Gail (5 July 2012)
"The decline of the U.S., it all links up"

Doubts remain on new Eurozone rescue plan- June 29th, 2012 
European leaders clinched a new multibillion-dollar financial plan to head off a eurozone meltdown.  
The $149 billion dollar package, raised the possibility of Europe's debt mountain becoming more attractive to investors when backed by EU leaders support. 
Although British Prime Minister David Cameron backed the deal, he indicated Britain would continue to resist giving more budgetary powers to Europe, adding he shared "people's concerns about Brussels getting too much power."

Aside from Western investors, and China, it's the oil-rich Gulf Cooperation Council Arab states that are the most likely outsiders targeted as potential funders for Europe's new plan, which promises to convert some of Europe's junk and tainted bonds into sellable investment with the European Union behind it.

Research and Markets: Economic 360 for the UAE: Growth Prospects and Emerging Opportunities in the Manufacturing Industry- July 4th, 2012

The manufacturing sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is undergoing dramatic changes, that are likely to drive economic growth between 2012 to 2015.  The UAE is anticipated to emerge  logistically and economically as a manufacturing base in many different industries in the Middle East between 2012 - 2015. Large investments in these many non-hydrocarbon sectors will lower the economy's dependence on the volatile oil and gas industry as well as enable the middle income countries to leapfrog to higher stages of development.

Distance between Dubai and Bushehr is equal to 373.75 miles, and 324.56 nautical miles.
Who is Europe looking to buy their Junk bonds and spur growth in their 'Disjointed Union'? 
The GCC Nations and China.

Should GCC states diversify reserves away from the US dollar?  April 04th, 2006                                          Many Gulf Nations are facing the same dilemma: whether to stay loyal to the US dollar or diversify their cash holdings.

I've often warned of- the switch from dollar denominated oil. 

The U.S. is headed For a 'Fiscal Cliff' alright, one that even Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke can't foresee - 

IMF: U.S. could fall off 'fiscal cliff' July 4th, 2012


And it all ties in with Myanmar's Ms.Suu Kyi- July 3rd, 2012 

Cheered In Europe, Suu Kyi Faces Crises In Myanmar

The one major European leader wholly against Brussels having all the power, just happens to be at the top of the March 19th, 2012 Global Financial Centres Index- London(1), New York(2) and Hong Kong(3), British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Besides those GCC Nations, the other rescuer that Europe has pinned their hopes too, is China.

Ms.Suu Kyi resides in Yangon Myanmar, and south of her is China's lifeline-

The Malacca Straits, is the ''economic lifeline'' to East Asian countries.  

The United States is Mystery Babylon, our demise gives rise to the European Superstate, & the Idol Shepherd Zechariah 11:15-17.

The one who lectures on the lie- Global Warming linked to CO2 emissions, and he wants to save the World using Islamic principles & understanding dark sentences, HRH P.Charles. 


Coming up- Ms.Suu Kyi perishes, UK Prime Minister David Cameron perishes, and the U.S. perishes.

3 strikes, no more optimism- reckless or otherwise, and all the lights are out.  Total darkness en mass awaits the World.


Mid-Point - March 21st, 2013

God Bless,
