Bob Ware (10 Aug 2014)
"Another 911 Attack on 25 January 2015 - focused on President Obama"


The ASCII codes for ‘John Fitzgerald Kennedy’ are: 399, 1036 and 718. Their total sum is 2153. 399 + 718 equals the gematria of the first ten letters of Genesis 1:1. JFK served 1036 days before he was assassinated on 11.22.1963. From the start of Gregorian day numbering (1.1.1996) to the 38th anniversary of his assassination (11.22.2001) was 2153 inclusive days. From 11.22.2001 to 1.25.2015 will be 12 x 401 days. 401 is the gematria of the center word of Genesis 1:1 (‘Aleph’ 1 + ‘Tav’ 400 = 401). From the first earthquake in the new Madrid series of earthquakes on 12.16.1811 to 1.25.2015 will be 185 x 401, or 37 x 2005 days. 2005 is the gematria of the first 23 letters of GN 1:1. The second half of the Tribulation has 1335 days (Daniel 12:12). 1.25.2015 to 9.20.2018 will be 1335 inclusive days.  9.20.2018 will be the 718th day of the 305th Jewish calendar cycle. Again, 718 is the ASCII codes for ‘Kennedy’. 9.20.2018 will be 10 x 718 days since the gamma ray burst on 1.23.1999.

From 1.25.2015 to the last day of the current Jewish calendar cycle (10.2.2016) is 616 days. 616 is believed by some to have been the original number of the beast in Revelation. 616 is also the sum of the squares of the factorials of 2,3 and 4 : (2!)^2 + (3!)^2 + (4!)^2 = 4 + 36 + 576 = 616. From 6.5.2014 (the 47th anniversary of the first day of the Six Day War) to 1.25.2015 is 234 days. 9.11.2001 was the 234th day in office for George Walker Bush.

JFK had 425 days left in office when he was assassinated. 425 plus the ASCII codes for ‘Kennedy’ (718) equals 1143. 1143 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Jesus’ (522) + ‘Christ’ (621). 621 + 425 equals: 2 x 523. 523 is the sum of the trinity reductions for ‘Jesus’ (888 yields 153) and ‘Christ’ (1480 yields 370). 523 is the 34th number within the 'Prime Cube' and JFK was the 34th different President.

The date strings for 11.22 and 1.25 as number strings are: 1122 and 125. Their sum is 1247. The length of each side of the triangles making a Star of David within the ‘Circle of Time’ is 1247.

The ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ are: 580, 735 and 480. Their sum is 1795. On 1.25.2015 Obama will complete 735 days of his second term in office. He will have 726 days remaining in office. 726 is Strong’s Greek word number for ‘HARPAZO’ meaning: caught up, taken (or raptured). The sum of the gematrias for the first three words of Genesis 1:1 is 1202 (913 ‘In the beginning’ + 203 ‘created’ + 86 ‘God’). 1.25.2015 plus 913 days will be 7.26.2017. 7.26.2017 + 203 more days will be 2.14.2018. 9.11.2001 to 2.14.2018 will be 6000 days. 2.14.2018 + 86 more days will be 5.11.2018 (the last date around the 'Circle of Time').


Lincoln had 1419 days left in his second term when he died from the assassin’s bullet. The exact average value of 1419 and 735 is 1077. 1077 is the final Greek gematria for ‘CROSS’. 1077 is the sum of the three values at the center of the ‘Prime Cross’: 43 + 153 + 881. From 12.21.2012 (the Winter Solstice and Mayan date) to 1.25.2015 is 5 x 153 days.


The total sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ (1795) plus the gematria of the center word of Genesis 1:1 (401) is 2196. On 1.25.2015 Obama will have completed 2196 days in office. 2196 is exactly one half of the total number of days served by the four assassinated Presidents of the United States. 2196 equals 2 x 1098. So, 1098 is the average number of days served by the four assassinated Presidents. 1098 is also the sum of the gematrias for the last three words of Genesis 1:1. ‘heavens’ (395) + ‘and’ (407) + ‘earth’ (296) equals: 1098.


