THE #1 OVERLOOKED REASON WHY WE HAVE EVERY REASONTO EXPECT JESUS TO RETURN IN THE FALL OF 2015!!!We have EVERY reason to fully expect Jesus to Return for His Bride, and for the start of the 7--Year Tribulation, in the Fall of 2015 (which includes all of September, for simplicity's sake). The purpose of this post is to give you the #1 overlooked reason why Jesus should return in the pre-Trib Rapture in the Fall of 2015. The focus of this post is not on any one date, just the Fall of 2015.There are so VERY MANY MAJOR SIGNPOSTS, AND CLUES, AND MARKERS, AND CALCULATIONS, POINTING DIRECTLY TO SEPTEMBER OF 2015, FOR SOMETHING MAJOR TO TAKE PLACE!!! Will it be a major stock market collapse, leading to worldwide depresssion? Will it be the start of World War 3? Will it be the beginning of the New World Order? Will it be the confirmation of the covenant of Daniel 9:27? Will it be the time of the revealing to the whole world of the Antichrist (Obama), and the False Prophet (probably Pope Francis)? Will one, or more, of the 3 Fall Feast Days be extremely important? Will it be the start of the 7--Year Tribulation? Will it be the time of the pre-Trib Rapture of the Bride of Christ? Will it be a combination of these events? We, as Watchmen, await with extreme anticipation, of our long-awaited Day of Redemption, while we continue to WARN others of the horrors to come, in the VERY near future.In my 40+ years of studying end-times Bible Prophecy, NEVER have I seen such a MAJOR accumulation of Prophetic signs, and calculations, pointing to one particular month (especially Sept. 23rd, which is the most holy day of the entire year, Feast of Atonement, for the Jews). Even many in the secular world are warning us about what is likely to take place this Fall. Dire, and urgent WARNINGS from respected economists, and other experts, are found everywhere on the internet, especially concerning a worldwide depression and World War 3.Space and time will not allow me to expound on all of these MANY signs, clues, and calculations that all point us DIRECTLY to this Fall, which is almost here now. The few of you who are reading this who are not aware of these numerous, and ominous signs, just go to and read all of my posts (starting in February of this year), and the numerous posts of many other respected Bible Prophecy students, to get filled in on what is about to take place in our world, and especially in our God-rejecting nation of the U.S., which is now ripe for God's Judgments to begin. JESUS IS OUR ONLY HOPE, AND ONLY WAY OF ESCAPING the cataclysmic Judgments (yes, even nuclear war) in the Book of Revelation!The majority of this post is concentrated on ONLY ONE PARTICULAR SIGN THAT ALMOST NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT! In my studied opinion, there is NO OTHER SIGN THAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THIS SIGN! THERE IS NO OTHER SIGN THAT GIVES US MORE ASSURANCE THAT THE TRIBULATION IS JUST ABOUT TO BEGIN THAN THIS OMINOUS, AND OVERLOOKED SIGN!!!It is a sign that I wrote about in my very first post, in over two years, in February of this year. Below, I will re-post much of what I wrote back then. But first, I would like to expound a little more on what I wrote about in February. Very, very few have written about this Biblical sign. It has been neglected, and overlooked, by the vast majority of Bible Prophecy students. But it has been right there, staring us in the face, for the past 7 Years now. I personally do not have ANY doubt that this is a GOD-GIVEN sign, because of the MANY Prophetic puzzle pieces that confirm to us that our Lord chose to give us all a 7--Year Warning, but most all Christians, and even Watchers, have chosen to overlook.I am trying not to duplicate most of what I wrote several months ago about this DIRECT AND OMINOUS AND OBVIOUS SIGN, as you can read much more about that in my post below (in black type). This sign has been progressing for almost 7 years now. For those of you watchmen, who are looking for a "Slam Dunk" sign, pinting DIRECTLY to the Fall of 2015, this is it. For those of you who are looking to raise your expectation level even more so than it is right now, this is THE SIGN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Please take the time to read carefully the rest of this post, to see what God has been trying to show to all of us for the past 7 Years.Here is the extremely important, and compelling sign, that most all Christians have been overlooking. We MUST understand that Joseph is THE MOST COMPLETE TYPE OF CHRIST in the entire Word of God. All of his life points DIRECTLY to Jesus, in his character, and in the details of his life. Because of this, there can be NO doubt that the 7 Years of Famine represent the 7 Years of Tribulation, surrounding the 2nd Coming of Jesus. Most all Prophetic scholars will agree with this. But few Prophetic scholars mention the 7 Years preceding the 7 Years of Famine. In the life of Joseph, these