Frank Molver (26 Feb 2013)
"Did the Glory of Lord leave the Temple Jan 28, 2011?"

This idea came to me later as I contemplated Nicole Poon's prophetic sketches
The video link below this first scene shows the date of Feb 2011
It is a very strange and well documented video from several different angles
You see a light slowly descending on the Temple Dome of the Rock
After it lands on top it begins to glow brightly then rapidly ascend into the heavens
Please look at the following sketches
So, it that is the case it is now Ichabod, ready for the AC
Will if be now or will this be a dry run for a later date?
21st February, 2013/
I gave thank to God for His wonderful gift to us.I asked Him to continue to give the messages and warnings to the world through vision so that many can be encouraged to get ready.
God showed a light flying object flying upward in a high speed with a compass from the dome of the rock temple in Jerusalem.
I asked my friend," Is this from your own mind?"He firmly said,"No! It is not! When I saw this,I also asked God if it was from Him but this vision have been lasting long and the compass happened shocked me!" This reminded us of some videos we have seen.
22nd February, 2013/
I prayed,"Heavenly father,may Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.Your work be done by Yourself."
God showed the light flying objet speeding to the space from the rock temple mount in Jerusalem.
22nd February, 2013/
I prayed,"Dear God,You are so real that we can see You with our spiritual eyes.Come soon so we can see you in immortal body in glory.Let us be patient and waiting for You in this temporary dwelling,like the young children in school waiting for their parent coming to take them home."
God showed His hand holding the victory red fag with a golden bright cross light above the earth where Jesus leading His two sheep going ahead toward the new golden heavenly city of Jerusalem.
23rd February, 2013/
I prayed for almost the same and God's soon return.God showed a shepherd being stunned by a blue star coming from East to West toward a cross on the top of a mountain.