"I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions."
JOEL 2:28
Hello Five Doves,I have a dear friend KAREN, who I've known for many years. She has demonstrated on many occasionsshe has a prophetic gift thru DREAMS and other ways she hears from the LORD.So on 12/4/2021 the day of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in the "Heavens", Karen sent me this emailabout a DREAM she recently had involving the "Shamayim", which is Hebrew for "Heavens", and a remarkableconnection to the TWO WITNESSES of the Book of Revelation. By the way KAREN had no awareness thisTOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in the "Heavens" was happening exact time she's sending the "Shamayim" DREAM to me !!Notice it takes TWO WITNESSES of the SUN and MOON to perfectly synchronize with the EARTH in order toproduce a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE !! Last week's article > http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/dec2021/stevew125.htm <goes into many more details about the prophetic syncs involved with the 12/4/2021 TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE.We also show how BOB WARE's "BUTTERFLY" DREAM of 12/5/2021 below prophetically synchronizes into all this as well.
Here is Karen's email 12/4/2021...I did the highlighting of key words and phrases.................................................................................................................................................................................................Hi Stephen, I am ok. Having some deep dreams and just being still. One dream I will recollect for you.
In the dream I was shown vignettes of turmoil around the world. As I am seeing these cameos I have a vision that was like looking at rolling cloudsas if in fast motion photography. Then out of the midst, mist, two men were coming forth. They wore some kind of turban, each.I though these were middle eastern, possibly Afghanistan, but wait, in my understanding it was the two witnesses.
Have you ever seen a mirage, or heat rising off a summer heated road? It looks like water from a distance. It was like that,these two were coming through the heavens. The word for heavens is shamayim, the waters of heaven. Regular water as weunderstand it is the word mayim. From this I was seeing the waters pouring out. Took me to I will pour out my spirit on >................................................................................................................................................................................................"I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions."
JOEL 2:28Start Book of End chapter 1 ^^^^^^^^^^JOEL JOEL 1:20 JOEL 2:28!...............20 vs..............!...............28 vs.............!^^^ ^^^The year 2028 is being revealed in the verse count alignment.Karen had no awareness she was synchronizing to this 2028 alignment when she began toquote JOEL 2:28 as the very Last Words of her email..............................................................................................................................................................................................
So here are all the prophetic discoveries we've made about KAREN and BOB's DREAMS using a combination ofgematria + Bible syncs + prophetic timelines.....
A=1,B=2 etc > "Shamayim" = 89.The four gospels of the Bible Matthew, Mark, Luke, John have 89 chapters.The Old Testament has 929 chapters. ^^ << This new discovery was <<So 929 divide by 89 = 10.4382022. << made on 12/4/2021 <<> A=1,B=2 etc > Jerusalem = 104 ^^^^^^^And then we see revealed a future date > 3/8/2022.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DAY OF ATONEMENTTOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ^^^^^^^^ astonishing amount ofin the "Heavens" when ^^^^^^^^ evidence amassing hereKaren sends Stephen DREAM prophetic for Second Coming ofEmail with "Shamayim" in it sync date Jesus Christon 12/4/2021 3/8/2022. 9/30/2028!....................94 days................!..................2398 days......................! ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ This date is in94 divided by 2398 = .0391993. Jewish Year 5789^^^^^^^^ "Shamayim" = 89>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This equation reveals a past date 3/9/1993 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic ^^^^^^^^^^^sync date ^^^^^^^^^^^3/9/1993 9/30/2028!....................................................12989 days........................................................!^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > BUTTERFLY = 129><89 = "Shamayim" <<<< BOB and KAREN = TWO WITNESSESWhen I sent BOB WARE the new discovery of how ^^^^^^^^^^ who confirm the prophetic timeline by their DREAMS !!3/8/2022 is encoded in the Bible, he shared with ^^^^^^^^^^^ !!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT !!!me an extraordinary BUTTERFLY DREAM ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^he had on the morning of 12/5/2021, one day after Karen sent me her "Shamayim" DREAM 12/4/2021 !!....................................................notice also > 12989 minus 7200 equals 5789 Jewish Yr of 2028A=1,B=2 etc > ‘Monarch’ = 72BOB WARE also uses the word ‘Monarch’ to describe the butterflies in his dream !!Here is BOB WARE's DREAM.......
