Chance (21 Aug 2022)
"Fay, "How Many Heavens Are There" and The Coming War In Heaven"

Hello Fay, John and Doves,
re: Fay's last week letter -
How Many Heavens are There?
Fay wrote in her letter:  "I remain convinced that The Apostasy takes place in the heavenly realms and that we earth dwellers will see it - because the door to heaven opens and allows us to see into that realm."
Fay, your letter reminded me of the war in heaven between Michael and his angels vs Satan and his angels - I've thought that maybe we will see this - before Satan and his angels are cast down to the earth - after Satan tries to occupy God's throne.  I believe that this sets off the war. 
Maybe we'll see something like crazy lights in the sky - along with something similar to the UFOs or UAP.  Maybe something we've never even seen before!  What 'someone' (pre-Trib/in the Trib) will see will be shocking and astounding!
Which brings me to the Vatican:  "In its historical roots and traditions the Vatican Observatory is one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world."
Vatican Observatory - History
The Vatican State has funded observatories, astronomers around the world.  One of their oldest observatories is pushing 500 years old.  What are they looking for?  The Vatican has had an avid obsession with the Heavens.  They have been looking for something for a long time.  I don't believe it's JUST about 'mapping the sky' - I think they are looking for something - or someone.  Maybe this battle in Heaven?
"The Observatory of the Roman College (Specola Vaticana) and other similar institutions operated in the 18th and 19th centuries in Rome in the name of the Vatican...In 1891 Pope Leo XIII established another Vatican Observatory within the walls of the Vatican city.  This institution has become a leading establishment within the study of astronomy. however as Rome modernized the smog and light pollution generated from the growing city made if difficult.  Eventually it was moved to Castel Gandolfo, but by 1960 the same problems were beginning to happen there too!  That is why the Vatican Observatory Research Group is now located in Arizona at the University of Tucson.  The center of the Observatory administration however remains at Castel Gandolfo."  The faculty and the telescope together are the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT)  The telescope is named after one of the major benefactors: the Alice P. Lennon Telescope.
Vatican Telescope: All about Observatory in Castel Gandolfo
The Vatican's telescope in Arizona is located on Mt. Graham in the south eastern part of the state.  It's part of the Mount Graham International Observatory but this telescope is operated by the Vatican.  The Director of the Observatory is Brother Guy Consolmagno, an American Jesuit.
So exactly WHAT is the Vatican looking for in the Heavens??
Some have speculated that the Vatican is searching for extraterrestrial life and the arrival of a cosmic the last Pope ("Petrus Romanus", presumably Pope Francis - *who I think is a good candidate for the False Prophet - the second beast*) will assist the rise of the global authority referred to as the Antichrist in the Bible."  Tom Horn and Cris Putman have authored the book:  Exo-Vatican where they write about the Vatican doings.  At this site is a quote attributed to Gordon Cooper, NASA astronaut:  "You want to know about UFOs and little green men?  Contact the Vatican.  They have an observatory out in Arizona, and that's what they are looking for."  This article is dated - July 31, 2022. 
Shocking New Findings Reveal That the Vatican Is Waiting for an Alien Savior - Exemplore
More from Cooper here: 
Gordon Cooper & UFOs: An Astronaut Speaks Out About Aliens
We are warned In Revelation 12 with, "Woe to the earth and sea" - Satan has come down with great wrath - because he knows his time is short - he is given a time, and times, and half a time.  Revelation 12.
Don't know how many signs and wonders we will see in the heavens, but what Fay has written about the door to Heaven opening up may be in our near future - before the Tribulation starts.  That door opening to the heavens may be how the 'earth dwellers' see the signs and wonders in the heavens.  And the Vatican will more than likely see IT before we do!
And those 'in charge' on earth will tell us that what we are seeing are aliens and alien craft from other planets.
The U.S. government created a new office this year:  to study UAP - Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.  This new office was created/funded through the National Defense Authorization Act.  The U.S. "needs a coordinated effort to take control and understand whether these aerial phenomena belong to a foreign government or something else altogether."  "Protecting national security interests means knowing who and what are flying in U.S. airspace."  This new office "will be tasked with evaluating threats that UAPs may pose to the United States."
Disclosure or deception? New UFO Pentagon office divides believers

New ASRO Office
So now we'll have the Vatican and the U.S. government looking to the heavens.  So who will call this 'phenomenon' 'demons and angels' and who will call it 'aliens from another galaxy'?
And IF the Rapture occurs about the time of this war in Heaven - THEY will have their story for the disappearance of millions.  Alien abduction!
The Rapture may well look like some form of alien abduction....maybe those Left Behind will actually witness the catching away of the Believers.  The Believers are changed in the twinkling of an eye and then they will be "taken up", "lifted up" up into the clouds like Jesus was on His Ascension Day - with his followers watching and gazing up.  Maybe when this happens, those around the Believers will witness this taking up and disappearing into the clouds.  NOTE: clouds is where Jesus disappeared into and the Believers are "caught up together with them in the clouds"  1 Thess 4:17  Clouds are important in the Ascension and the Rapture.
Maybe the Believers will be taken to Heaven before that door to Heaven closes!!!
Fay went on to write, "..we are going to see some incredible things in the very near future.  Hallelujah.  This is exactly why we are urged to lift up out heads because this means our redemption draws near."
I wonder as we are being lifted up into the air if the things of this earth will grow strangely dim...we will have been changed to immortal, sinless.  No need to look down as Heaven is our new home.  All the former things are passed away.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away."  Rev 21:4
Thank you for your insight into this topic, Fay!
"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"
Alan Jackson Lyrics   
Alan Jackson - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Lyrics |

O soul are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There's light for a look at the Saviour,
And life more abundant and free:

Turn you eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face;
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

Through death into life everlasting
He passed, and we follow Him there;
Over us sin no more hath dominion
For more than conqu'rors we are!


His word shall not fail you He promised;
Believe Him and all will be well.
Then go to a world that is dying,
His perfect salvation to tell!