The purpose of this post is to do my very best to convince some of you of this April 11, 2018, projection. I have been on a long journey to finally arrive at what I consider to be the CORRECT end-times Bible Prophecy timeline. When I retired years early from an excellent secular job nine years ago, convinced that we had just entered the Final 7 Years in the Fall of 2008, I never could imagine that it would take 9 years to finally reach its proper conclusion. Yes, I am convinced that the Lord is finally revealing His correct end-times timeline, leading DIRECTLY to the literal 2nd Coming of Christ in the Fall of 2022, EXACTLY 14 years after it all started. We have EVERY reason to believe that the starting date for the 1260-day Great Tribulation will be April 11, 2018, less than 2 months away.
For those of you who have been following my posts for the past nine years plus, or those of you who were on my Bible tract mailing list in the 1990's, feel free to skip the next few paragraphs, and proceed to a summary of what I consider God's final 14-year timeline, which should culminate with the literal 2nd Coming of Christ in the Fall of 2022. But many of you are fairly new to my mailing list or fairly new to Five Doves ( If I were you, I would want to know something about a Watcher who is proclaiming some unconventional understanding of the proper interpretation of end-times Bible Prophecy.
Many no longer give my posts any consideration, or may not even read them, due to my understanding and interpretation being very different from the popular teachings so prevalent today. Another reason is because I have had several possible projections of the timing of the Rapture that have not come to pass (obviously). But I am certainly not alone in that. As you will see below, it is my contention, that my projection of Oct. 29, 2008, as the starting point for the Final 14 Years, as in the story of Joseph, who is the most complete type of Christ in the entire Word of God, has been correct right along. During this entire time, I have remained convinced of Barack Hussein Obama being the future Antichrist, as well as the starting date. I have never wavered on those two points.
It has become obvious, through progressive revelation, that the Lord has had His reasons for not letting the timing become known for the Rapture until just shortly before the actual fulfillment. Although I have been saying for almost one year now that we have EVERY reason to believe that April 11, 2018, will be the starting date of the Great Tribulation, the Rapture date remains unknown, although, by far, the most likely date for the Firstfruits Rapture is Feast of Firstfruits, Apr. 6, 2018 (more on that in coming posts).
I write the following only so some of you will be able to see that my calling as a Biblical Watchman has been very extensive and very busy. I have been very diligent in my pursuit to be the Biblical Watchman (Ezekiel 33) that my Lord has called me to be. Very few others have quit a very good secular job to pursue a non-paying internet ministry, like I have. I take my calling extremely seriously.
I became a Biblical Watchman over 40 years ago. The subject of end-times Bible Prophecy has always fascinated me. I am a graduate of Western Michigan University, and of Anchor Bay Bible Institute. I have pastored two churches in the early 1980's. But before that, and after that, I found true fulfillment in being a Biblical Watchman. I have preached in 50 to 75 different churches on the End Times.
Frustrated in my attempts to find good Bible Prophecy tracts, the Lord led me to write my own. I have written over 50 different Prophecy tracts, all with the plan of salvation included at the end of the tract, with my address and phone number on all of the almost 10 million tracts in circulation, which kept me busier than I could have imagined. My tracts were so popular that I received as many as 72 mail and phone orders in one day. I became well-known in Bible Prophecy circles, because of my tracts, and quarterly newsletters, and because I attended so many Bible Prophecy conferences, and had many one-on-one conversations with almost all of the famous Prophecy speakers.
Many of these large Prophecy ministries put my tracts in their newsletters, or book orders. Many of the Prophecy conferences allowed me to have my own display table, and Jack Van Impe even had me stand at one conference in the middle of his presentation, and endorsed the tract that I had given to him. In the mid-nineties, I was invited by Ray Brubaker, of God's News Behind the News, to be one of the speakers at their ministries' annual Bible Prophecy Conference in Tampa, Florida. This was the largest and best Prophecy Conference in the world, with all of the famous speakers there.