preceding 7 Years represented the 7 Years of Preparation, the 7 Years of Plenty, the 7 Good Years before the 7 Bad Years, and, yes, also a 7--Year Warning to prepare for the 7 Years of Famine, to immediately follow these 7 Good Years.This is EXACTLY what these last 7 Years, from the Fall of 2008, to the Fall of 2015, have represented to us today. This is NOT an insignificant part of the story of Joseph. It is a MAJOR, MAJOR part of the story, because it is a PROPHETIC TYPE OF THE LAST 14 YEARS OF HUMAN HISTORY, BEFORE JESUS RETURNS TO SET UP HIS MILLENNIAL KINGDOM!!! Before I expound on this a little further, it is important that we hear from the Lord about this EXTREMELY important part of the life of Joseph (who represents Jesus). The words in brackets are mine:After the Pharoah told his dreams to Joseph, here is what Joseph told him, in Genesis 41, starting in verse 25, "And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: GOD HAS SHOWN PHARAOH WHAT HE IS ABOUT TO DO (just like God did in 2008). The 7 good cattle are 7 years: the dream is one. And the 7 thin and ill-favored cattle that came up after them are 7 years; and the 7 empty ears, blasted with the east wind, shall be 7 years of famine...""Behold, there comes 7 years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt (a type of the world). And there shall arise after them (the 7 years of plenty), 7 years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land; And the plenty shall not be known in the land by reason of that famine following (the 7 Good Years); for it shall be very grievous. And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because THE THING IS ESTABLISHED BY GOD, AND GOD WILL SHORTLY BRING IT TO PASS (a Prophetic Type of the Fall of 2015, after the 7 Good years of plenty are completed)...And Joseph was 30 years old (the same age as Jesus when He started His ministry), when he stood before Pharaoh, king of Egypt."Gen. 41: 53--54, "And the 7 years of plenteousness, that was in the land of Egypt, were ended. And the 7 years of dearth (famine) began to come, according as Joseph (Jesus) had said: and the dearth (famine) was in all lands (as it will be in the Tribulation)."There can be NO doubt that these 7 Years of Famine, in the life of Joseph, represent the 7 Years of Tribulation at the 2nd Coming of Christ, as Joseph is the MOST COMPLETE TYPE OF CHRIST in the Bible. Therefore, how could God make it any plainer for us in the end-times. THERE WILL BE A WELL-DEFINED 7 GOOD YEARS, OR YEARS OF PREPARATION, IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE 7 YEARS OF TRIBULATION!!!!!!!For those Bible Prophecy students who believe the Tribulation will begin in the Fall of 2017, please tell us what is the event, and the date, that began these Final 7 Good Years in the Fall of 2010. There will be no response to this request, because there was no such event, or date, in the Fall of 2010. The same holds true for any other projected time in the near future, because THERE HAS ONLY BEEN ONE EVENT, AND ONE DATE, THAT THRUST THE WORLD INTO THE FINAL 7 GOOD YEARS. IT BEGAN THE FINAL 7 YEARS OF PREPARATION. A 7-YEAR ADVANCE NOTICE. A 7--YEAR WARNING!!!!!!! IT IS THE VERY SAME DATE WHEN THE ANTICHRIST, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, WAS REVEALED TO DISCERNING CHRISTIANS AROUND THE WORLD!The date was Oct. 29, 2008, when Obama, one week before his election, made his covenant to the many (Dan. 9:27) to fundamentally change the U.S., and to CHANGE THE WORLD. There are two reasons why we KNOW, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that this is the date that began the Final 7 Good Years, immediately preceding the Final 7 Bad Years of Famine and Tribulation. Both reasons are expounded upon in the post below. But before I send you to that post, filled with Prophetic truths, pointing us DIRECTLY to the Fall of 2015, I want to point out 3 other Prophetic truths, revolving around these Final 7 Good Years, or 7 Years of Preparation, or 7 years of Warning.THIS STARTING DATE OF OCT. 29, 2008, PLUS 2520 DAYS, OR 7 PROPHETIC YEARS, TAKES US EXACTLY TO DAY OF ATONEMENT, SEPT. 23, 2015, THE VERY SAME DAY THAT SO MANY OTHER EVENTS AND CALCULATIONS ARE POINTING TOWARDS. THIS INCLUDES NEW WORLD ORDER SIGNS. THIS EXTREMELY COMPELLING EVIDENCE TOTALLY CONFIRMS OCT. 29, 2008, TO BE THE STARTING POINT OF THE FINAL 7 GOOD YEARS. THIS VASTLY OVERLOOKED VITAL PIECE OF THE PROPHETIC PUZZLE CONFIRMS TO US THAT WE HAVE EVERY REASON TO EXPECT THE FINAL 7 BAD YEARS, OR FAMINE YEARS, OR TRIBULATION YEARS, TO COMMENCE IN THE FALL OF 2015!!!!!!!! AND IT ALSO CONFIRMS OBAMA AS THE BIBLICAL ANTICHRIST! (for more proof, you MUST read the post below)Here are three more astounding proofs that God has been trying to reveal this 7--Year Warning to us for the past 7 Years:1. When Obama gave this covenant to the many (Daniel 9:27) on Oct. 29, 2008, he boldy stated that he, along with his supporters, would