Steve W (20 Dec 2020)
"!!! Enoch+Ark+Movie UNBROKEN+Saturn Jupiter syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!"

        Hello Five Doves. 
            Last week we did a detailed analysis of a Sister's dream from 7/8/2019. In her Dream she see's the
    Saturn Jupiter conjunction of 12/21/2020 , which we documented has numerous remarkable syncs pointing
    to the potential Second Coming of Jesus Christ in 2028 !!
        Here is the link to that article > <

           This week we're going to examine the extraordinary life of LOUIS ZAMPERINI who's story is
   so remarkable a movie was made of his life called UNBROKEN...I highly recommend this movie 
   for any adult. It is a moving inspiring story of the human spirit surviving against all odds.


     The reason we're going to examine ZAMPERINI's life is because numerous incredible syncs have been
    discovered with the same syncs that are in last week's article about our Sister's Dream !!

     So here is the story of how these revelations all came to light and what it could be foretelling about the future.

   So last week I sat down to watch the movie UNBROKEN on the evening of 12/12/2020. I already knew the basic 
 TRUE story of Louis Zamperini, who had an incredible story of survival thru his WORLD WAR II ordeals, and then came into
 a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. So I had a sense there might be spiritual lessons I could learn from watching this movie.

     But then as the movie arrived at the 11 minute mark something quite incredible happened. At that point the movie is
     depicting Louis as a young boy perhaps the age of Jesus when he was 12 in the bible. He is being escorted back home
     by a policeman because of some boy mischief he had gotten into.

     As they approach his house the camera is focused on the front door , but then just for a couple seconds it shifts
     left of the front door where a Mailbox is. The MAILBOX number is !!!!!!! 2028 !!!!!!!
     Notice again this is happening at the exact 11 minute mark of the movie which just happens to 
          perfectly sync with Revelation chapter 11 where the 7th TRUMPET sounds for the 2nd Coming of JESUS !!!!!!!
                                And I started watching this movie in the 7pm hour !!!!!!!

                                "Then the Seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying,
“The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”
                                                                                       Revelation 11:15

 When I saw the 2028 year in that scene I stopped the recording and started doing research. In the links above you can
 discover the most remarkable ordeal in ZAMPERINI's life was during World War II when the plane he was on crash landed in
  the ocean on 5/27/1943 and he had to survive on a raft on the ocean for 47 days before he was rescued on 7/13/1943 !!
  So here is a timeline chart showing how these events fit into ZAMPERINI's life and then remarkably perfectly synchronize
  with where the year 2028 is encoded in the Bible !! 
     LOUIS                                  ZAMPERINI's                                rescued on his
 ZAMPERINI                              WW II Plane                                Raft on the Ocean
     born on                               crashes in Ocean                            by the Japanese
   1/26/1917                                   5/27/1943                                        7/13/1943
          !..................9617 days...............!........................47 days..................!
                                 ^^^^                                         ^^
                                     9617          minus         47       =    9570
                                              In the bible chapter 957 is MATTHEW 28.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       It was just last week in the 12/13/2020 Five Doves article with our Sister's prophetic dream I posted this chart below
 how MATTHEW 28 syncs with the Saturn Jupiter conjunction and syncs to the year 2028 simultaneously !!                                        astonishing amount of
                                                                                                                     evidence amassing here 
     Abraham Lincoln                        JUPITER SATURN                               as potential day for
     gave his famous                            grand conjunction                                 SECOND COMING        
Gettysburg address on                       Winter Solstice                                      JESUS CHRIST
       11/19/1863                                        12/21/2020                                              9/30/2028
               !......................57376 days................!................. 2840 days.........................!
                                          ^^^^^                                      ^^^^
                                              ^^^^^                              ^^^^
                                                 57376  divided  by  2840  =  20.2028 !!!!!!!
                                                                                 ^^ ^^        ^^  ^^  ^^^^
                                      In the Bible MATTHEW is the 40th book        ^^^^
                                                and MATTHEW has 28 chapters             ^^^^
          and the very last chapter verse of MATTHEW is 28:20 !!!!               ^^^^
                                                                    MATTHEW 28:20 is vs number 1071 book of Matthew and New Testament.
                                                                           MATTHEW chapter 28  is  also  chapter  957 of the bible.
                                                                                  The total of these two is 2028 !!!!!!!
               Starting chapter of MATTHEW and New Testament is chapter 930 of the bible 
                                                                   forming the prophetic date of 9/30/2028 as seen above in the 
    prophetic timeline as a potential date for the SECOND COMING of JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!