Again, the sum of the gematrias for the first three words of Genesis 1:1 is 1202. It was 1202 days from 9.11.2001 to the earthquake and tsunami that killed approximately 250,000 people on 12.26.2004. 1.25.2015 plus 1202 days will be 5.11.2018. 5.11.2018 is the last date at the top of the ‘Circle of Time’. The starting date at the top of the ‘Circle of Time’ is 12.21.2005. 12.21.2005 plus the circumference of the circle (4524 units/days) will be 5.11.2018. 4524 equals the 4392 days served by the four assassinated Presidents plus then 132 rooms in the White House. 5.11.2018 to 9.20.2018 (end of the 1335 days from 1.25.2015) will be 132 days. 1202 + 793 (English gematria for ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’) equals: 5 x 399 (ASCII code sum for ‘John’). 2196 + 399 equals: 2595 (the full number of days in the Tribulation).


Again, 9.11.2001 was the 234th day in office for George Walker Bush. 1544 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Lord Jesus Christ’. From the starting date at the top of the ‘Circle of Time’ (12.21.2005) to 1.25.2015 is: 1544 + 234 + 1544 days. Below is a symmetrical ‘mirror image’ breakdown of the individual ASCII gematria day steps:


621 (Christ) + 522 (Jesus) + 401 (Lord) + 117 + 117 (234 total of two center values) + 401 (Lord) + 522 (Jesus) + 621 (Christ)





Day Steps





using ASCII





Code values












































The ASCII code sum for 'Lord' (401) is the gematria of the 'Aleph' and 'Tav' at the center of GN 1:1. The sum of the first 7 values equals the gematrias of the 7 Hebrew words of GN 1:1 (2701) and the date that fell at this point was 5.14.2013 which was the 65th anniversary of Israel's rebirth). From 5.14.2013 to 1.25.2015 is 621 days. Again, from the 6.5.2014 (the 47th anniversary of the first day of the Six Day War) to 1.25.2015 is 234 days. 621 + 234 equals: 855 which is the sum of the uppercase ASCII codes for ‘JESUS CHRIST’.


The two dates at the center locations are: 7.9.2010 and 11.3.2010. The first corner of the 'Prime Cube' is 79 and the sum of all 4 corners is 2010. The second center date is 11.3.2010. 113 is the first point of the 'Prime Cross'.


In the ‘Genesis 1:1 Pyramid’ blue stone number 621 (ASCII for ‘Christ’) is red stone number 2081. From 1.1.1996 (start of Gregorian day numbering) to 9.11.2001 was 2081 inclusive days.


1143 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Jesus Christ’. Again, JFK served 1036 days and 1036 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Fitzgerald’. From the starting date at the top of the ‘Circle of Time’ (12.21.2005) to 1.25.2015 is: 1143 + 1036 + 1143 days.


Again, 1480 is the Greek gematria of ‘CHRIST’ and 888 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’. From 9.11.2001 to 1.25.2015 is 4884 days. The dates 9.11 and 1.25 as number strings are: 911 and 125. 4884 minus 911 minus 125 equals: 1480 + 888 + 1480. 911 + 125 equals the 1036 days served by JFK before he was assassinated. The circumference of a circle around a rectangle with sides of 911 and 125 equals: 27 x 107 (the rapture number). The European date standard format is ‘day.month.year’ so 9.11 would be 11.9 and 1.25 would be 25.1. 119 + 251 equals 370 which is the trinity reduction of 1480. 1036 minus 370 equals: 666. The 4884 days from 9.11.2001 to 1.25.2015 also equals the symmetrical sequence: 1036 + 888 + 1036 + 888 + 1036. 4884 minus the 4392 days served by the four assassinated Presidents equals 492. On 1.25.2015 Obama will have 726 days left in office. 726 minus 492 equals: 234. Again, 9.11.2001 was the 234th day in office for George Walker Bush. 48 + 84 + (48 x 84) + 4884 equals: 2 x 4524 (the circumference of the ‘Circle of Time’.


84 is the gematria of ‘Enoch’. The second ‘Blood Moon’ eclipse on 10.8.2014 plus 84 days will be the last day of 2014. 10.8.2014 plus 109 days will be 1.25.2014. The number 109 has been connected to ‘grief’. >From the Japan earthquake on 3.10.2011 to 1.25.2015 will be 13 x 109 days.


