Chance (31 Jul 2022)
"Warnings:  CCP Building Ethnic Bioweapons Against US Citizens, Get Your Go Bag Ready, Be Prepared for Nuke Attack!"

Hello John and Doves,
The 'warnings' keep coming....
Going along with Russia accusing the US of having ethnic bioweapons labs in Ukraine - to make biological weapons against certain Russian ethnic groups, a member of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee is warning that China is capable of manufacturing bioweapons against individual Americans using DNA test results.
Russia reports US bioweapons labs operating in Ukraine:
"The Russian Defense Ministry has accused the United States of funding biological research labs in Ukraine, stressing that it had been conducting experiments to create biological weapons.  Moscow had claimed that Washington had been conducting bat coronavirus - related research among others in order to target ethnic groups." 
Russia claims US breached international laws by researching biological weapons in Ukraine
"China is backing Russia's claims about U.S.-controlled "biolabs" in Ukraine conducting "biological military activities" - accusations the White House and Ukraine have both denied."
China accuses US of ‘biological military activities’ in Ukraine | Fox News
"According to the discovered documents, photos and evidence, the US has set up 46 secret biological labs in Ukraine over the past twenty years, for research into an epidemic disease capable of striking individual countries and the agricultural field in the whole region with an investment of more than two hundred million dollars....Washington has denied that it owns or operates any such biolabs in the country, while Kiev insisted that the facilities were only engaged in civilian research."
North Korea accuses US of manufacturing biological weapons in Ukraine
"Meanwhile, the US embassy in Ukraine has been caught scrubbing evidence of biolabs in Ukraine while mainstream media and fact checkers have begun telling the masses that the biolabs don't exist."
As the Biden administration continued to deny the existence of these bioweapons labs in Ukraine - lots and lots of evidence was surfacing - some from a few years ago:
"The Ukrainian-American program for the study of dangerous biological objects is controlled by one of the Pentagon structures, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).  Over 16 years, US military biologists managed to achieve significant success.  According to project's Acting Deputy, Joseph Pennington, Ukraine received more than $200 million from the Pentagon to create a network of biological laboratories.  The money went to the opening of 15 bio labs across the country to work on the study
The Secret US Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine and Georgia | Don't Speak News

We are aware that what Russia and China are accusing the United States of doing - they are also doing.  Creating ethnic bioweapons.
Gravitas reported two years ago on July 24, 2020, on a 'secret 3-year deal' between China and Pakistan to build bioweapons.  The Chinese Wuhan Institute of Virology is working with the Pakistan military.  Entirely funded by China.  There is a research military facility in Pakistan that is running research projects on deadly pathogens for biological warfare.  China can test biological agents off of Chinese soil.  This is a military covert op that ties Pakistan and China militarily.
run time 6:14
Just recently, "A member of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee warned that bio-weapons are being made that use a target's DNA to only kill that person.  Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum on Friday, US Rep Jason Crow of Colorado warned Americans to not be so cavalier about sharing their DNA with private companies due to the coming of the new type of weapon.  "You can actually take someone's DNA...and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person or take them off the battelfield of make them inoperable," Crow said.
House intelligence committee speaks about new DNA bio-weapons that can target a single person  | Daily Mail Online

