Abe (12 Dec 2011)
"Dates of Note for 2011-2012"

Just a summary some dates I'm analyzing... 2011-12-21 is a VERY interesting date.

Planetary Conjunction around Regulus

Around August 21st/22nd, 1987, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sun and Earth lined up around Regulus.

Regulus is the 'King' star in Leo, representing Jesus as King coming from the Tribe of Judah.

1987-08-21 + 8888 days = 2011-12-21

2011-11-11 + 40 days = 2011-12-21

Hanukkah 2011/5772 begins on 2011-12-20/21

Saturn (Satan)

2011-11-11 'born' out of Virgo, AND Mars conjuncted with Regulus, the King star in Leo. 

Jupiter, however retrogrades.  i.e. it wanders back into Virgo's womb for a 2nd birth:

2012-07-20 'born again' out of Virgo on the 1st of Av.

2012-08-14 It is joined by Mars next to Spica, the Branch of David (Jesus).

2012-08-14 + 33 days = 2012-09-16  Feast of Trumpets 2012

Mt St Helens Eruption

1948-05-14 to 1980-05-18 is 11692 days.

1980-05-18 + 11692 days = 2012-05-22  - 1st of Sivan, Noah's flood waters recede.

2012-05-22 - 153 days = 2011-12-21

John 21:11 - 153 fish were caught.

Royal Wedding to Feast of Trumpets 2011

2011-09-29 - 2011-04-29 = 153 days