Gail (12 Feb 2013)
"Up the Ante- the reason given as to why Mystery Babylon is destroyed, has arrived"

The United States of America is Mystery Babylon and here is what the Apostle John records in Revelation regarding her defeat-

Revelation 14:8  And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.  

Cyber Command gets expanded Five-fold 02/04/13

The Pentagon has set up a cyber command to practice both offense and defense on the computer battlefield in order to establish a deterrent posture to help stem the endless tide of attacks coming from overseas.

Officials have said that attribution remains an enormous challenge in cyberspace, where hackers can mask their identities, and have described the potential attacks on U.S. systems, in the most dire terms, warning of a 'Cyber Pearl Harbor' or 'Cyber 9/11.'

When it comes to cyber warfare on the U.S., the prime suspects are China, Russia and Iran.


Obama Can Order Pre-Emptive Cyber- Attacks, Report Says ...

February 4th, 2013

President Barack Obama can authorize a pre-emptive cyber-attack if U.S. intelligence gains enough evidence of another country or group’s plans to launch its own attack against American interests, according to a recent New York Times report that cited officials involved in a “secret legal review.”

The president would be allowed to attack other threatening countries with malicious code and software without needing to declare war.

One intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the United States has exercised restraint in using cyberweapons in-the-past.

The final rules being hashed out by the White House will be highly classified because the officials “quickly determined that the U.S. cyberweapons are so powerful that- like nuclear weapons- they should be unleashed only on the direct orders of the commander in chief, according to The Times. 


Obama's preemptive cyber attack disclosure a warning to China  February 6th, 2013                                                      Diplomatic efforts have failed to sway China to agree to curtail attacks before they escalate into a cyber war.
Report: Massive Cyber-Espionage Campaign Targeting US
A new intelligence assessment has concluded that the United States is the target of a massive, sustained cyber-espionage campaign that is threatening the country’s economic competitiveness, The Washington Post reported, citing unnamed officials.   
Various high-profile hacks in recent weeks include- the New York Times, the Federal Reserve, & the U.S. Energy Department.
China is the country most aggressively seeking to penetrate the computer systems of American businesses and institutions. 

Mid-Point - March 21st, 2013

God Bless,
