Clay Cantrell (8 Feb 2013)
"Israel, the Levites and the 273 Temperature Conversion Number"

Readers -

I've written many times about the number 273 (273.15) which is the
conversion number one needs to convert a Celsius temperature to a
Kelvin temperature.

as in ...

527 - 273 = 254

This number showed up in several key (imho) number strings:

911 - 273 = 638 - 273 = 365 Enoch.

or writtten as a trio

911   638   365

That would appear to tie Enoch (as a prototype of the Catching Away)
to the 9-11 event.

another string being this:

962 - 273 = 689 - 273 = 416

962   689    416

What you must know to make the above relevant is that :

Jared's age at death was 962.

Jared's greek gematria = 416


The source of the 273 number, and a reason why it might actually be
important is found in Number 3. read the entire chapter.

In this chapter God commands Moses to do two things:

Number all the first born males of Israel, from a month old and up.
This number turned out to be


Number all the first born males of the tribe of Levi, from a month old and up.

This number turned out to be


God took the tribe of the Levites for Himself, instead of the
firstborn of Israel.


22,273 - 22,000 = 273

God then commanded Moses to pay the sons of Aaron, 5 shekels apiece
for the 273 males that comprised the difference.

273 x 5 = 1365

This appears to be the Biblical source of the 273 number, and it is
very important.


here is a link to an article I wrote about the 273 number a while
back, for those interested:

Jesus is Lord.