CCP's Control Over the United States:
We know that the Biden administration is in the CCP's pocket.  China has been slowly taking over America for years.  "The facts are that the Communist Chinese have been infiltrating our country for decades.  Chinese intelligence agents are working overtime trying to steal our technology, our government, and military secrets, but more importantly they have been and continue to operate as agents of influence."  Our unions have been infiltrated by the Chinese Communists, along with our school campuses - pushing their Marxist ideology.  "Cancel culture is fully engaged and nothing is immune.  All part of the Communist Chinese effort to undermine and overthrow our country from within...Creating a false narrative that America is systematically racist, white supremacist, and a hateful nation is just one part of a multifaceted effort undertaken by the Communist Chinese regime to destroy our country."  And the Chinese have control of our government - they have China Joe in their pocket along with other powerful leaders.
"The Chinese have no intention of giving up....Over the next two years (this was written in 2020) they will increase their attacks against us, intending to take full advantage before the 2022 elections."The Chinese Communist Takeover of America Is Well Underway
The 2022 elections are only a few months away.  Before, November, then we have this information - right on time?:
China To Invade Taiwan By October, 2022
And the China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, plus other nations doing war games in Venezuela mid-August!  To preposition their militaries for war against the U.S.
Suspicious Public Service Announcements?
Is this the cover/warning from Representative Crow, that the US. government is going to use before Americans finally get hit with an ethnic bioweapon?  Like the NYC public announcement on what to do when hit by a nuke?  
This is probably all we're going to get from this administration - 
What China has been doing in terms of collecting DNA has been known for several years - "The People's Republic of China has been collecting people's DNA for years...With over 80 million health profiles, China has the largest DNA database in the world and growing...Gordon Chang warned that China plans to use this information to create bioweapons designed to target specific ethnic groups....How do they get this sensitive information?  Buying American companies which have DNA profiles, subsidizing DNA analysis for ancestry companies, and hacking."  "The coronavirus is not the last pathogen that will be generated from Chinese soil."  Published December 4, 2020
China is collecting the world’s DNA and the reason is sinister: Gordon Chang | Fox News
Newsweek even published an article back in November, 2020:  "And why does China want such sensitive data?  Beijing is determined to dominate the biotech industry.  Beijing may also be developing biological weapons designed to target certain ethnic groups".
China Wants Your DNA—and It's up To No Good | Opinion
There have been a good number of articles over the last few years that reported that China wanted our DNA for "our health care" - to control our "biodata" so they can provide us with treatments, drugs, they have found that we need based on our DNA.  I found this reasoning very naive.
BGI and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation:
After Covid hit, BGI offered to "build and help run state-of-the art Covid testing labs"...providing "technical expertise", the "high throughput sequences" and "funding" to various states in the U.S..  They wanted to collect our DNA - the states were told to refuse this offer.  Yet, BGI has offices in Cambridge, MA, Seattle, WA, and San Jose, CA.  Plus others in London, Copenhagen, Brisbane...  They've been getting DNA from all over the world.  And from a lot of children's hospitals in the U.S. - all in the name of research for genetic diseases.
Seeing that the Chinese Communist Party and their military is actively involved in BGI's 'projects' and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with BGI - there is most definitely an underlining nefarious purpose for all of this. 
BGI and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Collaboration for Global Health and Agricultural Development
BGI has been "steadily developing partnerships with hospitals and biotech companies inside the United States, giving BGI - and by extension, the Chinese government - potential access to our DNA data, sequencing technology and analytics."
(quotes from the below link)
China's push to control Americans' health care future - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Genetic weapons may make 'the first battle, the last battle' -
"In discussing genetic markers for ethnically-specific weapons, sequences would be needed that have a frequency close to 0% in one population while having a significant frequency in another. For this paper, we assume that a frequency of 20% or higher may be enough from a military perspective.  A systematic search in two databases revealed that genetic sequences that fulfill these specifications not only exist, but they do so in unexpectedly high numbers....many states may soon have the capacity, if not the immediate intention, to create genetic weapons is notable that several conflicts in the world assume a genocidal dimension such as the Israeli-Palestinian, Israeli-Iranian, Russian-Chechen, and Chinese-Uyghur feuds.''
"It is not difficult to conceive that in such scenarios, one of the quarreling parties would deploy a genetic weapon against their adversary....Given the closed states such as Russia and China, it is difficult to determine just how well the West could detect such a weapon if it were used against a segment of a reclusive state's own population.  Genocide in some circumstances in the future may be undetectable and go unnoticed..."
It is possible to create a genetic weapon...say by the Chinese military against Americans.  "More than likely, a stable nation-state will be the first to create a viable genetic weapon, for use in assassination, genocide, and/or war."
(above quotes from the below link)
(DOC) Genetically Targeted Bioweapons | Ethan Troxel -
The CCP Already Has Ethnic Bioweapons:
The CCP told us years ago they were developing ethnic bioweapons to use against the U.S. - that Taiwan was only a distraction; the United States is their true target.  The CCP have the most advanced gene sequencers in the world.
Biology is among seven "new domains in warfare" discussed in a 2017 book by Zhang Shibo, a retired general and former president of the National Defense University (China), who concludes:  "Modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability,"  including the possibility that "specific ethnic genetic attacks" could be employed.
The 2017 edition of Science of Military Strategy, a textbook published by the PLA's National Defense University that is considered to be relatively authoritative, debuted a section about biology as a domain of military struggle, similarly mentioning the potential for new kinds of biological warfare to include "specific ethnic genetic attacks."
Weaponizing Biotech: How China's Military Is Preparing for a 'New Domain of Warfare' - Defense One
Why Now?:
What concerns me is why NOW is this coming out from our House Intelligence Committee - it may be noteworthy that the "leaker" of this information is a Democrat - seems much like a planned leak by the Democrats....because it wasn't a formal announcement from the Intelligence Committee - so when it happens, they can say we warned the American people.  'It's your fault you took those ancestry tests so that China could get a hold of your DNA - now they can kill you!  Too bad.'
When this has been known by U.S. Intelligence for years!  Why wasn't something done years ago?? China wasn't stopped.  Our DNA has continued to be collected and passed on to the CCP.  Planned Parenthood has even sold the CCP hundreds of millions of dollars worth of baby parts.  BGI has continued to spread its tentacles throughout American health systems.
Everything this administration does I find suspicious.  They do nothing to help the American people and there is no 'transparency' for anything.  Seems that whatever China wants to do, it is allowed. 
China made huge land purchase just minutes from top secret US military drone base
NYC Residents Told To Get a 'Go Bag' Ready:
And today, NYC is being told to "get their Go Bag ready".  REALLY?  And where are the people of NYC suppose to go??
"NYC is urging people to get their 'Go Bag' ready after issuing their first nuclear attack PSA since the 1960s"  July 26, 2022 
"NYC Emergency Management:  A Go Bag has everything you need to leave home in a hurry.  Every  member should have one, including kids.  What will you pack?  Nonperishable snacks.  Bottled water.  Copies of important documents.
I don't know if the warning about China manufacturing an ethnic bioweapon has anything to do with people packing a "Go Bag" - but the timing is very suspicious.  And added to the NYC PSA on nuke 'preparedness', and info that China wants to attack Taiwan before October...and the news of the war games in Venezuela in mid-August.  The timing of all of this is concerning. 
I'm not buying that these announcements are just to generate fear...I think something bad is coming...
This is really all we will probably get in terms of 'be prepared' - so take these warnings to NYC seriously.  Something is up.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
P.S. Jason Crow is a Colorado Representative - his warning Americans about the risks posed by DNA testing comes a lot too late for many Americans - and the CCP has been collecting Americans' DNA for years. Why didn't our government do something about this years ago??  He also claims that "climate change is the largest national security threat' America is facing.  So he's one of 'those'.  Definitely shows why I'm suspicious of his warning and the timing of it.