Dear Doves,
We are all waiting and watching for the return of our dear Lord for His
Bride. This post is to provide a reason to watch closely this fall as we
approach the Feast of Trumpets. It does appear that this time period is becoming
the focus of attention from several different starting points, including
astronomy, the feasts of the Lord, the solar eclipses and blood moons,
and the time intervals in Daniel and Revelation.
I previously wrote about a strange dream in which I was assigned a parking
space. Numbered 29 so that I could exit the garage quickly. I thought it might
refer to June 29 as a possible rapture date. I also wrote about the earthquake
resurrection ideas of David Lowe which point toward severe earthquakes occurring
at the time of the rapture, which relates to the first link which shows how the
approach of the comet Elenin (or Nibiru, or Planet X depending on who you
believe) will cause great earthquake devastation in September of 2011.
The next link is to an interesting blog in which the computation of several
times realting to the generation, etc., appear to converge to the Feast of
Trumpets in the fall of 2011. This was written about 2006 and some of the
readers were not happy that they would have to wait so long. We do not have too
long to wait to find out!
The final link is to a whole book devoted to the timing of the end in which
the rapture is shown to be on the Feast of Trumpets, September 29, 2011, based
on the research of several including J.R. Church who recently passed away to be
with the Lord. The prophetic namture of the Psalms is shown to be consistent
with the 2011 rapture hypothesis.
The material in these links should provide a few interesting and
stimulating ideas for our waiting and watching during the summer.