I did all of the above while working full-time at my secular job. Countless hours of trying to fulfill my calling from my Lord. Countless hours of writing so very many tracts and quarterly newsletters, proofreading them, stacking tracts in bundles of 100, processing and mailing tract orders, numerous trips to the printer, preparing sermons, travelling to different churches, and preparing bumper stickers, florescent orange oval stickers, ministry tapes, singing tapes by my wife, Rapture t-shirts, and several other ministry items. I did all of this while raising a family and attending Bible College for 3 years at night, while I worked a secular job during the day. I cannot say for sure, but maybe my diligence and perseverance is why God has chosen to reveal His end-times Bible Prophecy timeline to me.
My only reason for writing these last three paragraphs is to show your that I am well-respected in the Bible Prophecy world, so that you might give what I am writing about your serious consideration. I have been fulfilling my calling as a Biblical Watchman for most all of the past 40+ years, in one form or another. I have been diligent in my pursuit to fulfill this calling by God, and to attempt to learn from Him the final timeline that our God has set forth. My only reason for these attempts is to give proper warning to people everywhere of what is SOON to come. The Sudden Nuclear Destruction (1st Thess. 5) will bring on the Great Tribulation, and unparalleled cataclysmic devastation upon this world, beyond our worst comprehension. This includes the dreaded Mark of the Beast, without which nobody will be able to buy or sell anything, including food.
The burden of my heart is not just for the unsaved in this sin-filled world in which we live, but also for the backslidden, worldly, compromising, unwatching, and lukewarm Christians. I am convinced, through my study of the Word, that these types of Christians will NOT make the first Rapture, but be thrust into the Great Tribulation. They will become part of the "vast number of people that no man could number", who were found with dirty garments at the time of the first Rapture, that they had to have washed, and made white, in the Great Tribulation. Everyone who reads my posts, has relatives or friends who will miss this Firstfruits Rapture. As a Biblical Watchman, I have a real burden to try to warn as many of these people as I possibly can. Our time to warn them is almost over!
I have been able to glean much from most every Bible Prophecy teacher that I have listened to, and whose tapes I have listened to, and whose books I have read. I have done my best to attempt to allow the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and direct me. It has not been easy, or necessarily quick, to distance some of my beliefs, from those of popular teachings on the end-times. But I believe strongly in progressive revelation. It has taken me many years to understand the importance of not swallowing some popular teachings just because famous Bible Prophecy teachers present them. Pre-conceived teachings, and pre-conceived ideas, can easily stunt your spiritual growth, as a student of Bible Prophecy. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to us what is the truth, and not always rely on other teachers, regardless of how much exposure they get on television, or how many books they write, or how popular they are.
After 40+ years of studying Bible Prophecy, from the Bible, listening to knowledgeable Bible Prophecy scholars (in person, and in tapes), reading MANY relevant books (J.R. Church and Grant Jeffrey were two of the best), attending numerous Bible Prophecy Conferences, and mainly allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart on these matters, below are a few of my conclusions during the last 9 years. This is an attempt at a summary of the important events and dates, which have led me to believe that April 11, 2018, is the start of the 1260-day Great Tribulation. I can find nothing in God's Word that would prevent us from KNOWING this timetable. Jesus said we could KNOW when it was NEAR, EVEN AT THE DOOR!!
These very important events and dates are the very foundation by which I have been able to arrive at April 11, 2018. However, other factors, and calculations (such as my previous post on God's secret 666 Code revealing Obama as the Antichrist, and projecting the EXACT timetable of the 1260-day Great Tribulation), add extra proof that does not necessarily need all of the dates and events listed below to be correct, although I believe that they are.
1. Oct. 29, 2008, was the starting point for the Final 14 Years, as in the story of Joseph. In hindsight, I have been able to look back for several years now to see that this obviously was NOT the beginning of the Final 7 Years (the 7 Years of Famine in the story of Joseph). But it WAS the first day of the 7 Years preceding the 7 Famine Years. These were our 7 Years of Preparation, just like Joseph had 7 Years to prepare for the 7 Years of Famine. They also could be called the 7 Years of the Antichrist (Obama). I had supernatural confirmations of this date. and Obama as the Antichrist, back in the Fall of 2008. These confirmations caused me to retire early to concentrate on an internet end-times Bible Prophecy ministry. Starting with nothing, I now have between 6000 and 7000 people on my current mailing list.
