Kurt S (9 Jan 2022)
"Jesus Stood Down"

Jesus Stood Down

At the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus had a choice when he was arrested.  He could start  a violent revolution,
He had 12 legions of angels at his disposal, in which a lot of sinners and corrupt officials would be killed,
but that was not the plan. Jesus did not want to be crucified, He asked His Father if there could be a
different way, but the answer was “No”.  For those of us who get a lot of “No’s” in our prayers.... even 
Jesus got a “NO”.  The Plan always was for Jesus to be the Lamb of God.  It is clear to us now as we 
read the Old Testament prophecies, it wasn’t so clear to the disciples.

If Jesus did call on the 12 Legions of angels, what would have been accomplished?
As said earlier a lot of sinners, bad people and corrupt officials would have been killed, 
but Satan would still have free reign and the problem of sin would not have been dealt with,
there would be no free gift of eternal life, there would be no resolution to our sin problem
and eternal death. The sinners, corrupt officials  and bad people would just be replaced by Satan.

So, Jesus stood down, He did not call on 12 legions of angels, He told Peter to put his
sword back after Peter cut off Malchus ear, which Jesus healed immediately, otherwise
I think Peter would have been crucified also. Jesus completed the Plan as the Lamb of God,
who takes away the sins of the world, and  upon His death the promise  of eternal life was 
made good and many  of previously dead saints  arose from their graves and walked
about Jerusalem (Matt 27:52-53).

The reason I bring this up is because the Church is under severe attack, and in some
 quarters there is discussion of rising up with arms for defense and possible rebellion.
 I do not see anything in the New Testament that calls for the Church to rise up with armaments.
 I love the warrior attitude of Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Deborah, David and his mighty men.
 Like Peter we want to take our swords out and start slashing away. That is not the Plan.
 The Plan is outlined in the Book of Revelation, Jesus has plan of attack that includes seven seals
seven trumpets and seven bowls. With His plan of attack He will destroy sin, eliminate rebellious
 unrepentant  sinners and destroy Satan. In that Plan I do not see the Church participating physically except as martyrs.

The role of the Church always was and still is to stand firmly  on the truth  without compromise, 
pray without ceasing and perform good deeds in love.
That is how we storm the gates of hell, Jesus takes care of the rest.

Kurt S.