January 22nd, 2013 – KAMCHATKA – Three volcanoes in Russia’s Kamchatka continue to send steam and ash into the air while lava flows down their slopes. Volcanic activity on the peninsula has dramatically intensified. The volcanoes Shiveluch, Kizimen and Plosky Talbachek are erupting simultaneously in different parts of the peninsula, causing dozens of local earthquakes. Volcanologists are closely monitoring the situation.
Now a fourth one-
Count ‘Em Four - Simultaneous Volcanic Eruptions February 1st, 2013
To have four separate volcanic cones -each fed by separate magma sources -all erupting within 110 miles of one another simply doesn't happen. Ever.
And now it is. I warned back in December 2012-
Russian Far East, Once Closed-Off, Poses Seismic Hazard December 20th, 2012
seismically active
Kamchatka Peninsula
and the Kuril Islands
lie along the eastern edge of Russia.
Several destructive seismic events-
including a magnitude-9 earthquake, deadly
and costly tsunamis and a volcanic eruption
that halted air traffic - have
originated in these remote locales over the
past century.
Understanding seismic
hazards in the Russian Far East is
important for the global economy
and the safety of the entire Pacific Rim,
said Joanne Bourgeois, a seismologist at the
University of Washington who has been
studying the region for the past 17 years.
from the region are directed toward the
Americas, so when you're assessing hazards
in Hawaii or the U.S. Pacific coast, you
have to take that into account," Bourgeois
said. These events
originating in the Kamchatka-Kuril
subduction zone, where the Pacific Plate
is sliding under the Okhotsk Plate, have
many far-reaching effects.
A Tsunami from the
November 4th, 1952 magnitude-9 Kamchatka
Earthquake reached Hawaii, and caused damages around
$1,000,000 in 1952; and a
Tsunami from a magnitude-8.3 Earthquake that
struck the Kuril Islands on November 15th,
2006 caused $10 million dollars in damages
along the coast of California.
I posted this in 2010-
(July 26th, 2010)
"I came
out of sleep, I heard the words - Hawaii will be
"I came out of sleep, I heard the words - Hawaii will be destroyed."
I heard the words in my thoughts, nothing came out of my mouth, so it didn't appear imminent then.