Clay Cantrell (4 Feb 2013)
"Psalm 68:14, The Kings Scattered in the Snow"

Readers -

During the morning of February 2nd, 2013, I went to my kitchen,
grabbed my Bible and noticed it was snowing outside.

I randomly opened my Bible to Psalm 68, and my eyes immediately fell
on this verse:

Psalm 68:14
"When the Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as snow in Salmon."

During the morning of February 3rd, 2013, I grabbed different Bible,
in a different room, and randomly opened(again) to Psalm 68, and my
eyes immediately fell on this verse:

Psalm 68:14
"When the Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as snow in Salmon."

Feeling confident that this was not chance, but that the Lord wanted
something known from Psalm 68:14, I examined it's numbers.

You can go here to see a word by word breakdown of the verse:

The in-text total of the verse = 1994.

what I noticed -

1) The first five words of the six word verse have a in-text gematria total of


last word = 218 = 109 x 2

that means you might have this bracket:

109 + 1776 + 109

Due to the topic of the verse, that doesn't look good. why? 109 is a
known destruction number from the past, 9-11 included - though it
should also be pointed out that it has other meanings in the Bible.

2) The Bible verse placement number = 14915

which = 5 x 19 x 157

That also looks bad. 157 is another destruction number to come out of
the 9-11 event. 157th prime number = 911.

Though it should also be pointed out that it has other meanings in the
Bible - specifically in this case, "ALMIGHTY" (Shadday", as in God
Almighty, Strong's 7706h) has an in-text value of 314 = 157 x 2. 157
is also tied directly to Jesus.

3) Strong's 1994h = himmown, "They or them"

notice the references in Daniel:

... to the image of the great statue, and to all the kingdoms it
represented, being crushed by a stone (Lord Jesus) that became a
mountain and filled the whole earth.


I cant help but remember the part of a distinct dream I had from March
23, 2010 posted here:

specifically, the section about looking into the viewing machine and
seeing the Russian soldiers in winter, discussing an apparent attack
on Israel, and mentioning the USA.

special note:

if interested, see my next post on Jesus, Enoch and Psalm 68:18

Jesus is Lord.