Patti C (8 July 2013)




RE: ( Frank Molver (5 July 2013)

"Patti re dismanteling 10 virgin parable warning")


Frankly, Frank, I found this letter to me to be very hurtful and demeaning. There are many things I would like to say to you, but have thought better about it, and will do my best not to follow your lead. Just so you know, I have had numerous supportive letters written to me, from many other sources other than here on Five Doves, that have commended me for "rightly dividing the Word" in regards to this parable. I certainly do not mind that you disagree with me, and I have been nice enough to let you know that I respect your views, even if they differ from mine. But this letter from you was below the belt and you made it personal, especially assuming you could put me into some group that you believe is teaching the wrong things. Shame on you!


Most importantly, I want to let you know that I don't belong to any certain group. I believe in God's Holy Word and what I find out via the Holy Spirit while studying for myself. I have absolutely no loyalty to any man's or woman's exegesis, unless I find out the same thing for myself. That being said, I am not a member of the once saved always save club...and truthfully not even sure what that means. I believe what Jesus tells me in that regard...YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN. To me that is the end all be all of whether one makes it into heaven and into the Kingdom of God.


You wrote this: What this boils down to is a dismantling of any New Testament warning for Christians to be careful in their Christian walk.

Let me remind you here of a paragraph I put in part one of my study:

""All the parables of Jesus are like an onion in that have many layers and many applications. It is certainly alright to look at this parable as a warning to the Church also, but that does not mean that Jesus is referring to the Church when he gave this parable. It seems we have taken this out of context, although the content is valid for all believers."


Truthfully Frank, are these the only verses in the New Testament that speaks to the Church and warns to always be watching? You know that isn't so!! How about the context of the parable, the when and what. So, now let me ask you something. Are you a member of the REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY GROUP? Do you think that everything written in the New Testament is for the Church and only the Church?


You wrote this: Some others have tried to make the argument that the warnings to the 7 churches are only to the non believers in the churches.


For your information, my Master Thesis, in Bible College, was on the Seven Churches. Of course I do not believe such a thing!! What does that have to do with the parable of the 10 virgins?? For that matter, what does the once saved always saved view have to do with the parable? I just do not see where you are coming from with all these off base questions.


Let me remind you here of something I wrote in part two of my study:

""The wise virgins are all born again believers that come to Christ during the Tribulation whether they are Jew or Gentile. Likewise, the foolish virgins are all those who do not accept Christ as their Messiah even though they will have the testimony of the Two Witnesses and the 144,000. When they finally realize that He is, it will be too late to be born again. That is my take on it, and I see how much more we are understanding what the Scriptures are telling us the closer we come to the Rapture and the Tribulation".


Therefore, the foolish virgins in the church, if we look at this parable as for only the church, get a second chance to become wise before the Second Coming.


You wrote this: There are several here that agree with you
There are many here that warn otherwise.


As far as I can tell you are the only one warning me, and I am not sure of what! Others who have disagreed have done their own studies and presented them in a respectful and knowledgeable manner. Where is your study? I have never set out to TEACH my views to anyone, I am just presenting what I am finding out. Everyone is free to agree, or disagree, or accept or reject how they see fit. I take offense to you warning me to stop sharing my studies or I may be guilty of some wrongful eternal deed. Unreal!!!


You wrote this: What a sad day it will be for those who make the wrong choice and teach the wrong thing.

Again, I am not preaching or teaching anything as the absolute truth, I just sharing my insights on something that I feel is valid. You made my day a very sad day by trying to frighten me away from what the Lord is telling me to do. To me it is a sad day when any fellow Christian would do this another.


Yet, as an end note to all this, there is something we do have in common and maybe it is a group that we both belong to. You have said that the Lord told you that BHO was the Antichrist even before he was elected. Well, the same thing happened to me. In early 2006, I saw him for the first time on TV, and the Lord spoke to my heart and said "this man is the Antichrist"and that was over 2 years before he was elected. So, I choose to end this letter on a positive note, with something that we both agree on. Amen to that!



Patti C.