On the morning of 5 December 2021 I had a dream. Snow was beginning to fall and I stepped outside to feel the flakes on my hand.They were falling in a circular stream as if passing through a translucent tube. I wanted to see where this stream of flakes originated.As I went beyond the roofline of the dwelling I was in I could see the stream of flakes was coming from the mountains to the east.The stream became a steady flow of butterflies from its source. The stream was several miles in diameter and there werethousands upon thousands of butterflies. They were so densely packed together you could not see any space between them.They were colored like Monarchs. I was so excited and amazed at what I saw. I had never seen anything like it in my life.While still in my dream I felt they were angels and the souls of those who had already passed.They were returning to Earth to reign with our Lord. ‘Monarch’ does mean King!I shared this dream with a sister in the Lord. She commented how wonderful it would be for a brilliantly gifted artist to portraywhat I saw in a series of paintings. If only that were possible, but any attempt to put it onto a canvas would fall short of whatI saw in motion. I have never experienced a dream that had made such a strong impression upon my spirit.Even now, as I attempt to share what I saw, I am on the verge of tears. He must be at the door.
- Bob.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^ TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE^^^^^^^^^ Karen's prophetic name in the "Heavens" whenProphetic Shoshana was revealed Karen sends Stephen DREAMsync date to her by Prophetess Abby on Email with "Shamayim" in it on3/9/1993 8/4/1993 12/4/2021!................148 days................!...................10349 days..................!148 = 74 + 74 ^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > "Heavens" = 74 ^^ ^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > JESUS = 74 ^^^^^^! 148 divided by 10349 = .01430089! 89 = "Shamayim"Prophetic Propheticsync date sync date3/9/1993 3/8/2022!...................................10591 days.........................................................!10591 = 7 X 17 X 89 = = = = = = = "Shamayim"The Four Gospels ^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^Matthew , Mark , Luke, John have total chapters ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^of 28 + 16 + 24 + 21 = = = = = = 89 = = = = = = = "Shamayim"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^28162421 = = = = = = = 7 X 17 X 236659.....................................................................^^^^.................................................................................................^^^^ "And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon."^^^^ Revelation 16:16.Strong's Greek number 717 is for the word ARMAGEDDON > https://biblehub.com/greek/717.htmThis word ARMAGEDDON only appears in the Bible one time in Revelation 16:16.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(verse is speaking of the TWO WITNESSES) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Revelation 11:9 Revelation 16:16!.................................................89 verses to....................................!^^^^ as we see above 89 = "Shamayim"Incredibly Karen saw the TWO WITNESSES in her dream coming thru the "Shamayim".It's like Karen's Dream is encoded in the Bible right here between these verses !!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT !!!^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ New discovery on 12/4/2021, same day7 X 17 = 119 times 89 = 10591 Karen sends me her "Shamayim" dream email !!^^^^^^^ This date comes to light from the Bible^^^^^^^ chapter alignment 929 divide by 89as we see above ^^^^^^^ Old Testament divide by the Four GospelsProphetic ^^^^^^^ Propheticsync date ^^^^^^^ sync date3/9/1993 ^^^^^^^ 3/8/2022!.................................................10591 days...............................!Remember this date 3/9/1993 only comes to lightby simultaneously being synced in the equation above with 9/30/2028where all the evidence is amassing for Second Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!!!....................12989 days.........................! ^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > BUTTERFLY = 129><89 = "Shamayim" ^^^^^ BOB and KAREN = TWO WITNESSES who^^^^^ confirm the prophetic timeline by their DREAMS !!A=1,B=2 etc > TWO WITNESSES = 191. ^^^^^EXODUS 19:1 is verse 2028 of the Bible !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"In the third month after the children of Israel had gone out of the land of Egypt,on the same day, they came to the Wilderness of Sinai."^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^http://www.newjerusalem.org/Exod.19?from=Chapter(Rev.16).Search(Exod.19.1)#1 EXODUS 19:1 has a gematria count of 3264 = 12 X 272.^^^ ^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Jesus Christ Second Coming = 272.The number for PERFECT GOVERNMENT in the Bible is 12 !!And we will finally have PERFECT GOVERNMENT on this Earth at Jesus Christ Second Coming !!..