It is fascinating that EXACTLY 2520 days, or 7 Prophetic Years, from Oct. 29, 2008, takes us to the very date of Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, the date that Bible Prophecy Watchers were waiting so intently for, as so many things were pointing DIRECTLY to that date. How ironic that so many Watchers were expecting this to be the time for the start of the Final 7 years (and they were very close with that projection), but in reality, it was the ending date for the Final 7 Years of Preparation (as in the story of Joseph). Upon request, I will send to you, 3 of my 2008 posts that CONFIRM Oct. 29, 2008, as the start of the Final 7 Years of Preparation, preceding the Final 7 Years. If you choose to read them, please remember that when I wrote them I believed, in 2008, that this date was the start of the Final 7 Years. Hindsight has shown us that it was the start of the Final 14 Years (as in the story of Joseph)
2. Oct. 29, 2008, was also the fulfillment of Dan. 9:27. Most Bible Prophecy students are still waiting for a 7-year peace treaty with Israel and many other nations, with the Antichrist, as a result of the very popular teaching, that this is what Dan. 9:27 tells us. I did a word-by-word study in the Hebrew of Daniel 9:27. There is NOTHING in this verse about Israel. There is nothing in this verse about a treaty of any kind. The word "peace" is never even mentioned, or hinted at. Yet a very, very, popular theory has resulted, and been accepted by Bible Prophecy students everywhere, and swallowed hook, line, and sinker, by the vast majority.
My very strong opinion is that Barack Hussein Obama, ONE WEEK before he was elected as President of the U.S., on Oct. 29, 2008, CONFIRMED THE COVENANT of Dan. 9:27, seen by several million people, by making a promise or a COVENANT with THE MANY, TO CHANGE THE WORLD, thereby thrusting the world into the Final 7 Years of Preparation, or 7 Years of the Antichrist, thereby fulfilling, not the 70th Week of Daniel, but the 69th Week of Daniel. The Five Doves website archives listed on the cover page only goes back to 2010. Therefore, I do not know if it is still possible to access my posts from the Fall of 2008. You may try if you would like to. Once again, a simple request, by email, to me, will allow you to receive this post, giving you many more details about what I have just written.
3. The 70th Week of Daniel began on 11/11/15. I spent most of the entire year of 2015, projecting this date to be the start date of the Final 7 Years. I remain convinced to this day, that I was correct. The evidence was, and still is, simply overwhelming. The problem was that I also projected this to be the probable date of the Rapture/Sudden Destruction also. Obviously that did not take place. Many were on board with the Fall of 2015 to be the start of the Final 7 Years. But because the majority of Christians expected a Rapture BEFORE the start of the Final 7 Years, almost everybody has jumped off that bandwagon, despite all of the overwhelming evidence.
This must mean that those very same Watchers must now believe that the very strong evidence of the solar eclipses and the very rare 4 Blood Red Moons happening EXACTLY on Feast of Passover, and Feast of Tabernacles, for 2014 and 2015, meant NOTHING. To me, that is simply NOT possible. These Heavenly signs took us DIRECTLY TO THE START OF THE FINAL 7 YEARS. For numerous other conclusive signs, go to the archives, found on the cover page, for 2015, and read my numerous posts that year, that were ALL pointing to the very same day of the year, 11/11/15. There were way too many conclusive signs to believe that it was all coincidence.
4. To prove that we were on track with this 7-year timeline of Oct. 29, 2008, to Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, to be the 7 Good (compared to the Final 7 Bad Years) Years, or 7 Years of Preparation, in the story of Joseph, and also to be the 69th Week of Daniel (it is my intention to write a post on this fulfillment of Dan. 9:27), God saw fit to give us an AMAZING sign.
At the EXACT midpoint of this 7-year period, on APRIL 11, 2012, there were so many earthquakes, and such MAJOR earthquakes, that this date has become known as the DAY OF THE EARTHQUAKES. Thank you, Lord, for this confirmation sign, that we were right on track for your FINAL 14-YEAR COUNTDOWN, just like in the story of Joseph, with 7 Years of Preparation, and then 7 Years of Famine. It is my contention that the extreme importance of APRIL 11, 2012, was twofold, as it was also pointing ahead EXACTLY 6 YEARS TO APRIL 11, 2018, THE PROJECTED START DATE OF THE 1260-DAY GREAT TRIBULATION!!!!!!
