John B (11 Feb 2018)
"The Mystery of the 3 Kings of Daniel 7.......and the "Different King""


I have been emailing back and forth for several days with a fellow Dove. The topics of those emails were prompted by my recent posts to 5Doves concerning the Roman Catholic Church / Mystery Babylon and it's role in the end times scenario.

He quizzed me about several aspects on these topics. One particular topic was the kings that show up in Revelation 17. After we had discussed the identity of those kings he was also curious as to who the 3 kings were that were “subdued” by the antichrist in Daniel 7:24. He like most people believed that the term “king” in verse 24 really referred to kingdom and that the antichrist somehow subdues 3 kingdoms. This prompted me to give him quite the detailed answer which I believe I now also need to share with the 5 Dove community. I believe this is the most important / relevant article I have ever submitted to the Doves site in 20+ years and I hope that all who read it will follow it to the end and in some way be blessed by it.

So, who are the 3 kings in Daniel 7:24 that are subdued by the antichrist? And are they kings or are they kingdoms? I believe the answer and the corresponding details will shock many.

Let me first copy verse 24 and the surrounding verses so you get more of a full picture.... so to speak.

23 "Thus he said: 'The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces.

24 The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings.

25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time.


Now lets list the players involved.....

a) 10 kings who arise from a worldwide / fourth kingdom on earth

b) a single king who rises to power during this fourth kingdom but he “is different” from the other kings

c) 3 kings who “the different king” subdues....but it doesn't say that these 3 kings are from the group of 10


The description of the “different king” in verse 25 and compared with Revelation 13:6 tags this “different king” as the first beast of Revelation 13 or better known as the end times antichrist.

Now the 10 kings are also the same 10 kings that are better described in Revelation 17:12-13 where we see that they form a compact with the “different king” / first beast / antichrist for a period of time. For this period of time these 10 kings and the beast will be of one mind and they will give their power and authority to the beast. It is evident to me that the 10 kings represent 10 kingdoms who will align themselves with the beast when the time is right.

Now this “different king”, this antichrist, this first beast per Revelation 17.... teamed up with a woman. A woman figuratively is sitting on this beast, the antichrist. They are portrayed as a team like a horse and a rider. Now in last weeks post I focused on this woman in Revelation 17 and determined that it was indeed / without a doubt the Roman Catholic religion / system. With theses facts evident I think it is very safe to conclude that the beast / antichrist / different king is also a major contributing part of the worldwide Roman Catholic a horse and a rider would function together as a team.

So basically what this means is that the end times antichrist / first beast / different king is a major player in the RCC system.

So how do we connect the dots as to who this different king, first beast, antichrist is and how he fits into the RCC organization? John the Revelator shared with us these answers in Revelation 17:10-11. There he gives us a riddle and challenges us to figure it out by saying......”here is the mind who has wisdom”. There in the riddle John tells us who this different king/ first beast is and how he fits into the RCC system.

In the riddle we see 7 kings where 5 have fallen or died. Then John quotes the most important phrase by saying.....”one is”. By saying “one is” he is telling the reader that he (John) is present in that moment of his vision and is looking at the sixth king. It's this sixth king that he is focused on as the beast. He then says that the seventh king has not yet come but when he comes he will only continue a short time but there is no mention of him dying. Then John says that the beast that was alive.... and is not alive any more...... will be the eighth king and also one of the original seven.

I am sure that this all sounds very confusing but if one knows Catholic history the riddle of whom the first beast / different king / antichrist easily solved. And it will also solve the mystery of who the 3 kings are that were subdued in Daniel 7.

So as per Catholic history the RCC or the Vatican State did not become it's own country until 1929. So any popes that predated 1929 were just popes but the popes from 1929 until the present were also “kings”of this country or the Vatican State. And you guessed it, there have been 8 kings or popes of this country from 1929 until the John said there would be.

We need to focus on the last three kings /popes as John did in his writing. Which are the sixth, seventh and eighth popes. The sixth was John Paul II, the seventh was Benedict and the eighth is Francis.

John describes the sixth pope / king in the riddle by saying.....”one is”. Kind of like he didn't know how to finish the sentence. Like he was confused if this sixth king was dead or alive. Let's now look at this sixth king of the RCC since 1929. It's John Paul II, his body is being totally preserved in a cryogenic chamber underneath the Vatican. It makes perfect sense to me why John the Revelator referred to this sixth king as...”one is”. “One is”... is in a state of suspended animation waiting.....waiting for what? Waiting as per verse 8....waiting for the spirit of the king of the bottomless pit to indwell his preserved corpse, his preserved shell, his preserved representation.

What does John say in the riddle about the seventh king / pope? He says that when this king comes he only continues in office for a short time. Who is this seventh king of the RCC since 1929? Pope Benedict....Did he continue in office for a short time and has not died? Yes

My research has told me that Benedict was forced out of office by the Luciferians ie. the globalists. As the story line goes it was Obama / Clinton and the new world order crowd who forced him out. As the story goes the world banking thugs froze all of the Vatican funds until Benedict agreed to step aside. When he did the funds were restored and Francis the first Jesuit pope through a rigged election was through deception, falsely inserted into the papacy. Did you ever hear of a pope stepping aside or quitting in the modern era? Didn't happen.....forced out

So Francis is not the legitimate eighth pope but an impostor, a usurper and doesn’t qualify for what scripture has to say concerning the eighth king.

Now what does John say about the eighth king of the RCC since 1929. He says that..... the beast that was, and is not, is the eighth. Well that points to the prior verbiage that describes the beast who arises from the bottomless pit. And then John says about the eighth king...... that he is also of the first seven kings. So it doesn't take a genius to combine what John described and then determine that this eighth king is a combination of two entities. One entity being whatever ascended from the bottomless pit ( Abaddon or Apollyon) and the other entity being the preserved corpse / representation of John Paul II.