Here's another prophetic chart about the life of LOUIS ZAMPERINI...

                 LOUIS                                rescued from his                                   LOUIS
             ZAMPERINI                          Raft on the Ocean                              ZAMPERINI
                 born on                               by the Japanese                                    died on
                1/26/1917                                  7/13/1943                                        7/2/2014
                       !..................9664 days...............!...................25922 days................!
                                              ^^^^                                      ^^^^^
                                                    9664    divided   by   25922 = .372  ..
                                                                  ZAMPERINI served with 372nd Bombardment Squadron during WWII.
   In last week's article about our Sister's Dream we discovered verse #372 book of Revelation 21:16
   perfectly synchronizes with the Saturn Jupiter Conjunction of 12/21/2020 !!!!!!!
   Also in last week's article we saw how Revelation 20:15 syncs to the Saturn Jupiter conjunction because it is
   verse #356 of Revelation and day 356 of the yr in a leap day yr like 2020 is the date 12/21/2020 for Saturn Jupiter conjunct !!
   With these alignments we can see in the chart below how LOUIS ZAMPERINI perfectly synchronizes within the book of Revelation !!

                                                       vs 365 of Revelation syncs
      vs 356 of Revelation                to age 365 of ENOCH             vs 372 book of Revelation
  day 356 of yr = 12/21/2020                  when he was                        syncs to
    sync to Saturn Jupiter                        Raptured in                   Saturn Jupiter
       Grand Conjunction                        in Genesis 5:24              Grand Conjunction
        Revelation 20:15                          Revelation 21:9               Revelation 21:16
                    !..........................9 verses...........!...............7 verses............!
                                                    ^                               ^
                                                        ^                     ^
                   LOUIS ZAMPERINI was age 97 when he died on 7/2/2014 !!
    Notice the incredible prophetic syncs here of Louis Zamperini's WW II ordeal where he had to survive on a RAFT
                           out in the middle of the pacific ocean for 47 days after his bomber crash landed there.
                                        ZAMPERINI                         ^^
                                             died at                             ^^
                         Saturn        age 97            Saturn      ^^
                         Jupiter          vs 365          Jupiter     ^^
                        conjunct        book of Rev   conjunct    ^^  ZAMPERINI RAFT on the Ocean is a perfect 
                       Rev 20:15       Rev 21:9     Rev 21:16   ^^            sync to ARK on the Ocean !!
                                      !..........vs.......!..,,...vs.......!          ^^ ZAMPERINI being rescued syncs with
                                                       at age 365                        ^^          NOAH being rescued with Family as 
                                               ENOCH                         ^^                              the  ARK lifts high 
                                              Raptured                         ^^                                above the Earth
                                            Genesis 5:24                     ^^                                 Genesis 7:17
                                                      !............................. 47 verses.................................!
                                            Both these events in Genesis are prophetic typology of GOD's saints
                                                    being rescued in the END TIME Rapture Resurrection !!

     Speaking of ENOCH here are recent discoveries in the bible that reveal yet again, the potential for the
    2nd Coming of JESUS in 2028 which on the Jewish Calendar syncs to the Jewish year 5789 !!
   Here is the last place ENOCH is seen in the Bible deliberately being synced with the 2nd Coming of Jesus
     by the words of the verse !!

               "Now ENOCH, the 7th from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying,
                              “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints,"
                                                                   Jude 1:14

        So ENOCH being the 7th, fits perfectly in typology with Second Coming of Jesus happening
      at the beginning of the 7th 1000 year millennial period which we have been examining 
            syncs to the year 2028 in the following chart below....

 And in sync with that Revelation 11:15 is where the 7th and LAST TRUMPET sounds for the
   Second Coming of JESUS. So here's what we found in a prophetic chart when these verses are synchronized....