5. 11/11/15. I spent most of 2015 compiling very strong evidence that 11/11/15 would be the first day of the Final 7 Years. Unfortunately, and with my apologies, I was wrong about the Rapture/Sudden Destruction also happening on the same day. Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, which was exactly 7 Prophetic Years (2520 days) from the start date, Oct. 29, 2008, ended the 7 Years of Preparation, just like Joseph had 7 Years of Preparation before the 7 Years of Famine. However, there was a 49--50--day gap between the ending of the 1st 7 Years of Preparation and the actual Final 7 Years. Our type was given at the time of Jesus' death and resurrection. The Church Age did not begin until 49--50 days later, on the day of Pentecost. Both of these 49--50--day gaps were so that Jesus' could fulfill the 7 most important days of His life, on the 7 Feast Days. In the case of His 1st Coming, it was so that Jesus could start His Church on Feast of Pentecost. In the 2nd case of 11/11/15, it was so that Jesus could fulfill His literal 2nd Coming on Day of Atonement, in 2022, 2520 days later.
It is difficult for us as Watchmen to comprehend some of these points in this post because we have been so filled with our pre-conceived ideas, and pre-conceived teachings. Many of you are scoffing at what I am writing here. I can identify with you. Not so many years back, I would have been offering up the very same arguments that you are right now, such as: 1. We cannot be in the Final 7 Years because there has been no Rapture, and no Sudden Destruction. 2. There has been no 7--Year peace treaty with Israel and the Antichrist. 3. There is no Antichrist in power over the world. 4. The construction of an elaborate temple in Israel for the Antichrist has not even started yet.
I will be dealing with #1 and #3 in my next post. I dealt with #2 earlier in this post. I will attempt to deal with #4 in an upcoming post. But I will say that I have serious doubts (as did J.R. Church, the most profound Prophetic scholar whom I have every met), about the building of an elaborate temple for the Antichrist to reign in. Surely, we would never expect Jesus to rule and reign in a temple that the Antichrist had thoroughly defiled with His presence, and his declaration that He, the Antichrist, was actually God. Jesus will supervise the construction of His Millennial Temple (the 3rd Temple, not the 4th), upon His Second Coming. Also, the Jews will be fleeing to the mountains of Petra, to hide for the 1260 days of the Great Tribulation. I cannot see any time for the building of another elaborate temple during this time of Great Tribulation. For more details on the past few paragraphs, please check out the links to these posts below that I wrote in late 2015: The title of this post was "Are we in the transitional period of 49 (7 X 7) days, just like the disciples???" If you are going to come to an understanding of why the Final 7 Years started on 11/11/15, it is imperative that you read, or re-read, the three posts linked here and below. This post, and the one linked above are titled, "Top 11 Signs, in order, for ELEVEN ELEVEN to be the 1st Day of the Final 7 Years" (Parts 1 & 2). Here are those top 11 Signs, leading us DIRECTLY to the day of 11/11/15. Here is a list of those top eleven reasons. For more detailed info, please go the links provided:
1. 2520 days, or 7 Prophetic Years, before Day of Atonement, Oct. 5th, 2022, is ELEVEN ELEVEN OF 2015 EXACTLY!!!!!!! Day of Atonement is the day of the year when almost all Bible Prophecy students expect Jesus to Return at the end of the Final 7 Years.
2. The 14 Prophetic Years of Joseph demand that the Final 7 Years MUST start in the Fall of 2015!!!
3. The 17th day of the 2nd month--God's Day of Great Judgment, so God moved it to ELEVEN ELEVEN THIS YEAR (2015)!!!
4. The 1994 Comet Shoemaker-Levy striking Jupiter was the most spectacular, sign-filled, astronomical event of our lifetime, and it points us DIRECTLY to 11/11/15!!!
