Wonderful post Carl. Like you pointed out, i too am quite sure many rapture watchers are praying for Jesus to return for us soon , but God most likely has that day & hour already set in stone. May be it feels like time is speeding up cause we are getting so close now to that day when Jesus will come in the clouds for all saved Christians. God might just be putting into believers hearts the feeling that life as we have always known is about to change foreverWhich brings me to share an important issue that God placed on my heart years ago when i became a rapture watcher. I was quite excited when i first started understanding bible prophecy and how close we are getting to our Lord's return. I would read every internet rapture website, and pray for "it" to happen as soon as possible. But i felt God pressing into my heart that I now had an extra responsibility that comes with the knowledge of knowing about the soon coming of our Lord Jesus ChristAnd that responsibility is to tell others what i know about how soon Jesus could be returning and the decision every non-believer needs to make before the rapture happens to accept Jesus as their Lord & Savior. We all have talents and spiritual gifts God has given each one of us. He expects us to use these talents to spread the gospel message to as many people as we canFor some Christians that may mean sharing Jesus in a school setting, at a daycare center, church VBS program, while out shopping for grocerys, at a sports event, while on a family vacation , etc. Whatever spiritual gift God has given you to bring Glory to His name and His Kingdom, He is depending on you to carry out that gifting in the short time we have left till His soon return. Most of the people in this world still need to hear about the Salvation Message of Jesus Christ. I encourage everyone to be the hands and feet of our Lord and be about His life-saving business in these final days. There is nothing more important that we can do as this church age comes to a close than to be sharing the Good News our Savior offers to everyone who will listenYES - Jesus is returning very soon. We can feel it, sense it is coming. Let us all use these last days till we hear that wonderful rapture shout , to be using our lives for His kingdom purposes !have a blessed day, Gary