Frank Molver (27 July 2014)
"Bob re the US needing to be redeemed via the children at border"


Thanks Bob for bringing that to light
I did have a check in my spirit when I wrote that word
I certainly  did not intend it to mean that the US could do something to attain salvation.
There is more than one meaning for that word, redeemed
The most important being how Jesus redeemed mankind by his sacrifice
But it also means making past wrongs right, as a criminal having a chance to redeem himself by now serving society
My thought on this would be kind of like Jonah warning Nineveh, they did repent and were spared
Many prophets warned Israel, several times they failed
Perhaps you have heard Billy Graham say that "If God does not judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah"
I think we are close to that
Russia is pushing hard and the dollar may fall, then things will really speed up.
That is why I wrote what I wrote.