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................God BlessSteve Wcomments welcome > wilkste@aol.com!!! OMICRON Update+12/4/2021 Total Solar Eclipse+9/23/2017 REV 12:1 Prophetic SIGNS sync to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! TEN KINGS+12/4/2021 Total Solar Eclipse+OMICRON Prophetic syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! Update Events of 1966 reveal Bible and Timeline Prophetic syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! Events of 1966 reveal Bible and Timeline Prophetic syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! 2021 Baseball World Series reveals Prophetic syncs to GREAT TRIBULATION 2025+2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!!!! LUCY Spacecraft launch 10/16/2021 + Space Shuttle Challenger 1/28/1986 syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! HALLOWEEN movies 1963/1978/1982/1998/2002/2021/2022 reveal syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! Emergency Alert update La PALMa Volcanosyncs to 2nd coming of JESUS 2028 !!!!!! ISRAEL reborn as a nation 5/14/1948 + capturing JERUSALEM 6/7/1967 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Bible Books AMOS+JONAH reveal prophetic syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!!!! Prophetic Sign #1 ALABAMA upset by Texas A&M 10/9/2021 syncs with 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! Fay Bill Larkin TSUNAMI VISION 5/3/2012 syncs 2021 La PALMa Volcano to 2nd coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! 9/30/2021 Prophetic Signs S&P500 closes -51.9 pts+La PALMa Volcano syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! Fay 5/14/2022 syncs to 2701 Genesis Triangle syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! Prophetic SIGN La PALMa Volcano Rev 7:9+Rev 19:11 + 9/30/2021 sync to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!!!! 1977 Tenerife Disaster + 911 + 2021 La PALMa Volcano sync to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!!!! John Tng 2701 Genesis Triangle Revelations of ANTICHRIST + syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Oct 17, 1966 NYC FIRE syncs to 9/11/2001+1st Kings 9:11+2nd Kings 8:1+2nd Kings 13:9 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!! 20 YR 911 anniversary+1st Kings 9:11+2nd Kings 8:1+2nd Kings 13:9 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 2701 Triangle+Psalm 117+Pentagonal Numbers+Rev 12:1 Sign in Heaven sync to 2nd Coming of JESUS in 2028 !!!
!!! Hebrew Calendar 19 Yr Cycle reveals prophetic syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! Update POPE 7 YR Plan LAUDATO-SI 5/25/2021 syncs to 7 YR Daniel 9 End Time Prophecy and 2nd coming of JESUS 2028 !!!!!! Malachi 4 Matthew 28 Acts 28 sync to Jesus Crucifixion and 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!! HAITI Earthquakes of 2010, 2021 reveal Prophetic SIGNS to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 2021 OLYMPICS Gold Silver Bronze Medals reveal Prophetic SIGNS to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Genesis 1:1+John 1:1+Exodus 39:36>12/14/1981+Daniel 5:25>11/6/2021 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Prophetess Anna+Christina's World 1948 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Issac Samuel Family dates +Donald Trump+911 sync in prophecy to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Issac Samuel>Isaiah 37:29+United States of America>Isaiah 18:2 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Job 1:2 + Bible Chapter verse combos of 9:30 and 20:28 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! King AHASUERUS in ESTHER+Sparta Quake 8/9/2020 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 3136 reveals Jesus Crucifixion +911+ Super Bowl 51 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Creation of ADAM 3972 BC + HALLEY's COMET sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Clay Cantrell, Bob Ware, Steve W key dates+1/5/2015 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Comet Hale Bopp + Clay Cantrell Supernatural Visitation 12/5/1997 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!
!!! 80th Congress 1948 + 120th Congress 2028 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! John Tng ANTICHRIST BARACK OBAMA Article syncs to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! 6/21/2021 + John 4:43 + John 12:1 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Prophetess ANNA Psalm 53+Donald TRUMP+Last TRUMPet sync to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!"!!! CENTER of Bible 2028+Proverbs 6:24 sync to Master Plan of GOD+2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!
!!! Champlain Towers Collapse 6/24/21+Oklahoma City Bombing 4/19/95+ELIJAH Rapture sync to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
!!! Prophetess ANNA Luke 2:36+Chris Reed Prophetic Word Luke 4:18 sync to 2nd Coming of JESUS 2028 !!!
