Marilyn Agee (28 Feb 2012)
"Tom Tanner (27 Feb 2012) "The interpretation of Daniel 9:25""

From: Marilyn Agee
Re: Tom Tanner (27 Feb 2012)
"The interpretation of Daniel 9:25"

> > The upcoming jubilee 2015-2016 by Hillel reckoning also appears accurate (some say 2016-2017).
I agree, and can account for the difference in the way people state the time. I think the Jubilee Year will be announced on the Day of Atonement, Tishri 10, 5776, Sept 23, 2015. It would start on the following Nisan 1, 5776, Sat. April 9, 2016 and end on Nisan 1, 5777, Tue. March 28, 2017.
The year of Jubilee must be preceded by a Sabbatic Year, and 5775 is Sabbatic. This locks in the Jubilee Year. 5768 was too early, and 5782 is too late.
> > The 42 months of the Revelation seem to indicate September 2012 as the beginning.
I can refine that a bit. Dan 8:13,14 tells us that the Tribulation lasts 2300 days. 2300 – 1260 = 1040 days for the shortened Great Tribulation.
I think the Tribulation will end on the Day of God’s Wrath, Tishri 1, 2015. Counting back 1040 days brings us to Nov 8, 2012. Counting from Pentecost, May 29, 2009 for the beginning of the Tribulation forward 1260 days brings us to Nov 9, 2012. The reason Mid-Trib is Nov 8/9 is because the Trib is 2300 days, counted by inclusive reckoning. Blocks of time are counted by inclusive reckoning.
If the dead in Christ are raised up on Easter/Firstfruits, April 8, 2012, and the wise virgins ascend on Ascension Day, May 17, 2012, I think Moses and Elijah will come down on Pentecost, May 27, 2012. At that time, there should be another outpouring of the Holy Spirit to enable Moses, Elijah and the 144,000 to get the Temple built. The priests have been practicing and can build it in 3 months. The False Prophet would defile it by sitting in it Mid-Trib, Nov 8/9, 2012.
Marilyn Agee
At the present time, I cannot post to my website. When I try to upload, I get a message that my operating system will not allow that document to be opened. My grandson solved my other problem. He was able to uninstall CoffeeCup FREE HTML editor and install the CoffeeCup HTML editor. It told me I had to be signed in as admin to uninstall the FREE version. I tried to sign in that way, but failed. I don’t know how he did it. It took him awhile to figure out a way, but he finally got it done.The year of Jubilee must be preceeded
Hello John and Doves,
It seems we are strikingly close to the 2nd Coming of the Lord Jesus.
And the interpretation of Daniel 9:25 has more to do with 49 years (7 Weeks) than it does with 7 years.
The recent jubilee patterns in recent history prove out this fact as well.
The upcoming jubilee 2015-2016 by Hillel reckoning also appears accurate (some say 2016-2017).
The 42 months of the Revelation seem to indicate September 2012 as the beginning.
I believe we have arrived. Surely He will come quickly!
Amen and amen!