                                                              "Then the 7th angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying,
                       “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!
  Last time ENOCH  7th from ADAM   > > > > > > >        7th and Last Trumpet 
   seen in bible synced in verse with                                          Sounds for the
    SECOND COMING                        Start of                        SECOND COMING
        JESUS CHRIST                                   book of                           JESUS CHRIST 
           Jude 1:14                             Revelation                          Revelation 11:15
                   !.............11 verses to...........!.................190 verses............!
                                     ^^                                      ^^
                                           ^^                          ^^
                                               11 divided by 190 = .0578947
                                                                                     ^^^^^^^   ^^^
                                                                 Jewish year 5789 begins on 9/21/2028 as the
year synchronizing for the potential SECOND COMING of JESUS CHRIST during the fall Jewish Feasts
 of that year 2028 !!!!!!!  We've been examining DAY of ATONEMENT 9/30/2028 with the most evidence.
                                                           vs 130 of bible                 ^^^                    vs 177 of bible
                                                                ENOCH                      ^^^                   ARK Lifts up High
                                                              is raptured                   ^^^                       Above the Earth
                                                             in Gen 5:24                  ^^^                          Gen 7:17
                                                                       !.........................47 vs to.......................!
 Both these events are prophetic typology of the End Time Rapture Resurrection of all God's Saints at the
 LAST TRUMPET 1st Cor 15:51-52...              ^^^                                          ^^^
                                                                              ^^^                                  ^^^
                                                                    Notice 130 vs of bible + 177 vs of bible = 307 
                                                                                  LOUIS ZAMPERINI served with 307th Bombardment group in WWII !!  

                                                          astonishing amount of
                                                                evidence amassing here
                 LOUIS                                 as potential day for
             ZAMPERINI                            SECOND COMING
                 born on                                  JESUS CHRIST
                1/26/1917                                     9/30/2028
                       !..................40790 days...............!
    A=1,B=2 etc add the letters in JESUS CHRIST = 151
                                              ^^^^^                            ^^^
                                                40790   divided   by  151 = 270.1 !!!!!!!
                                                                                            ^ ^ ^ ^
                    The Hebrew gematria value of Genesis 1:12701 for the total of the words in
 From the Venus Transit of 6/6/2012 to the 4 Blood Moons of  2014-2015 all on Jewish Holidays
 you get an exact total of 3773 days which when seen as 37 X 73 = 2701 !!!!

Venus Transit of                             Blood Moons
    6/6/2012 >>>>>>> 678 days >>> 4/15/2014
    6/6/2012 >>>>>>> 854 days >>> 10/8/2014
    6/6/2012 >>>>>>>1032 days >>> 4/4/2015
    6/6/2012 >>>>>>>1209 days >>> 9/28/2015
                       total > 3773 !!!! > 37 X 73 = 2701 = Hebrew Gematria total of Genesis 1:1 !!!!!!!

When we synchronize the death date of LOUIS ZAMPERINI within these  prophetic Blood Moons we get the following chart.

                        LOUIS                                                                                                        astonishing amount of
Blood           ZAMPERINI          Blood                                                                               evidence amassing here 
Moon               died on               Moon                 Blood                                                        as potential day for
4/15/2014       7/2/2014           10/8/2014            Moon             Blood                                     Second Coming
       !........78 days...!.......98 days....!                  4/4/2015         Moon                                      JESUS CHRIST
                 ^^           !..........................276 days........!              9/28/2015                                       9/30/2028
                  ^^          !.............................................453 days...........!.......................4751 days...............!
                   ^^                  ^^                ^^^              ^^^                                         ^^^^                      ^^^^^^^^^
                    78        +      98       +       276     +      453     =   905  divided  by  4751 = .190 !!!!!!!  ^^^^^^^^^^
                                                                                                                                          ^^^         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                                                                         In the book of Revelation verse number 190  is  Revelation 11:15
                                                     where the 7th TRUMPET sounds for the Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!

                               "Then the Seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying,
“The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”
                                                       ^^^^                             Revelation 11:15
                                                        ^^^                                                ^^
              In the movie UNBROKEN about LOUIS ZAMPERINI at the 11 minute mark the year 2028 appears on the mailbox !!!!!!!
I started watching this movie in the 7 pm hour on the evening of 12/12/2020. This a a true witness to all the above...
God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

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