begin to CHANGE THE WORLD IN ONE MORE WEEK. Knowingly, or unknowingly, he was not only referring to one week of 7 days, when he would become elected President of the U.S., but also to ONE MORE PROPHETIC WEEK OF 7 YEARS, TAKING US TO THE FALL OF 2015, WHEN WE CAN EXPECT OBAMA TO CONFIRM, OR STRENGTHEN, HIS COVENANT OF DAN. 9:27, TO CHANGE THE WORLD! THE STAGE IS NOW SET!!! DAY OF ATONEMENT, SEPT. 23, 2015, IS THE DAY THE FINAL 7 GOOD YEARS END. THAT, IN ITSELF IS A MAJOR CLUE, THAT THESE HAVE BEEN OUR 7 YEARS OF WARNING. THE FINAL 7 GOOD YEARS OF PREPARATION ARE JUST DAYS AWAY NOW FROM BEING OVER, WHICH MEANS THAT THE FINAL 7 YEARS OF FAMINE AND JUDGMENT AND TRIBULATION ARE ABOUT TO BEGIN!!!!!!!2. April 11, 2012, was the exact midpoint date of these Final 7 Good Years, or 7 Years of Warning. The two largest slip earthquakes ever recorded, both over 9.0 on the Richter scale, took place on this date. There were so many very large earthquakes around the world, especially along the whole west coast of North and South and Central America, that April 11, 2012, became known as the Day of the Earthquakes. It certainly appears that God was confirming the timeline of Oct. 29, 2008, to Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, to be the Final 7 Years of WARNING, before the REAL DEAL IN THE FALL OF 2015!I have written much in the past about the day of the year of April 11th. Many of you will remember me writing about the two comets, in 1996 and 1997, crossing, at the EXACT same co-ordinates in the sky, forming a cross. Astronomers were in awe of this unparalleled event. So many of the details of this event, including the location, made it obvious that this was some sort of WARNING sign in the Heavens, like Jesus had predicted would happen. The AMAZING thing about this event is that these two spectacular comets crossed at the exact same location, in consecutive years, on the very same day of the year, APRIL 11TH. Now read the preceding paragraph again, to see how our Lord is CONFIRMING THE FINAL 7 YEARS OF PREPARATION AND WARNING TO BE OCT. 29, 2008 TO DAY OF ATONEMENT, SEPT. 23, 2015, WITH APRIL 11, 2012, AS THE MIDPOINT DATE!!!3. There may have been other undiscovered Warning Signs on important milestone dates during this time, but there was at least one other discovered MAJOR WARNING sign that again confirms this 7-Year timeline. One of the worst hurricanes that the U.S. has ever experienced was Hurricane Sandy in the Fall of 2012. The floods and hurricane winds were so devastating, that this WARNING STORM OF THE TRIBULATION TO COME became quickly known as SUPERSTORM SANDY.The date and time that SUPERSTORM SANDY STRUCK LANDFALL ON THE EAST COAST OF THE U.S., WAS PRECISELY AT 8:00 P.M., EST, ON OCT. 29, 2012, EXACTLY 4 YEARS TO THE DAY, BUT AMAZINGLY ALSO 4 YEARS RIGHT TO THE MINUTE, THAT OBAMA BEGAN HIS HISTORIC COVENANT WITH THE MANY, THRUSTING THE WORLD INTO THE FINAL 7 GOOD YEARS, and our 7--Year Warning. God certainly has His special way of confirming things to those with listening ears. There can be no doubt that this was the hand of God, once again confirming this sign-filled, well-defined 7--Year timeline, as the 7 Years of Warning DIRECTLY leading to the 7 Years of Tribulation, and the Judgments in the Book of Revelation.Kevin Heckle's astounding astronomical discovery, confirming Oct. 29, 2008, as the date that the Rising of the Beast of the Sea (Revelation 12) took place, is revealed in the post below. It is an absolute MUST read for all Christians, for a thorough understanding of who the Antichrist is, and the EXACT starting date of the Final 7 Good Years, leading DIRECTLY to the 7 Years of Famine and Tribulation in the Fall of 2015.We are almost there fellow Watchmen, and fellow Christians. The Final 7 Years of Tribulation, immediately following these 7 Years of Preparation and 7 Years of Warning are about to commence. These Final 7 Good Years, so clearly defined by our Lord, and confirmed in many ways, are the vastly overlooked sign that God has been trying to reveal to His people everywhere. By the end of this extremely important and compelling post, if the Lord has revealed this to you for the first time, or re-inforced it to you, will you please send me a short email at the address under my name below.We have EVERY REASON TO BELIEVE THAT THE FINAL 7 YEARS OF TRIBULATION WILL BEGIN THIS FALL. I personally believe there is NO more compelling reason than this well-defined, sign-filled Final 7 Good Years, or 7 Years of Preparation, or 7 Years of Warning, that end EXACTLY on Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015! What Joseph spoke to Pharaoh came to pass, just as he spoke it. 7 Good Years, or Preparation Years, immediately followed by the 7 Years of Famine. Likewise, what Jesus is speaking to us today will certainly come to pass. The Final 7 Good Years, or Preparation Years, or Warning Years, are only days away from ending. The Final 7 Years of Famine, and