David Blackman (28 July 2013)
"Bob Anderson (23 July 2013)"

Hi Bob,


>To this, day by day, even unto this day, was added an overwhelming list of my offenses against God, by dreams, remembrances, associations and other means that, lacking the words, I can neither >name nor describe. My daily sin confession occupies a considerable period of time. As one is dealt with, two more crop up as replacements, extending back to early childhood. ("Oh, Lord, how could I >have done this?")


You may already know this but it came to my mind as I read the above:  If our sins are under the blood of Jesus and forgiven then God remembers them no more, He even says that he removes them as far as the east is from the west.  If you travel north or south at some point you will be going in the opposite direction but if you travel either east or west you will never be going in the other direction.  So you can be assured that when God has removed them as far as the east is from the west, that there can be no greater distance!  If you are talking about old sins that you have committed then it is not God that is bringing those up to you!  To me it is always important to invite God to change us, and He will if we ask!


Yes, Bob I do have suspicions about the sinners prayer, but I do also know that God uses it to save many, many people and for that I am so excited. 


>Like you, I have a considerable suspicion of the sinner's prayer. Certainly an unknown percentage of those those uttering the prayer are making an authentic plea for salvation, communicating from the >heart, "Lord, I am a lost sinner. I believe on Thee. Please save me." Most, however, are not. In fact, I think most utter it in the hope that it is enough to make the evangelizer go away. And, if the object >of the evangelizer is merely to persuade the unsaved to utter the prayer, he is doomed to failure except for acquiring another hash mark on his scorecard. Have you noticed how many missions report on >how many sinners prayers were uttered? And, have you noticed how the prayer is amplified in infinite varieties of interminable and ponderous rhetoric? I prefer my three sentence version.


I am glad that you are in child evangelism and keep up the good work!


David Blackman,