Friedrich Wenz (24 Dec 2013)
"RE: Dec 23... 12 23 ... 12*23 = 276"

Greetings, fr/germany

…pondering this date Dec 23… (remember Vincent Tan’s encounter Dec 23, 1993 – …1993, remember also that so called Oslo-peace-accord- Sept 13, 1993… )

now look at this: Dec 23 = 12/23 … try this way… 12*23 = 276… !!!


We all know this 276 number … “…276 men saved out of the sea” - Acts 27:37

some of you have written about #276 (thanks to Clay, Will, John and others)

John asks in his letter “Quadruple Witness of Four Biblical Numbers”  …The same puzzling question may be raised concerning the 276 saved persons on the ship Paul was in when it shipwrecked. Why 276 and not 275 or 277 or simply 'about three hundred people'?...and found >>> “…All four New Testament 3-digit numbers are divisible by 3 and all are triangular numbers! ….120 disciples + 153 fishes + 276 saved persons + 666 beast number…”


Now, we know 20 years are past since 1993 … but let’s never forget… that “startling announcement that Jesus is coming "very, very soon"”


Surely, there happened a lot this year 2013… ( remember e.g. March 13, )


Therefore let’s be ready, may our Lord Jesus come soon and very soon and save “all His waiting children out of the sea” Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus


P.S. RE: 276….

Dec 23, 2013 minus 276 days >>> March 22, 2013 … what happened March 22? Look at this…


  • The President attended wreath laying ceremonies at Mount Herzl at the grave sites of Theodor Herzl and Yitzhak Rabin.
  • President Obama visited the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum and participated in a wreath laying ceremony in the Hall of Remembrance.
  • In the afternoon, President Obama traveled to Bethlehem where he toured the Church of the Nativity.
  • President Obama traveled to Amman, Jordan where he was greeted with an official arrival ceremony.
  • President Obama had a bilateral meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan followed by a press conference.
  • In the evening, the President had dinner with King Abdullah II of Jordan


Is 20 years after the Oslo accord the Final ”Peace accord” at hand???

Look up, your redemption draweth nigh…


Greetings with the watchword – daily texts - of Dec 23, 2013

(Daily Texts )


Losung und Lehrtext für Montag, 23. Dezember 2013

Jesaja 45,17 Israel ward durch den HERRN errettet, errettet für alle Zeit; ihr werdet nicht zuschanden, nicht mit Schmach bedeckt werden in Ewigkeit.

Matthäus 1,20.21 Der Engel des Herrn sprach im Traum: Maria wird einen Sohn gebären, dem sollst du den Namen Jesus geben, denn er wird sein Volk retten von ihren Sünden.


Isaiah 45: The Lord Will Save

Isaiah 45,17 But Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.


Matthew 1: The Birth of Jesus

Matthew 1, 20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.


Amen, Praise the Lord !