Judgment, and Tribulation, are about to begin on the whole world (represented by Egypt in the story of Joseph). You can count on it. I believe we have every reason to believe it is a SLAM DUNK! ARE YOUR READY!!!Below is more on this same vital topic that I wrote about in February of this year. I have done my best to avoid much duplication. This is a MUST read:Joseph's 7 Good Years 2008--2015 Lead to 7 Years of Famine, orTribulation 2015--2022!!!1. THE TYPOLOGY OF JOSEPH.During my years of study at Bible College, where I also taught Bible Prophecy after I graduated, my two favorite classes were Bible Prophecy and Typology. For the first time, I learned that the Old Testament, through typology, just like the New Testament, was all about Jesus. Jesus is CONCEALED to us in the O.T., through Prophecy and Types, and REVEALED to us in the N.T. The WHOLE Bible revolves and centers around Jesus Christ. That was a brand new concept to me. Little did I realize just how accurate, and in-depth, that concept is. It totally changes the way that we should be reading the O.T. We should be looking for JESUS in the entire Word of God. It makes reading God's Word so much more exciting and fulfilling.There are many types of Jesus in the O.T. Some of them are Noah, Moses, Joshua, Melchizidek, Jonah, and Joseph. By far, the most complete type of Christ was Joseph. He is as close to being sinless as anybody in the O.T., just like the real sinless one, Jesus. Many of the smallest details in the life of Joseph are a perfect type of the life of Jesus. So, it would be unthinkable that the 7 Years of Famine. in Joseph's time, did not parallel the Final 7 Years of Tribulation, pointing to the 2nd Coming of Christ. The 7 Years of Famine are a TYPE of the 7 Years of Tribulation, during which a worldwide Famine is prophesied in Revelation.Because Joseph is easily the MOST COMPLETE type of Christ found in the Bible, we simply cannot ignore that BEFORE THERE COULD BE THE 7 YEARS OF FAMINE, THERE HAD TO BE 7 GOOD YEARS, IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE 7 BAD YEARS OF FAMINE. This can be easily understood by reading about the two dreams of Pharaoh. Joseph accurately interpreted those dreams to mean there would be 7 Good Years, immediately followed by the 7 Years of Famine.It has become obvious to me, through hindsight, and through progressive revelation, that the Fall of 2008, through the Fall of 2015, ARE THE 7 GOOD YEARS THAT WILL IMMEDIATELY BE FOLLOWED BY THE THE FINAL 7 BAD YEARS, THE YEARS OF FAMINE, THE TRIBULATION YEARS. Because of typology, God could not do something to His creation so destructive and devasting as the judgments of Revelation, without giving us a well-defined 7 Good Years timetable first. By outlining so very many signs and markers and astronomical signs and Biblical number calculations DIRECTLY pointing to the 7-Year (even to the 2520 days EXACTLY) period of Oct. 29, 2008, to Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, God was graciously giving us the dates of the Final 7 Good Years, that will be directly followed by the 7 Years of Famine, or Tribulation.There has NEVER been, in modern history, so many perfect calculations that validated and confirmed and EXACTLY identified this 2008--2015 timeline so precisely RIGHT TO THE VERY DAY, as a VERY important 7-Year period to God. What a gracious and merciful God we have!! In fact, Mathman calculated the odds that all of the many perfectly-constructed mathematical calculations and astronomical events for this specific 2520-day timeline simply could NOT be coincidental. The odds were off the charts. It was, without a doubt, a divinely-inspired 7-Year period, which leaves us NO doubt that this period was, and is, EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO GOD.What is the importance? The importance is that the 2008--2015 timeline leads us DIRECTLY to the next 7-Year period, the 7 Famine Years, the 70th Week of Daniel, the 7-Year Tribulation. We have every right to expect the Tribulation to immediately follow this Final 7 Good Years, just like in the time of Joseph. For those of you who believe in only a 3 and one-half year Tribulation, please keep in mind that this type of Joseph's (who is the most complete type of Christ) life, shows two future SEVEN-YEAR uninterrupted periods, just like it did in the time of Joseph. The first 7-Year period is Oct. 29, 2008, when Obama made his covenant to CHANGE THE WORLD, to Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, an EXACT period of 2520 days, or 7 360-day Prophetic years. The 2nd 7-Year period is the Tribulation, which we can expect to be from the Fall of 2015 to the Fall of 2022.2. DAY OF ATONEMENT, SEPTEMBER 23, 2015, STARTS THE YEAR OF JUBILEE, AND IS THE END OF THE FINAL 7 GOOD YEARS.For those of you who do not know ALL of the many calculations that confirm and validate this EXACT timeframe of Oct. 29, 2008, when Obama made the covenant with many (Daniel 9:27), to CHANGE THE WORLD, to Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, let me show you just one more astounding God-inspired calculation. There are just two MAJOR dates for modern-day Israel. They are May 14, 1948, when Israel became a nation, and June 7, 1967, when Israel re-captured their holy city of Jerusalem, in the miraculous 6-Day War.God put his stamp of approval on June 7, 1967, as an extremely important marker date for His end-time plan. I am convinced that this famous date is the starting date for His Final Jubilee cycle of 49 prophetic years. Why else would God send His angels to miraculously intervene in this 6-Day War of Israel's? The armies of Israel were vastly outnumbered, and on the verge of defeat, but there are numerous testimonies from Israeli soldiers of seeing angels intervene in that war, turning the tide in Israel's favor to ensure their victory , showing how important Jerusalem was to God, and how important the date of June 7, 1967, was to God. It is also my understanding that from the end of the Babylonian captivity of Israel in the O.T., to June 7, 1967, was 2520 years, with 2520 (360 X 7) being the very same number of days in the 7-Year Tribulation. To say that this date is a very important date to God is a vast understatement.In Leviticus, we learn all about Sabbatical cycles and Jubilee cycles, and how important they are to God. A Sabbatical cycle is 7 Prophetic years and a Jubilee cycle is 49 (7X 7) Prophetic years of 360 days each. The key starting point for calculating these Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles is found in Lev. 25:2, which says, "When you shall come into the land which I shall give to you..." Until Israel re-captured Jerusalem, they could not say that they possessed the land that the Lord had given to them. So, June 7, 1967, has to be the starting date for calculating modern-day Israel's first Jubilee cycle. After the 49-year Jubilee cycle is complete, the 50th Year is then proclaimed ON DAY OF ATONEMENT AS THE YEAR OF JUBILEE.So, with God's marker date so very obviously being the day of June 7, 1967, when God intervened on Israel's behalf, so that they could be fully established as being back into their holy land, by finally having Jerusalem back in their hands, it is almost certain that we can confidently use this as our starting date to compute one Jubilee cycle of 49 Prophetic years of 360 days each, to see when we can expect this long-awaited Year of Jubilee to start.The most-written about, and most-anticipated, date in the past several years in Bible Prophecy, in my opinion, is Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015. Lo, and behold, if we add 49 Prophetic years of 360 days each to June 7, 1967, to find out when the first Jubilee cycle of modern-day Israel should completed, we come EXACTLY TO THIS VERY SAME DATE OF DAY OF ATONEMENT, SEPT 23, 2015!!!!!!! According to Leviticus 25, Day of Atonement is always the correct day for any Jubilee Year to commence. How can anybody say that this amazing calculation is just a coincidence? It is the Day that everything is pointing towards, including the Final Day of the 7-Year covenant made by the Antichrist.It is also the Feast Day sandwiched right in between the solar eclipse on Feast of Trumpets, Sept 14, 2015, and the final of the much-written-about four blood red moon tetrad on Feast of Tabernacles, Sept. 28, 2015. Talk about God's marker day!!!! We have every reason to believe that Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015 will begin the Jubilee Year. What will that Day, or that Year, bring for Israel??? What will that Day, or Year, bring for the Bride of Christ??? Who will be celebrating this Jubilee Year?3. THE TYPOLOGY OF JACOB.Please keep in mind that Jacob's name was later changed to Israel. Jacob had to work TWO SEVEN-YEAR periods to receive his True Bride, of Rachel. At the end of the 1st 7-Year covenant that Jacob (Israel) had with Laban (a type of the Antichrist), Jacob received a False Bride. Like Jacob, so too will Israel receive their False Messiah (Obama), at the end of Obama's covenant. Expecting their True Messiah, in the Fall of 2015, Israel will have to wait another full 7 years to receive their true Messiah, Jesus Christ. Jacob having to wait two full 7-Year periods to receive his True Bride is a type of Israel having to wait two full 7-Year periods for their True Messiah. The first was the Fall of 2008 to the Fall of 2015, when the False Messiah, Obama, was elected. The 2nd 7-Year period will be the 7-Year Tribulation, from the Fall of 2015 to the Fall of 2022. During the Fall Feast Days in 2022 is when we should expect that Jesus will literally Return to earth to rule and reign from Israel's Holy City of Jerusalem. This will be when Jesus sets His feet down on the Mount of Olives, on Day of Atonement, on Oct. 5, 2022. Jesus, who is the Atonement for all sins, returns on Day of Atonement, part of