The exact average value of 1036 (days served by JFK) and 726 (days left in office for Obama on 1.25.2015) is 881. 881 is the 43rd number within the ‘Prime Cube’ and it is the 153rd prime number. Obama is the 43rd different President of the United States. President Harding served 881 days in office before he reportedly died of natural causes. It is believed that he may have been poisoned by his wife. 2196 (days served by Obama on 1.25.2015) -1036 (days served by JFK) + 881 equals: 2041 which is the Greek gematria for ‘ANTICHRIST’. 2041 + 480 (ASCII code sum for ‘Obama’) equals: 2521 which is the 21st Star of David number. 9.11.2001 was the 1441st day of the current Jewish calendar cycle. 1441 is the 16th Star of David number. Harding had 580 days remaining in office. 580 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack’.


37 is the third Star of David number and 73 is the fourth. 37 x 73 equals the gematria of GN 1:1 (2701). The number of days in seven solar years (2557) minus the number of days in seven prophetic years (2520) equals 37. 37 days have 888 hours and 888 is the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS’. The normal temperature of a person is 98.6 Fahrenheit. 98.6 Fahrenheit converts to an even 37 degrees Celsius. The 2196 days completed by Obama on 1.25.2015 as a Fahrenheit temperature converts to 1202.22 Celsius. 1202.22 rounds off to 1202 which is the gematria of the first three words of GN 1:1.


When you assign the values 1 to 26 to the English alphabet the gematria of ‘COUNTERFEIT ANTICHRIST’ is 257. The gematria of GN 1:1 is the 73rd triangle number (2701). When you assign the first 26 triangle numbers to the English alphabet the gematria of ‘COUNTERFEIT ANTICHRIST’ is 2444. 257 + 2444 equals: 2701.

The definition of ‘assassinated’ is: "to murder (a usually prominent person) by sudden or secret attack often for political reasons". The sum of the ASCII codes for 'Antichrist Assassinated' is 2300. 2300 is the gematria of the six translatable words of GN 1:1 (first three words 1202 + last three words 1098). Also, a period of 2300 days is given in Daniel 8:14. 2300 Fahrenheit converts to exactly 1260 Celsius. There are 1260 days in the first half of the Tribulation (3.5 prophetic years). The sum of the prime number gematria for 'Antichrist Assassinated' is 3168 which is the Greek gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST'.


Up to and including JFK’s assassination, 1 in 9 Presidents had been assassinated. Obama is the 9th President since JFK was elected. To summarize, I believe that on 1.25.2015 there may be another 911 attack, but this time the terrorists may hit the target they missed the first time - the President.




The following text is for the attached table of prime numbers.