5. The New York City fire and explosion, EXACTLY 33 (the most Satanic number) weeks from 11/11/15!!!
6. Numerous Signs and calculations pointing DIRECTLY to 9/23/15, which was the Final Day of the 7 Years of Preparation.
7. The Satanic number of ELEVEN. ELEVEN is the number of Lucifer.
8. The 120--Day Warning Sign, and the 40--Day Warning Sign.
9. The 49--Day, or 7 X 7, transition period, or one Jubilee cycle of Days, from Sept. 23, 2015, the day that everything was pointing towards, to the first day of the Final 7 Years, ELEVEN ELEVEN OF 2015.
10. The number ELEVEN is the Biblical number of JUDGMENT AND DISORDER.
11. Nepal Major Earthquake reported to have taken place at 11:11 a.m., local time!!! Combined with the delay in the start of the famous Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, speech, until precisely 11:11 a.m., this report of this catastrophic earthquake was a very strong indication that someone was trying to bring the date of 11/11 to our attention.
I have taken the liberty here to delete one of the original 11 Signs, and replace it with this #11 sign, which I have linked, if you would like more details. More details on every one of these ELEVEN major signs pointing DIRECTLY to ELEVEN ELEVEN OF 2015 can be read. by clicking on the links above, at the start of these ELEVEN major signposts.
When I started this post, I suspected it would become a two-part post. In about one week, you should receive part 2. These two posts are extremely important to bring you to some level of understanding of how ALL of the signs are pointing EXACTLY to April 11, 2015. I do not expect many of you to be able to digest all that I have written. I am making these points as concise as I can, with the Lord's help. To me, it is an amazing puzzle, over a nine and one-half year period, which shows so much evidence pointing DIRECTLY to April 11, 2018, to be the starting point for the 1260-day Great Tribulation, and the reign and rule of Barack Hussein Obama, the 6th and 8th King of Revelation 17.
According to Rev. 17, the days of the 7th King, as King, or President, will be just a short time. Knowing that Donald Trump's days are numbered, and that Apr. 11th is rapidly approaching (with the Rapture/Sudden Nuclear Destruction shortly before that), WE ARE LIVING IN EXTREMELY EXCITING, OMINOUS, AND SOBERING times. As WATCHMEN we are CALLED TO WARN PEOPLE, OR THEIR BLOOD WILL BE UPON OUR HANDS! (Ezekiel 33).
You may need to read this Part 1 post again, as there is so very much to digest. Part 2 will answer many of the questions that are forming in your mind, and, hopefully, fill in many of the blanks. I will be dealing with Genesis 45 (the type of our Final 14 Years), and also the 6/1 divider of the Final 7 Years, and the 2 and one-half years/4 and one-half years divider, which both parallel the 7000-year plan for mankind. This will give you a much better understanding of how the Rapture/Sudden Destruction and start of the 1260-day Great Tribulation should be in April of this year, and WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO EXPECT IT TO!!!!!!! The Great Tribulation is a 1260-day period within the Final 7 Years, from Year 2 and one-half to the end of Year 6. Year 2 and one-half, in my studied opinion, will take place in April of this year. I will do my best to attempt to explain that to you in Part 2 next week.
Could one of the main reasons that Jesus said we could KNOW when His Return was near, EVEN AT THE DOOR, be that we could KNOW the EXACT time frame of the 1260-day
Great Tribulation??? If you are able to gain somewhat of an understanding of this post, and part 2 next week, you will not be able to avoid watching intently the date of April 11th, of this year, and the preceding Holy Days leading up to it.
Thank you for taking the time and effort to read and attempt to digest this post. I trust that you have been challenged and blessed. May the Lord richly bless you, as you attempt to discern Biblical truth, and to properly discern the multiple signs of these very, very last days. I strongly encourage each of you to draw near to our Lord Jesus Christ, so that you can be led by the Holy Spirit, and so that you can be a part of the Bride of Christ.
Ron Reese
p.s. Thanks to those who informed me of my oversight of listing Aug. 3rd as Obama's birth date in my previous post. Obviously, it is Aug. 4th, which is the 216th day of the year. 6 X 6 X 6 = 216, forming a 666, the number of the Antichrist.