God's perfect Prophetic plan, of having the 1st and 2nd Comings of Jesus be fulfilled on each of the 7 Jewish Holy Days.4. The Antichrist is revealed BEFORE THE TRIBULATION STARTS AND BEFORE THE RAPTURE.Let us look at 2nd Thessalonians 2:1, which says, "Now we beseech you,therefore, brethren, BY THE COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND BY OUR GATHERING TOGETHER UNTO HIM (this capitalized phrase is describing the Rapture of the Bride of Christ).Verse 3 then goes on to say, "Let no man deceive you by any means; for THAT DAY SHALL NOT COME, except there come a falling away first, and THAT MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, THE SON OF PERDITION." Now, whether you believe that THAT DAY is referring to the Rapture, or the Day of the Lord that starts the 7-Year Tribulation, or both, either way it is saying that the revealing of the Antichrist comes first. Some teach that it is the other way around, but I am convinced that it has been REVEALED to discerning Christians all over the world that Barack Hussein Obama is, or will become, the Antichrist. We have already mentioned above, the fact that Obama made a covenant TO CHANGE THE WORLD EXACTLY 2520 DAYS FROM DAY OF ATONEMENT, SEPT. 23, 2015.Just like the other explanations listed above, this sign of the Antichrist being revealed to discerning Christians, happened EXACTLY 7 years BEFORE the start of the Final 7 Years, the Tribulation, and the 70th Week of Daniel. 2nd Thess. 2:1--3 tells us that the Antichrist will be REVEALED BEFORE the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation. Even though many Christians have not yet been able to discern it, IT HAS HAPPENED. I wrote a post maybe four or five years ago that there are actually two REVEALINGS of the Antichrist. The 2nd Revealing will be very obvious, during the Tribulation, and the 1st Revealing of the Antichrist that happened over 6 years ago, is only obvious to discerning Christians.The following two unbelievingly exciting paragraphs are from a post, probably from 2009, that Kevin Heckle wrote. This article gives astronomical confirmation that at 8:00 p.m., EST, Oct. 29, 2008, the Rising of the Beast from the Sea, in Revelation 12, took place. THIS WAS THE EXACT SAME MINUTE THAT OBAMA BEGAN HIS HALF HOUR SPEECH TO CONFIRM HIS COVENANT WITH MANY TO CHANGE THE WORLD! This was the only time this astromical sign ever appeared, or ever will appear, in the skies. This is the final nail in the coffin! EXACTLY 7 Prophetic years later is Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, the Day that everything is pointing towards. This was the first REVEALING OF THE ANTICHRIST ON OCT. 29, 2008, AT 8:00 P.M., EST. THIS WAS OUR 7-YEAR WARNING!!! This is 100% proof that Obama is the Antichrist!!!You do not have to understand Kevin's astronomical evidence, as most will not. All you have to understand is his conclusion, that nails Obama as the Antichrist, and nails Oct.. 29, 2008, as the starting date for the Rising and Revealing of the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama, and to understand my conclusion, that this was an EXACT 7-Year Warning from this date of Oct. 29, 2008, that leads directly to the 70th Week of Daniel in the Fall of 2015. What is even more amazing about Kevin's astounding astronomical discovery is that he was not a believer in Oct. 29, 2008, being an important day in Bible Prophecy, before he made this discovery. The 2520th Day, or 7 Prophetic Years, after this astounding astronomical discovery, takes us to Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, the first Day of the Jubilee Year. We have every reason to believe that everything comes to a head in the Fall of 2015. The world is about to head straight into the Sudden Destruction, the 7-Year Tribulation, the Judgments in Revelation, and the horrific reign of the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama. How could God make it any simpler?KEVIN HECKLE'S AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE ASTRONOMICAL DISCOVERY:Both representations of Satan, Draco and Serpens stalk Virgo, waiting to DEVOUR her man-child. A LINE ‘cast down’ from Draco’s mouth-devourer (star Nu Draconis) through the Serpens’ mouth-devourer (star Gamma Serpentis) extending to below the sea (equator), also intersects with the tip of the tail of Hydra – Hy58 (beast rising from the sea). It was a surprise to me that the line intersected the tip of the tail of Hydra. The tip of the tail would represent the BEGINNING of the BEAST RISING FROM the SEA!!!! However, the more spectacular intersect is with the moon’s orbit on this date and time. The line from Draco’s mouth, through Serpens’ mouth touching the tip of Hydra’s tail, crosses the moon’s orbit EXACTLY where the NEW MOON was (14h 58min 25 sec RA and -22* 7.7’ declination) on the same date and time the sun had fully ‘clothed’ Virgo!!!! I checked to see if the same alignment occurred frequently. I