Steve W (10 Jan 2021)
"!!! MARY CHRIST INE JOB name syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!"

      Hello Five Doves,
            Last week MARY CHRIST INE JOB gave a remarkable testimony about personal events in her life.
         In this article we will document several unique ways how her NAME and key events in her life
                            prophetically point to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ in 2028  !!!!!!!
           see this link for her article > <

            We start examining this end time revelation with the amazing structure of her name !!!!
      Using simple gematria A=1,B=2 etc her name breaks down numerically the following way....

                                                                              MARY = 57 CHRIST = 77 INE = 28 JOB = 27 
                                                           ^^^^              ^^^^^^
      In the bible the only place where MARY and CHRIST appear in the same verse in that exact order 
      is Matthew 1:16 !!

              "And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ.
                                                                               Matthew 1:16

      Here are the prophetic revelations we discovered about this....

                                                                  MARY = 57 CHRIST = 77.
                    This synchronizes to reveal the Jewish year 5777 which ended on 9/20/2017 !!!!
     A remarkable SIGN in the Heavens happened on 9/20/2017 where in alignment with the
    CHRIST angle of 26.3 degrees that comes out of the Great Pyramid into the sky, that angle of
   alignment synced with Venus and King Regulus who were on that same alignment in the sky that day !!!

                                           This link shows a picture of this alignment.

   The reason it is called the CHRIST angle is because on a world map from the Great Pyramid to Bethlehem
     where CHRIST was born its a 26.3 degree angle !! The Grand Gallery that leads to the Kings Chamber
    within the Great Pyramid slopes at the same 26.3 degree angle !! And a shaft in the Great Pyramid that
    points into the sky also has that same 26.3 degree angle !! This is how the Venus King Regulus alignment
    happened on 9/20/2017 !! By the way I have given testimony in a prior Five Dove articles that the SPARTA QUAKE
    that struck in NC where I live and was shook by on 8/9/2020 ,was a prophetic SIGN synced to the Second Coming
    of Jesus in 2028 because that event also syncs to the Christ Angle 26.3 degrees in the following way...
                                                                       astonishing amount of evidence
                                                                          evidence amassing here as                     most probable date for
        SPARTA                                                            Second Coming
        QUAKE                                                               Jesus Christ
        8/9/2020                                                                9/30/2028
              !........................2974 days........................................!
                                       2974 / 26.3 degree Christ Angle = 113 !!!
                                                                      In the bible the 113th verse is Genesis 5:7 !!!
         SPARTA QUAKE was 5.1 magnitude and the sides of the Great Pyramid 
          slope to the top at 51 degrees 51 minutes where the Christ angle of 26.3 degrees is inside !!!
                                                                                                     the year  2028  divided by 26.3  = 77 = CHRIST angle !!!
            SPARTA QUAKE struck exactly 8:07 am !!!!!!!
                                                                ^ ^ ^
                  "After he begot Enosh, Seth lived 807 years, and had sons and daughters."
                                                                 Genesis 5:7 and 8/9 the date of the SPARTA QUAKE
                                                                            ^^   ^^
                                syncs perfectly to Jewish Yr 5789 which begins on 9/21/2028. All the best evidence 
pointing to 2nd Coming of Jesus in that Jewish yr 5789 is synced to 9/30/2028  !!! DAY of ATONEMENT !!!
    We've already documented about the prophetic significance of this date  9/20/2017 in a prior Five Dove article
          where this alignment can be seen synchronized in the book of Revelation to the year 2028 !!!!!!!
                     see link > <

     Here are a some charts concerning this date 9/20/2017 and Venus King Regulus SIGN in the Heavens.

                                                            Venus is the                   Venus is the
          Start                     End of          "Morning Star"              "Morning Star" < JESUS calls himself the
        Book of                Chapter 1          in text of vs                     in text of vs <  "Morning Star" in this verse !!
      Revelation              Rev 1:20            Rev 2:28                        Rev 22:16
              !.............20 vs........!..........28 vs......!..............351 vs to...........!
                               ^^                   ^^                             ^^^                    Venus in alignment
                                     ^^         ^^                               ^^^             with Great Pyramid by way 
                                         2028    divided    by    351 = 5.777 !!!!!!! of Christ angle !!!!!!!
                                                                     Jewish year 5777  ended 9/20/2017
........................................................................................................................................................                                                 astonishing amount of  
                                                                           Venus King Regulus         evidence amassing here as
Transit of                            Transit of                       Great Pyramid                 most probable date for
   Venus                               Venus                   Christ angle  alignment               Second Coming 
 6/8/2004                             6/6/2012                          9/20/2017                              Jesus Christ
       !...............2920 days..........!..............1932 days..........!                                        9/30/2028
       !..................^^^^..............................^^^^............................................8880 days...........!
                           ^^^^                          ^^^^                                Jesus = 888 in greek gematria !!!
                             2920 divided by 1932 = 1.51 !!!   < Jesus calls himself the
 the letters in his name JESUS CHRIST = 151 !!!  "Morning Star" in Revelation 22:16 !!!