  • The 'Prime List' is the first 305 Prime Numbers that fall within the range: 1 to 2010 (Including Unity).
  • The prime number gematria of 'CHRIST' (419) x the Number of the Beast (666) equals the sum of these first 305 prime numbers (279,054).
  • Layout of 'Prime List' is determined by Prime Factoring of its 305 Numbers: 61 Rows x 5 Columns.
  • The 'Prime Cube' is the center 17 rows of the first 3 columns of the 'Prime List'.
  • The 'Prime Cube' is highlighted in Blue: 51 primes + their 51 placeholders + their 51 'Prime Cube' placeholders within the 'Prime Cube' = 153.
  • The last composite number to fall within the range of the ‘Prime Cube’ is 940. The hexadecimal number string ‘940’ equals the decimal number 2368 (‘JESUS CHRIST’).
  • Sum of the first 17 Integers is 153 (the 17th Triangle Number). The sum of first 17 Triangle Numbers is 969 (Methuselah's lifespan).
  • Four corners of 'Prime List' total 3834 (the 3834th day of the current Islamic calendar cycle was 1/20/2001). 3834 = 2 x 1917 (Balfour Declaration & Allenby takes Jerusalem).
  • The sum of the top row of the ‘Prime Cube’ (79 + 431 + 827) = 1337. 1337 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM’ (NEW WORLD ORDER).
  • Four Corners of the 'Prime Cube': 79 + 163 + 827 + 941 = 2010 (the range of the 'Prime List').
  • 3834 + 2010 = 5844 > the exact number of days in 16 years.
  • 31,102 Bible verses = (2 x 941) + (5 x 5844) > Symmetry of 7 words in GN 1:1 > (5844 + 941 + 5844) + 5844 + (5844 + 941 + 5844)
  • There are 13,636 elementary particles in the 88 elements found in nature. Obama's age on 12.4.1998 was 13,636 days. 12.4.1998 + 5844 days is 12.4.2014.
  • 12.4.1998 + 16 Jewish years is 12.7.2014 (the 73rd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor).
  • Four points of the 'Prime Cross': 113 + 431 + 523 + 881 = 1948 > the year of Israel's Rebirth.
  • The first point of the 'Prime Cross' is 113. 113 is the 31st prime number and the 9th number within the 'Prime Cube'. 9 + 31 + 113 = 153.
  • Obama's name falls next to the 153rd prime number 881. On 8.23.2014 Obama will complete 2041 days in office and have 881 days remaining. 2041 is the Greek gematria for 'ANTICHRIST'.
  • The sum of the 52 consecutive prime numbers from the 31st (113) to the 82nd (419) equals the 13,636 elementary particles in the 88 elements found in nature.
  • 82 + 419 equals the Hebrew gematria of ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’ (501). Again, 419 is the prime number gematria of ‘CHRIST’.
  • The 81st prime is 409. 81 + 409 equals Daniel’s 70 weeks of years (490). These two consecutive primes and their placeholders link Obama to the end of the Tribulation.
  • The sum of the 81st to 84th prime numbers and their placeholders is 2010.
  • The sum of the 79th to 82nd prime numbers and their placeholders is 1948.
  • 8.23.2014 is 3168 inclusive days from 12.21.2005 (date at the top of the 'Circle of Time'). 3168 is the Greek gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST'.
  • On 8.23.2014 Obama's age in days will equal 9 x 2153. 2153 is the sum of the ASCII codes for 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy'.
  • August 2014 will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens only once every 823 years.
  • I have placed the YeaRs 1945 (Atomic Age begins) to 2017 from the start of the 'Prime List' through the 'Prime Cube' and added the Primes and then the PlaceHolders.
  • 1945 to 2017 is 73 inclusive years. The 73rd Triangle Number is the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701). 2701 = 37 (3rd 'Star of David' number) x 73 (4th 'Star of David' number).
  • The year of the Six Day War (1967) begins with the start of the 'Prime Cube'.
  • The year 2009 aligns with Obama and his first day in office was 1.20.2009.
  • The year 2013 aligns with the prime number 911. Obama's second public Inauguration was 1.21.2013.
  • 911 is the 157th prime number and 157 is the composite number gematria of 'JESUS'.
  • The 2017th composite number is 2368 (Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST'). Obama's last day in office is 1.20.2017.
  • The 2017th stone of the 'Genesis 1:1 Pyramid' falls at the center of the center row of 37 stones. The first stone in this 37th row is number 1999.
  • I began numbering the last days for Body of Christ from the Winter Solstice of the Jewish year 5760 (12.22.1999).
  • Cross bars: (113 + 467 + 881) + (431 + 467 + 523) = 2882 = 2 x 1441. 1441 is the 16th Star of David. 9.11.2001 was the 1441st day of the current Jewish calendar cycle.
  • First 4 primes in row 14 (41 + 373 + 761 + 1193) total 2368 (Greek gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST').
  • The sum of the two consecutive prime numbers immediately preceding 1193 is 2368 (1181 + 1187).
  • 14:41 on a digital clock is the 881st minute of a day. The 43rd 'Prime Cube' number is the 153rd prime number 881: 43 + 153 + 881 + 881 = 1958.
  • All 22 primes in range of 1 to 78 total 713 (prime gematria of 'JESUS CHRIST').  The remaining 56 composite numbers total 2368.
  • The 78th element is Platinum (78 + 117 + 78).  23rd Prime Number is 79. 79th element is Gold (79 + 118 + 79 = 276 = Sum of integers: 1 to 23).
  • 113 + 467 + 881 = 1461 (the number of days in four years or one Presidential term). 523 = sum of trinity reductions for 'JESUS' (888 yields 153) and 'CHRIST' (1480 yields 370).
  • Lincoln's term (1503 days) minus JFK's (1036 days) = 467. 467 is the sum of three different gematrias for 'God' (86 Hebrew + 99 Prime + 282 ASCII).
  • 467 + 2701 (Hebrew gematria of Genesis 1:1) = 3168 (the Greek gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST').
  • The prime number gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST' (1013) + 467 = 1480 (the Greek gematria of 'CHRIST').
  • I have placed the names of the 43 different Presidents within the 'Prime Cube'. Grover Cleveland was both the 22nd and the 24th President.
  • Twin-Prime Pairs that Bracket a Leap Year are colored in Brown. Twin-Prime pairs that are bracketed by Leap Years are colored in yellow.