James Brownlow (23 Jan 2022)
"Did Jesus tell us "THE DAY" of HIS RETURN ?"

 Will Jesus make his triumphal entry to Jerusalem on the same day , both first and second comings ?  Consider the recorded words of Matthew and Luke indicating that it will be the same day.... now move forward 2,000 years. This link describes in detail how Daniel's exact day counts in chapter 12 all point to this year , 2022 and June 1 st. Jesus seems to have been alluding to the appointed day of His return in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. And this day just so happens to fit perfectly within the the narrow window of time left for the Fig Tree Generation.
And when you apply the day counts provided in the Book of Daniel it unveils an absolutely astonishing parallel of events that occur on God's perfect timeline. History is repeating itself but everything is about to change!

I think we are at the rapture edge. Brother Tng's articles in September which connected 2022 to the Genesis 1:1 pyramid passageway all point to our short remaining time.