FLAG of ISRAEL+1441/73+PSALM 48 to PSALM 121 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028
!!! Psalms+Romans+Exodus 7:7+Revelation 15:8 sync BIDEN and TRUMP to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Hebrews 6:14 encodes birth date of DONALD TRUMP + syncs HIM to DANIEL 9 prophecy and 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! BOB WARE+VINCENT TAN $2.34 Angel Meet Revelation 11:15+(947XPI)-947 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! 4/3/2012 Stan Deyo Dream + Rosh Hashanah 9/6/2021 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 1140 Hebrews 7+Ephesians 6:24+Super Bowl 51+USA Eclipse 8/21/2017 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Psalm 132:7>9/23/2017>Sign in Heaven Rev 12:1 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Matthew 4:18>Andres/ANDREW 5/9/2021 first storm of 2021 syncs to Daniel 9:27 Prophecy + 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 113 and 4181 + SPARTA QUAKE 8/9/2020 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Golden Ratio+Seventh Angel+Summer Olympics 1932,1984,2028 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 791 Revelations sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Apollo 11 > 7/20/1969 Man on Moon syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Bob Ware Car + Death of Prince Phillip 4/9/2021 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:60 Jan Fort+Steve W phone numbers sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Luke 1:60, Rev 12:1+Great Pyramid sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 5/4/1970 Kent State Shootings + 911 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Bob Ware, Achieva S Sedan Series II, Secret Code syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! 66, 1189, 31102 Divine Structure of Bible syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!"3/27/21 Bob Ware, Steve W+Revelation 12:1 Personal Testimonies sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028"
!!! Easter 4/4/21+Martin Luther King 53yr anniv syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Daniel 12:12 Martin Luther King 777+Robert Kennedy sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 911 FUKUSHIMA 3/11/11+Japan 7 mag Quake 3/20/21 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!! Southerland TX+Charleston SC Church Shootings sync in Bible and to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! TIM TEBOW + John 3:16 Game 1/8/2012 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! ICELAND VOLCANO Eruptions 3/19-20/2021 have Prophetic Significance !!!!!! 3/20/2021 Psalm 90:10 Trump Biden syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! Fay ChristChurch+Kermadec EQs+TRUMP sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! SIX DAYS Genesis 1:31 John 12:1 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! Coverstone "Bunker Dream" Joshua 10:13 Trump Biden sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 4/28/28 +2000yrs 4/28/2028 John vs 155 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Cynthia Fort Daniel 5 Babylon is Fallen syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! David Wilkerson Cross and Switchblade sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! Kathy S Prophetic word Gen 7:11=2/17/21 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! Tom Brady "Miracle Game"+Super Bowl 55 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! TABERNACLE reveals Jesus Crucifixion 4/28+2nd Coming 2028 !!!!!! Song of Solomon 2:1 Shoshana syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! CRASH of Air France Flight 447 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! Lisa Taylor 120 Years + Exodus 7 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!! Psalm 117 to 128+Revelation 15 Wrath of GOD syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! The man who knew INFINITY syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Ezekiel 48 Amos 146 Jonah 48 Matthew 28 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! MARY CHRIST INE JOB names syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Methuselah 969+Noah Great Flood+Book of Jonah sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Enoch+Ark+Movie UNBROKEN+Saturn Jupiter syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! Prophetic Dream of Sister 7/8/2019 Saturn Jupiter syncs to 2nd Coming Jesus 2028 !!!
!!! 2012 Venus Transit 2015 BLOOD MOON 1863 Gettysburg 2020 Election + 2028 Revelation !!!
Revelation 3:7 CHRIS REED PHILADELPHIA prophetic vision of 2020 Election
OCT 23, 2020, LINCOLN, JFK, TRUMP+AMY BARRETT in 2028 Revelations !!!
Special article "Book of MATTHEW Reveals JESUS SECOND COMING 2028"
Skepticism about Second Coming of JESUS 2028
GOLDEN GATE Dream/Bridge in Prophetic Timeline with USA Election and 2028 Revelations !!Articles about Jonathan Cahn's book HARBINGER II sync to 2028 Revelations
Special Article about HALLEY's COMET+CHAMBERLAIN KEY synced to 2028 Revelations
Special article about ARK of the COVENANT with COVENANT of MANY Dan 9:27 in 2028 Revelations
ESTHER reveals JESUS Crucifixion Resurrection dates in Prophecy
Special article about Dana Coverstone Statue of Liberty Dream
Special article about the NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL FIRE in 2028 Revelations
Death of Ruth Ginsberg prophetic syncs to Elections and 2028 Revelations
Articles about the prophetic SPARTA EARTHQUAKE SIGN pointing to Jesus Second Coming 2028.
More about JESUS SECOND COMING 2028 in these articles.