So back to Daniel 7:24 it speaks of this “different king” that appears on the world stage. And then we learn in verse 25 that this “different king” is indeed the antichrist. Can you now see why Daniel referred to him as “different”? He will be the spirit of the king of the bottomless pit combined with the shell / corpse / representation of a beloved long dead pope....John Paul II. I would call that really really different.

OK, finally I am getting to the 3 kings that were subdued in Daniel 7:24 by this “different king”. Who are they?

First lets look at one of Webster's definitions for the word subdue. One is.....altered in sense and form by association. Another definition would be.... to conquer or overtake.

So, when this different king / first beast /antichrist shows up on the world stage John says in Revelation 17:9-11 that two pope / kings will be present. One that appears to be in limbo and one who has ruled but only for a short time and is still alive. To me that's a perfect fit for John Paul II and Benedict.

What happens to the shell / corpse / representation of John Paul II? Will not this preserved corpse be ….altered in sense and form by association...when the spirit of the king of the bottomless pit indwells the corpse? Most definitely. It’s very apparent how carefully God selects His this case the word subdue.

When this beast shows up to take over the body of John Paul II, I am sure that Pope Benedict and the false / King Pope Francis will disappear from the world stage (I presume at the rapture)......leaving the command of the RCC solely to the ascended demonic beast.

So who are the 3 mystery kings that “the different king” subdued in Daniel 7:24?John Paul II, Benedict and Francis....3 kings of the RCC, the Vatican State that had to be displaced / subdued in order for this different king / first beast / antichrist to take full control of not only the RCC but after an additional 3.5 years....the whole world.

One more tidbit of information / proof that the sixth king John Paul becomes this combination beast. In Revelation 13 where the first 8 verses of that chapter describe this first beast / antichrist, we are given a huge clue as to who will become the antichrist. Figuratively John says …..”And I saw one of the heads (kings) as if it had been mortally wounded, and this deadly wound was healed”.... Now we are told in Revelation 17 that the term “heads”means kings. Note....Scripture says nothing about a head wound (an idea that many people subscribe to)..... but head meaning king.

So, was one of these 8 kings of the RCC mortally wounded.....mortally as in died? And will somehow this deadly wound (of death) be healed? Yes, it seemingly will be when the representation of John Paul II once again appears on the world stage after being indwelled by the spirit of the king of the bottomless pit and then later also by the spirit of Satan himself.

This “creature” for lack of a better term will as John said twice in Revelation 17 marvel the world when it appears. Marvel because the world will recognize the shell / representation of this once great person.... who was, and is not, and yet is. Who was alive, died, and yet reappears after a seemingly mortal wound (death) to once again command the world stage. But this time with all the powers that Satan and the king of the bottomless pit can muster. These powers will completely amaze and mesmerize the world body as is described in Revelation 13:3-4......And all of the world marveled and followed the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?

Sorry it took me so long to get to the identity of the 3 subdued kings but the background story line had to be presented first......and a big and important story line it is.

I hope this post clears up some muddy waters of who the 3 kings and different king are and how all of the players described above fit into the end time scenario. A scenario that I believe is staring us in the face.

Blessings Doves......John B

PS....I realize that the identity of the “different king” / first beast / antichrist differs from what many Doves have convinced themselves of......Obama....but that can all be cleared up if just one verse of scripture is re-considered. And that verse is Revelation 13:18....the 666 verse. If one considers / believes that God in Revelation 13 dedicated the first 8 verses exclusively to the first beast, the antichrist. And then He dedicated the last 8 verses exclusively to the second beast.... then verse 18, the 666 verse, would apply solely to the second beast.....who could very well be Obama.

Think about how the world stage is set at this present time. If the rapture happened tomorrow the righteous element of American society would leave and that I believe would include Trump and Pence. The unrighteous left behind Americans would (in my belief) practically run over themselves in an effort to crown Obama as the new king of America due to the resulting chaos after the rapture. They would grant him whatever powers he needed to restore some semblance of order. This would put Obama in a unique position as commander in chief of the American military, he could then be “the enforcer” for the antichrist. Is that not what is described in Revelation 13:11-18 as the role of the second an enforcer for the antichrist? And the US military would be a very large enforcing entity indeed.  I believe the role of the second beast who as per Revelation 13:11 and 18 will be a man and from earth..... will go to Obama and then all the research that many Doves have diligently done tying him to the number 666 will become accurate and true.

I believe most Doves are aware of what is presently happening in the Middle East. All of the players who the bible said would be the attackers of Ezekiel 38 and 39 are poised near Israel borders and ready for war but there is a hitch. And that hitch is, that the United States under the Trump administration has inserted multiple military bases in Syria, Iraq, Jordon and Israel proper. The enemy forces now aligned against Israel wouldn’t dare attack Israel under the present US military structure in the Middle East. But.... if the rapture were to happen this year in late spring or early summer as many believe then those protective US military bases would suddenly become enemy bases under Obama’s command. Doesn’t the bible say that all nations will come against Israel? And didn’t the Jewish boy Nathan (that so many Doves refer to) say that Obama was Gog when he was asked. In Nathan vision he saw Obama as leading the forces who were trying to eradicate Israel and the Jews from the face of the earth.

All facets of the end time scenario appear to be coming together at a rapid rate. The earth is moaning in travail most everywhere and Satan is pulling out all the stops. Hamas and Hezbollah have both announced a 90+% chance of war with Israel very soon. I could list 100 bullet points of what’s happening around the earth that point to the end times and I am sure you Doves could as well. So as Luke has instructed us.....”look up, for our redemption draws near”......I personally believe that He is coming for us before the summer of 2018.