manually checked from 1988 through 2028 and the only occurrence of this alignment intersecting with the Draco-Serpens-Hydra line was the date and time: 10/30/2008 00:00:00 UTC which is October 29, 2008 at 8:00 PM EST!!!! Make your own conclusions as to the timing of BHO’s ‘covenant with many’. I believe the alignment is a rare event. There are a few occasions where the moon is in the general vicinity, during that time-frame of 1988-2028. However, I don’t believe there is an occurrence during that time in which the moon is both below the sun’s ecliptic (thus below her left foot) AND a right ascension greater than 14 hours and 43 minutes of Right Ascension, which is the RA of the star Mu Virginis, her right foot. To fulfill the Biblical description ‘moon below her feet’, the moon would also have to be below the sun’s Ecliptic, as Virgo is parallel with this line, and the sun passing almost directly over her left heel (star).
Consider this ‘coincidence’: a line passing from Draco’s mouth, through Serpens’ mouth (Satan cast down) to the tip of Hydra’s tail (the beast rising from the sea) intersects with a new moon AT EXACTLY 8:00 P.M., EST, OCTOBER 29TH, 2008, WHILE BARACK OBAMA IS MAKING HIS PROMISES TO CHANGE THE WORLD; from the other end of Draco, a line beginning at the tip of his tail, passing through the feet of the bear, past the mouth of the lion, through the head of Hydra (beast rising from the sea) crosses the sun’s Ecliptic at 9 hours RA 17* declination, which is EXACTLY the moment of Barack Obama’s claim of birth in Hawaii, August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM. Draco’s head is connected to Hydra’s tail and Hydra’s head is connected Draco’s tail through EXACTLY two of the most significant dates in Barack Hussein Obama’s life!!!!! HIS (OBAMA'S) DAYS ARE WRITTEN IN THE STAR'S TIMING, EXACTLY AS THE BIBLE DESCRIBES IT,(emphasis mine) intertwined with Satan’s representations of the dragon (Draco), the serpent (Serpens), and the beast rising from the sea (Hydra).
In Christ,
Kevin Heckle
AFTER READING THIS AMAZING BIBLICAL ASTRONOMICAL DISCOVERY ABOUT OBAMA, THE BEAST FROM THE SEA OF NATIONS, WITH INCALCUABLE ODDS, HOW CAN ANYBODY STILL BELIEVE THAT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST??? THIS ASTRONOMICAL EVENT OF REVELATION 12 WAS THE RISING OF THE BEAST OF THE SEA, REVEALING TO US THAT OBAMA IS THE BIBLICAL ANTICHRIST!!!!!!!5. ALL OF THESE EXPLANATIONS ARE 7-YEAR WARNINGS TO THE CHURCH.We all know that God told us in Matthew 34:27, that "as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." The parallels of the Days of Noah to the Days leading up to the 2nd Coming of Christ are too numerous to mention. But we know that God gave Noah a 7-Day Warning before His Judgment fell on all of mankind in the form of the worldwide flood. Romans 5:20 tells us that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Surely, no one can disagree that sin is abounding on every hand, more than ever before. So, God, by His mercy and His grace, has decided to give us all a 7-Year Warning before He pours out His Judgments on an unsuspecting world. A 7-DAY Warning for Noah and his family. A 7-YEAR Warning for the Church of Jesus. What a merciful God we serve!Joseph was given 7 Years to prepare for the Great Famine. So, should we have expected any less? On hindsight, this is the explanation that bothers me the most. I feel like I should have had enough spiritual discernment to expect a defined starting point to the 7 Good Years, before the 7 Bad Years of Tribulation started. I just wish that I, or somebody, would have been able to discern that the Tribulation was still 7 Years away, back in the Fall of 2008. But none of us really wanted to believe that it was that far away. As watchmen, we tend to blow the trumpet when there are signs that the Tribulation MAY be very near. Typology should have told us that we would know when the 7-Year Warning to prepare happened. Joseph certainly knew.This is why I believe so much in progressive revelation. Perhaps God did not want it to be known to a lot of people 7 Years in advance. I suspect there were a few discerning watchmen that might have known back in 2008, that we were still 7 years away from the true Famine Week, the 7-Year Tribulation. But I honestly do not know of any. I am just grateful that the Lord has chosen to use me once again, in my calling as a watchman, to warn as many people as I can, that the world only has a few more months (and now it is only weeks) to go before the Sudden Destruction, the Judgments of God, the reign of the Antichrist, and the 7-Year Tribulation transpire. Will you help me warn people? Send this email to as many people as the Lord leads you too. Also send me email addresses of Christians who you think would like to be on my mailing list.The leading Antichrist candidate, Barack Hussein Obama, making a 7-Year covenant EXACTLY 7 Years, RIGHT TO THE DAY, before the day that everything