I will summarize his rationale at the end of this message. In a nutshell, if interpreted correctly, Newton looked to September 23, 2015 – this year!

To my surprise, I discovered a respected contemporary scholar who is also looking to September 2015 for a major prophetic event, specifically, September 13, 2015, the end of the current Shemitah cycle. The Shemitah Year is the seventh of a biblical seven-year cycle of years, which is prophetic.

This scholar to whom I am referring is best-selling author Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of the popular book, The Harbinger. Rabbi Cahn seems to be looking for an economic collapse on that date, but he doesn’t seem to be sure. Whichever, I am intrigued that both great men are both looking to the same month of the same year for a major biblical happening.

In summary:
Sir Isaac Newton: September 23, 2015
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: September 13, 2015.

In addition, many believe the return of Jesus Christ is extremely near. Are these dates a part of the overall scenario? I don’t know, but keep watching, and be ready.


If Newton was correct in his interpretation of Daniel, the prophet to whom God gave specific timing, then the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will be very, very soon, indeed! Newton’s understanding of one key passage in Daniel chapter 9 is fundamentally differently from that of most common interpretations. In about 550 B.C., God gave the prophet Daniel a view of history to the end.

From Daniel 9:25, scholars usually add the “seven weeks (of years, or 49 years) and 62 weeks (434 years)” to get 483 years and calculate the timing of the Messiah’s First Coming. However, Newton says there is no linguistic basis for adding those two numbers (49 and 434), and to do so is “doing violence to the language of Daniel.” Newton says the two numbers separately speak of both the First Coming and the Second Coming, both being counted from the “going forth of the commandment to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem.” Some commentators agree.

Newton says the “62 weeks” or 434-year part was fulfilled at the First Coming, and the “seven weeks,” or the 49-year part will apply to the Second Coming. And three centuries ago he saw in the Scriptures and wrote about the rebirth of Israel at a time when such a thought was preposterous. Amazing, by faith and understanding of the Scriptures, he foresaw a “friendly kingdom” someday again issuing the “commandment to restore and build Jerusalem.” Now, centuries later, that friendly kingdom may have been the United Nations, which decreed Israel’s rebirth in November, 1947, causing Israel to be reborn as a nation on May 14th, 1948 (fulfilling the 2500-year-old prophecy of the Prophet Isaiah, “Shall a nation be born in one day?”).

The above is taken from my essay on Newton written in the mid-1990s shortly after obtaining a copy of Newton’s commentary on Daniel from the doctor who discovered Thomas Jefferson’s personal and initialized copy of it in the Library of Congress, and who then got permission to reprint it in the original, difficult-to-read olde English script.

However, my speculations back then wrongly assumed the final 49-year count began when Israel was born in 1948. At the time, I thought we were so close to the Lord’s return it did not occur to me that the count should probably begin on June 7th, 1967, when Israel captured Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. Sid Roth of Messianic Vision ministry promoted a new book on the subject, Newton’s Riddle authored by Neill G. Russell, which contains additional information about Newton and his understanding of end times.

Sid says, “Before his death in 1727, Sir Isaac Newton, the famous physicist, concealed a prophetic script in one of his journals. This mysterious coded script detailed critical future events involving Israel and the return of Jesus. Incorporating Sir Isaac Newton’s extensive research, Bible prophecy, and the bond that exists between America and Israel during the final days of planet earth, Newton’s Riddle by Neill Russell is a captivating suspenseful tale ripped from tomorrow’s headlines. I have never read such a current, prophetic book. Newton’s Riddle is a ‘now’ book for the most critical junction in human history. You will not be able to put this Biblical thriller down.”

Sid quotes from the book where it explains Newton’s calculations of adding 49 years to the June 1967 date. Based on “Newton’s riddle” the book says, “Messiah’s possible return to earth will be on or before the year 2016.” However, that is apparently based on using modern (365-day) years in calculation. As I pointed out in my e-mail dated February 20, 2008, if you use the exact 49 Jewish (360-day, prophetic) years from the day Israel captured the Temple Mount on June 7, 1967, you get 49 X 360 = 17640 days, which amazingly takes one exactly to September 23rd, 2015, the Day of Atonement 2015.
