Denis Hart (2 Feb 2014)
"Solar Eclipse Witness to the Blood Red Moon Eclipses"

Solar Eclipse Witness to the Blood Red Moon Eclipses

Luke 21:25  And there will be signs in the Sun and Moon and stars; and upon the earth [there will be] distress (trouble and anguish) of nations in bewilderment and perplexity.

I was very interested in Bob Ware’s five doves letter some time ago with the circle and the 177 day counts for the Blood Red Moons - link below to 26 November 2013 letter.  I noticed that there were also 177 days between the two solar eclipses in 2015 and this got me thinking.  Now some Doves may already be aware of the following, but it may be worth going over.

There are three interesting elements of the solar eclipses in the 2015 to 2018 period:

  • First, there is a semester series of solar eclipses in 2015 to 2018

  • Secondly, the Autumn/Fall feasts and Daniel’s 3.5 prophetic (360 day years) years

  • Thirdly, the solar eclipse pattern starts one year later than the Blood Red Moons

177 Day Counts for Solar Eclipses: 2015 to 2018

Almost all solar eclipses during the 2015 to 2018 period, and before and after, are equal to or very close to 177 days in duration, and this applies to the gap between total, annular and partial.  My (very) limited understanding of astronomy indicates that this 177 day pattern is not uncommon.  However, there will be a semester series of solar eclipses in 2015 to 2018.  There are two exceptions to the 177 day rule worth noting: at the beginning (148 days from 23 Oct 2014 to 20 March 2015) and at the end - 148 days from 15 Feb 2018 to 13 July 2018 (partial in Australia) - a close following eclipse on 11 August 2018 restores the 177 day pattern.

Semester:  half a lunar year.  Eclipses will repeat exactly one semester apart at alternating nodes in a cycle that lasts for 8 eclipses. Each solar eclipse will alternate between hemispheres each semester, as well as alternate between total and annular. Each member in a semester series of solar eclipses repeats approximately every 177 days and 4 hours. 

21 Days for Fulfilment of Spring Feasts

From the solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 to 11 August 2018 there are nine eclipses, and seven 177 day counts.  A series of seven 177 day periods is short of 3.5 prophetic (360 day) years (Daniel's time, times and half a time) by 21 days.  However, the yet to be fulfilled Autumn/ Fall feasts cover a period of 21 days.  For example, in 2014 Rosh Hashanah is on 24-26 September, and Sukkot/Tabernacles finishes on 15-16 October.  If you add these 21 days the seven 177 days becomes 3.5 prophetic (360 day) years.  Feasts in 2014:

  • Rosh Hashanah:         sunset Wed 24 to nightfall Fri 26 September 2014

  • Yom Kippur:               sunset 3 to nightfall 4 October

  • Sukkot/Tabernacles   sunset 8 to nightfall 15 October

The above details show the how the 21 day count for the Fall Feasts works.  Put simply, the solar eclipses delineate a 3.5 year prophetic timeline.  This could be part of Daniel’s final seven years, or a time period for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the perfecting of the Bride and the body of Christ. 

There are also two less-known feasts that follow Sukkot/Tabernacles:  Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.  Details on these feasts are available at the link from below.

The holiday of Sukkot is followed by an independent holiday called Shemini Atzeret. In Israel, this is a one-day holiday; in the Diaspora it is a two-day holiday, and the second day is known as Simchat Torah. This holiday is characterized by utterly unbridled joy, which surpasses even the joy of Sukkot.  The joy reaches its climax on Simchat Torah, when we celebrate the conclusion - and restart - of the annual Torah-reading cycle.    

Why Might the Solar Cycle Start One Year Later in 2015?

Revelation 17:12, 13  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.  13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

It is difficult to be too prescriptive on this.  However, Revelation 17 prophesies of ten kings, who have not yet received power - but will share power with the Beast for one hour - or one year in the (12 days) in the Day of the Lord.  This could happen quickly in the wake of the chaos that the Rapture of the Bride (the overcoming Church) or the broader Rapture of the Church (Body of Christ).  Just a thought!

While these solar eclipses may not be as clear-cut or unique as the Four Blood Red Moon eclipses, this may be further confirmation of the absolute importance of the times we are living in!  He is coming very soon!!

Maranatha!!  Denis

Happy New (Lunar) John - Year of the (Wooden?) Horse
Thanks, Denis!