Gino (11 July 2013)
"RE: DP: 07.09.13: understanding the book of Revelation"


             You made a number of good points in that letter.

I liked how you said “one” key, rather than “the” key.

I also agree with you that the book of Revelation needs to be studied & understood in light of the other books of both testaments.

Like for instance, studying the old testament books of Genesis, Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel, along with Exodus & Leviticus, in conjunction with Revelation, is very helpful.

Particularly in light of what you said about understanding the symbols.


I had a question about one thing you mentioned, and it’s probably a simple misunderstanding on my part.

After you mentioned Revelation 2:9, you said the following:


Ok , there you have it! John is writing to the churches and says emphatically that the physical nation of the Jews are not the Jews that he is speaking of!


Were you saying that the physical nation of the Jews are not the false Jews mentioned in 2:9?

Or were you saying that the physical nation of the Jews in John’s time, were false Jews?

Or were you saying that the physical nation of the Jews in our time, are false Jews?

Please help to clear up my misunderstanding & confusion.

                          Thank you,
