Pastor Bob (10 Aug 2014)
""Absence of Proof is Not Proof of Absence -8""

All Doves:

In previous posts I noted the fact that the "Theme of Deliverance" can be found nearly 200 times in the KJV Bible.  Sometimes they are overt and sometimes they are less obvious.  I think of them as examples of "Diamonds and Nuggets" from God's Word.  Because God loves his creation, so much, that words cannot fully describe, God has gone to considerable effort, cost, and creativity to prove that to us.

In spite of all of His work to prove to us that God loves his children, there are those with a different agenda, to thwart, to confuse, to eat our lunch, our "Blessed Hope", to discourage the believer.  Jim Bramlett posted a piece last week distinguishing the differences between Law and Grace.  It deserves special mention because there are insights there that address evidential proof for our "Blessed Hope".  Sometimes the obvious becomes lost in the dialogue.  This could not be ignored, but as 2 Timothy 3:7 notes, "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of truth."  In spite of overwhelming evidence that is there for us to digest, there are those so hurt and damaged by something in their lives that they live in guilt and fear, but even more, they want you to be part of their "woe is me" club. 

In a series of posts I will begin sharing "The Theme of Deliverance", which are so complimentary to my posts on "The Theme of the Bride" as further encouragement that God is sending us a message, beyond the obvious, such as John 3:16, which should be more than adequate for the reader.  I believe that God was aware of what would come to pass in the End of Days, and that He recognized that Lucifer would not be content in giving up and capitulating or repenting.  Lucifer was the chief of angels, the light of lights, a thousand points, if not more.  In fact, Lucifer, like in a game of arm-wrestling was not about to be easily defeated.  His bag of tricks and deceit would not be left on a shelf to collect dust and cobwebs. 

The "Pre-Wrath-Rapture-Babble" deluded folks want to, or better expressed, are determined to kill your joy, to eat your lunch, to defeat you into believing the lie of the church (believers) is going through the Tribulation.  The wags and their spiritual leader are living under the Law.  They can't accept God's Grace, because they want people to be punished for their sins.  They want you to go through the Tribulation.  They don't want to acknowledge that the Tribulation is for the disobedient Jews, or the disobedient unbelieving world.  This is why it is called the "Unpardonable Sin", to reject the Gift of God's forgiveness. 

There is a good chance that many of the "Pre-Wrath-Rapture-Babble" crowd were trained as children by Jesuit Catholic elementary school teachers where the focus was on instilling the fear of God.  I've known Catholics, that became Christians but have been so damaged by their Jesuit school teachers that used Russian psychologist Pavlov's dog conditioning reflex learning method that they have problems knowing that God has forgiven their sins.  This is where stimulus creates desired reactionary evoked responses.  But I digress, so let's look at what I consider the obvious facts being overlooked by the "Pre-Wrath-Rapture-Babble".

Let this week be a new beginning, by pondering the following points, and remember Absence of Proof is NOT Proof of Absence in God's Word. 

1.  Jesus Christ told His disciples that His coming will be as the days of Noah - and then Jesus Christ, Himself,  proceeded to describe the chronology of those days by explicitly stating that Noah "entered into the ark" before the flood came -(Matthew 24:37-39).  "So shall also the coming of the Son of man be."  -(Matthew 24:39).

2.  To emphasize this point, Jesus Christ repeated this detailed account in Luke 17:26, recording the detail that Noah "entered into the ark" before the flood, and then,"the flood came" -(Luke 17:26-27).  "Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed."  -(Luke 17:30).

3.  Jesus Christ also told His disciples that His coming would be as the days of Lot - and then Jesus Christ, Himself, proceeded to describe the chronology of that event by explicitly stating that Lot "went out of Sodom" before God's judgment rained down -(Luke 17:28-29).  "Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed"  -(Luke 17:30).

4.  God reminds of these individuals again, and tells us that it is God's nature to deliver believers before divine judgment:  Noah, Lot, Rahab, etc. -(2nd Peter 2:5-9).  Note that Peter (who penned Peter) was present when Jesus Christ told it to the disciples the first time.

5.  Right after that, He told them about Noah and Lot.  He further emphasizes this and describes 2-3 examples.  -(Matthew 24:40-41; Luke 17:34-36) of how some people will be taken and some will be left behind.

6.  Right after that, He warns them "Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."  If Christ Jesus comes at any other time than before the Tribulation, then you would know (to the day) when to expect Him.  The fact is that He is coming before, is what catches people off guard.

7.  Right after that, He tells them of the metaphor of the unannounced thief -(Matthew 24:43-44) and told His disciples His coming would be in the same manner. 

8.  Right after that, He uses the illustration of the unfaithful servant who was caught off guard by his master's unannounced return -(Matthew 24:45-51).

9.  Right after that, He tells them the parable of the ten virgins, and how some were caught unprepared for the bridegroom's unannounced return -(Matthew 25:1-12).

10.  Right after that, He warns them a second time, "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."  -(Matthew 25:13).

11.  Right after that, He tells them of the parable of the talents, and a servant who was caught unprepared by his master's return.  -(Matthew 25:14-30). 

12.  Here in one sitting, Jesus Christ plainly explains the pattern of His return to a group of fishermen, and to make absolutely sure they understand what He is saying.  He lays out 2 biographical patterns, 2 pattern parables, and 2 explicit warnings about these patterns (with additional implied warning woven throughout); the fact that He repeated, something they needed to know, six times in one sitting should tell us that He wants us to be absolutely clear about it!

Any teaching that ignores, contradicts, or reverses this clearly spelled-out pattern will end up ignoring and contradicting other Scripture as well, leading to confusion and deception.  Make it to be clearly understood, that I am referring to the "Pre-Wrath-Rapture-Babble" on this point.  Do not hold to any prophetic pattern that goes against Jesus Christ's given pattern.  The very first words out of His mouth when He sat down to tell His disciples these things was this warning, "Take heed that no man deceive you."  -(Matthew 24:4).

What those "Pre-Wrath-Rapture-Babble" folks who are living under the law fail to realize is that God gave us His Word, but as I have pointed out on numerous occasions, its message is not always explicit and direct, with bullet-point listed detail.  It's not like driving up to an intersection where the lights are green, yellow, and red.  It may be nuanced in such fashion, that we have to extract its meaning.  The Word is often nuanced, couched in mystery, symbol, metaphor, and typology.  This is what is given us when we read and understand Proverbs 25:2.  God, in his infinite wisdom, utilizes some 200 linguistic and grammatical devices to communicate His awesome persona and Word, his omnipotent knowledge, and awesome love for you and I.  In my next post in this series I will provide even more of the obvious that gets lost in the details.

May your day and week be filled with His Presence,

Pastor Bob