Bob Ware (28 Jan 2013)
"A new diagram and text linking Obama to Daniel's 490th year"

You may need to refer to the 'Prime List' I posted earlier to make the
connections to Obama and the 153rd prime number (881): 

The attached diagram has a diameter of 1852 days/units and a
circumference of 5819 days/units. I placed the date for the 33rd
anniversary of the Six Day War at the base of the triangle within this
circle. From that point in time upward it is 463 days/units to 11
September 2001 at the center of the circle. It is 926 days/units to the
beginning of the circumference at the top of the circle. 11 September
2001 plus the radius of 926 days/units was 25 March 2004. The 2368th day
of the current Jewish calendar cycle began at sunset on that date. 2368
is the gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. From 25 March 2004 it was two steps of
881 days to the first Inauguration of President Obama on 20 January 2009.
881 is the 153rd prime number and the 43rd number within the ‘Prime
Cube’. When I filled the ‘Prime Cube’ with the names of the 43 different
Presidents, Obama’s name fell at this point. President Obama’s second
Inauguration fell 1462 days later on 21 January 2013. Note that 43 + 153
+881 equals: 1077 (the final gematria for ‘CROSS’). 1077 also equals the
sum of the composite (364) and prime number (713) gematrias of ‘JESUS
CHRIST’. The 5819 circumference of this circle equals: (3 x 1077) plus
the sum of the ASCII codes (1795) and English gematria (793) for ‘Barack
Hussein Obama’.

The diameter of this circle equals: 1795 plus 57. Obama's second
Inauguration was the 57th Presidential Inauguration. Obama is the 57th
different President when you include the 14 different Presidents of the
Continental Congress.
276 people were saved in Paul’s shipwreck. 25 March 2004 plus 276 days
was 26 December 2004. This was the date for the earthquake and tsunami
that killed approximately 250,000 people. 25 March 2004 plus 666 days was
20 January 2006. That was three years to the day prior to Obama’s first
113 is the 31st prime number and the first point of the ‘Prime Cross’.
113 x Pi yields the closest result to a whole number (355). There are a
maximum of 355 days in one normal Jewish year with 12 lunar cycles. It is
113 days from Obama’s second Inauguration on 21 January 2013 to the 65th
anniversary of Israel’s rebirth on 14 May 2013. It is another 113 days to
the start of Rosh Hashanah 5774 at sunset on 4 September 2013. From the
end of Rosh Hashanah 5774 at sunset on 5 September 2013 to the date at
the top of this circle (29 February 2020) is 2368 days.
2041 is the gematria for the Greek word ‘ANTICHRIST’. On 29 July 2014
Obama will have served 2016 days and it will be 2041 days to 29 February
2020. 25 days later on 23 August 2014 Obama will have served 2041 days
and it will be 2016 days to 29 February 2020. Form 21 January 2013 to the
240th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on 4 July 2016 will
be 1260 days. 21 January 2013 plus 2016 days will be the 666th day of the
next Jewish calendar cycle (30 July 2018).
The fourth word of Genesis 1:1 has a gematria of 401. 4 x 401 equals:
1604. 1604 is the length of each side of the triangle within this circle.
>From the bottom right corner of the triangle within this diagram (17 July
2009) to the bottom of the circle (13 March 2012) was 970 days. The 544th
composite number is 666. The 666th composite number is 806. The 806th
composite number is 970. 806 + 970 equals: 1776, thus the average value
of 806 and 970 is 888. 544 + 666 + 806 equals: 2016.
1480 is the gematria of ‘CHRIST’. President Obama’s 1480th day in office
ends 17 days after his second Inauguration on 7 February 2013. The 17th
triangle number is 153 which is the trinity reduction of Jesus’ gematria
1 October 2017 will be the 364th day of the next and 305th Jewish
calendar cycle. 364 is the composite number gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’.
>From 1 October 2017 to 29 February 2020 will be another step of 881 days.
1795 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’. 21 January
2013 plus 1795 days will be the Winter Solstice of 2017 (21 December
2017). 800 is the gematria of ‘LORD’. It is 800 days from the Winter
Solstice of 2017 to 29 February 2020.
I believe that this is more confirmation that the end of Daniel’s 490th
year will be 29 February 2020.