Rene (4 Dec 2012)
"to Charles, re: your feelings about times we are in"

Charles, I agree and I know exactly how you feel, especially when you try to have a conversation with SAVED, BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIANS about the soon return of Jesus and they just stare at you, look the other way, and then try to very smoothly change the subject as though they did not hear a word you said!
What is it? They are in DENIAL! It isn't just the unsaved who are in DENIAL - many Christians LOVE their lives right now - things are going just as they plan - they don't want the apple cart upset - and they cringe at the thought of Jesus coming - now! NOW? Why now, they ask? Can't he wait a few more years? It's so hard to believe, but it is true! There is only a small segment of born-again Christians truly LONGING for his return! It is in their thoughts day and night - every waking moment! Others look at them like they are from MARS! We are not only to LOOK for him, but we are to LOVE HIS appearing! How in this world can anyone look around them at the MESS that is being set up - the TRAP that is being baited for the whole world --- and not WANT him to return --- is beyond me!!!