was pointing towards, Day of Atonement, Sept. 23, 2015, was A 7-YEAR WARNING! That would have been a little bit harder to discern because most all watchers are expecting the confirming of a covenant at the START of the Final 7 Years, to begin the Final One Week of 7 Years in Daniel 9. This is what made it so difficult for us to discern. Hindsight, and progressive revelation, now confirm to us that it was only a 7-Year Warning. It was the MAKING of a 7--Year covenant to CHANGE THE WORLD, before the CONFIRMATION (in the Fall of 2015) of this covenant to CHANGE THE WORLD.Properly discerning the typology with Jacob of TWO 7-Year periods before He received His True Bride, of Rachel, who also is a type of Christ, may have led us to the truth about Oct. 29, 2008, just being a 7-Year Warning, and just the first of two 7-Year periods, before the real Messiah, Jesus, Returns to Israel to rule and reign. These typologies, and explanations, are so much easier to see, AFTER they have happened, than before. That is why I can't beat myself up too much. But I apologize for the pre-mature expectations and any problems that my projected timeline of 2008--2015 for the Final 7 Years, may have caused. My motives were right, and my heart was in the right place. The really important thing is that NOW we can see it for what it was, and is, which is OUR 7-YEAR WARNING!I am humbled that the Lord has been able to direct my heart in the right direction these last few months about where we really are in His Prophetic timetable. I am sure that some of you reading this on 5 Doves, and on my mailing list, are going to doubt that the Lord has been showing me these things. I am not sure that I can really blame you for that. I can only write what I am confident that the Lord is directing me to NOW and leave the results in His hand. It is up to the Holy Spirit to lead each of us into ALL truth. But each of us must be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Before sending me those negative and harsh and judgmental responses, please pray about the contents of this email, and then listen for His voice. That is all that I ask.I want to make sure that everybody reading this understands that I am not making any predictions. But I am saying that we have EVERY reason, and MANY BIBLICAL reasons, to fully EXPECT the 7-Year Tribulation to begin in the Fall of 2015. As for the Rapture, my best conjecture, based on my study of the Word, and what I feel the Lord is directing me towards, is the date of 11/11/15, the very same day that I EXPECT the Tribulation and Sudden Destruction to begin. The signs are very compelling, and I will be presenting them in my next post. I am not ruling out any of the Fall Feast Days of 2015, to be the correct day for the Rapture.GOD HAS GIVEN US A 7--YEAR WARNING. A 7--YEAR HEADS UP. A 7-YEAR ADVANCE NOTICE. A 7--YEAR PERIOD OF PREPARATION, JUST LIKE HE GAVE JOSEPH. By His Grace. By His Mercy. Receive it, in Jesus' name. Way too much is at stake, not to receive the Warnings that God has chosen to give to us. Many reading this today are simply NOT READY to be part of the Bride of Christ. That is because many are not saved, but also because many are Christians who are lukewarm, backslidden, compomising, non-watchful, or worldly. If you are in any of these categories, then you will not be part of the Bride of Christ. I am convinved Scripturally that the Rapture is a REWARD for those whom the Lord finds worthy (Luke 21:36). In the Book of Revelation we are all warned about not becoming one of the Tribulation saints, who entered the Tribulation with dirty robes (Revelation 7:13--17), and had to go through at least part of the Tribulation, in order to make their robes white. You do NOT want to be a Tribulation saint. You want to be part of the Bride of Christ, who has made herself ready. for the pre-Trib Rapture. You want to be a part of the Blessed Hope, the Blessed Escape, the Rapture of the Bride. Jesus has prepared a way of ESCAPE from ALL of it, as per Luke 21:34--36. Prepare, as time has now become extremely short. You have been warned!Here is our WARNING FROM JESUS to ALL of the end-times Christians, in Luke 21:34-36. "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any tme your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting (partying), and drunkenness, AND CARES OF THIS LIFE, and so that day come upon you unawares (unexpectedly). For as a snare (trap) shall it (Sudden Destruction) come on all them who dwell on the face of the earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that you may be ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE ALL these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man (Jesus)."Everything points to the Fall of 2015. EVERYTHING!!! In my next post, I will be giving to you SEVERAL reasons why I am fully EXPECTING (not predicting) 11/11/2015 to be the Day of Destiny, the Day that starts the 7-Year Tribulation.Maranatha!Ron Reese