                                                                                             astonishing amount of  
                     Sign in the Heavens                                    evidence amassing here as
             CHRIST angle of 26.3 degrees                               most probable date for
that comes out of the Great Pyramid into the sky                  Second Coming 
    aligned to  Venus and King Regulus                                    Jesus Christ 
                  this exact day in the sky !!                                         9/30/2028
                               MARY CHRIST seen in Matthew 1 chapter 930 of Bible !!  
        End of Jewish yr  5777                                       ^^^
                                  9/20/2017                                                9/30/2028
                                                     !........................4028 days.......................! ^^^^
                                      Matthew is book 40 of the Bible.                  ^^^^
                                                 Matthew has 28  chapters.                ^^^^
                                        Last chapter book of Matthew 28 is chapter 957 of the Bible
                           Last verse book of Matthew 28:20 is verse number 1071.
                                                                                        total equals 2028 !!

                                         MARY = 57 CHRIST = 77 INE = 28 JOB = 27 
                                                                                              Notice 28  +  27   = 55
                          Mary testified in her article her son was born  in 1973 + 55 yrs = 2028 !!
                                      Another amazing bible sync here is Psalm 73 syncs to the yr 1973 !!
                                                             In fact Psalm 72 and Psalm 73 is the only place in the
     Old Testament where an exact verse sequence of 20  and  28 verses takes place with chapters !!
                         In fact in the Bible these are chapters 550 and 551 of the bible !!
                                                        Notice again from 1973 its 55 yrs to 2028 !!
   This Five Dove article documents on a deeper level the prophetic nature of the chapters of Book of Psalms.
                                     > <

                                                                          Mary and her Husband
                          Notice Mary                                       were told to                 Second Coming
                          said her son                                   move to Arizona       !!!!!!! Jesus Christ !!!!!!!
              was born in 1973 and died in 1980                 in yr 2000                          2028
                                     !..........7 yrs.........!..........20 yrs........!.............28 yrs.............!
                                     !.................................................55 yrs.....................................!
          Psalm 72  Psalm 73      >>>>>>>>>>>   chapter 551of bible  >>>>>>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
           vs count 20&28       >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                 So we can see Mary's son in his birth and death was given as a PROPHETIC SIGN !!!!!!!
                                                                                                           !!!!!!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT !!!!!!!

                                                                                                   Babylon is fallenis fallen
               The TWIN II TOWERS of NY               TWIN II TOWERS of NY          Second Coming 
                  were officially completed                             destroyed               !!!!!!! Jesus Christ !!!!!!!
                  and inaugurated in 1973                                   2001                                2028 
                                                     !..................28 years.........!.............27 years..........!
                                                                              ^^                         ^^
                                                                                 ^^                   ^^
                           MARY = 57 CHRIST = 77 INE = 28 JOB = 27 

                To learn about the 3 stage Babylon Prophecy involving the TWIN II TOWERS of NY 
              see this Five Dove article > <
   Bottom line is Stage 3 of the Babylon Prophecy will be executed at 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
                                                                                     Isaiah 21:9 , Revelation 14:8, Revelation 18:2
                         "And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen
          and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!"
                                                                                      Revelation 18:2

                                                       MARY CHRIST   INE  JOB 
                                                         57  +   77   28 27 = 189 
     Notice from start to finish                ^^                                       ^^
     her full name synchronizes                    ^^                            ^^
                                                                          ^^                 ^^
                                               with the Jewish year  5789 which begins on 9/21/2028 and all the best evidence we 
     are examining for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ syncs in that Jewish year to the
                                         Jewish DAY OF ATONEMENT 9/30/2028 !!!!!!! Holiest Day of Jewish Year !!!!!!!
                                       MARY CHRIST  seen in chapter 930 of Bible Matthew 1:16 !!
                    THE END of book > Matthew 28:20 > 957+1071=2028 !!!!!!!
      We would like to thank Mary for her testimony and tell her don't be disappointed if 2021 comes and goes
     with no end time Rapture Resurrection. We believe the strongest evidence in the bible about the
    end time Rapture Resurrection is pointing to it happening simultaneously with the 2nd Coming of Jesus !!
   Some supporting scriptures for this are the LAST TRUMPET of 1st Corinthians 15:51-52 synced with
   Revelation 11:15 and Matthew 24:29-31....Also see Revelation 20:4-6 where it plainly states those who make it
  thru the Great Tribulation and refuse to take the mark of the beast participate in the FIRST RESURRECTION !!
 There are also numerous examples of prophetic typology in the bible supporting this simultaneous view.....
                                           Here are a couple Five Dove articles that document this.....
God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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