Wisdom of Solomon (One State) v Deception of the World/UN (Two States)
1 Kings 3:27: Then the king said, Give her [who pleads for his life] the living baby, and by no means slay him. She is the child’s mother.
We read in 1 Kings 3 and 4 about Solomon’s exceptional wisdom: 12 Behold, I have given you a wise, discerning mind, so that no one before you was your equal, nor shall any arise after you equal to you (1 Kings 3:12). In 1 Kings 4 we read that he wrote 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs!!! Yet when it comes to his judicial wisdom, one example stands above all others: the two women (harlots or unwed mothers) who were claiming the one child as theirs. I have mused on this and asked the question: if this is so prominent does it have relevance to the Israel and Palestine issue today. I believe the answer is clearly yes.
Before looking at this I would like to note one caveat. Although the prevailing view in the countries surrounding Israel is hatred towards the State of Israel, there are always some who do acknowledge Israel’s right to exist as a separate nation, including Christians, some Muslims and even some Palestinians. Some may, in the near future, even give their life in support of Israel.
Most Doves would be aware of the Wisdom of Solomon in deciding who the mother of the child was. I have included excerpts from 1 Kings 3 below (The Two Women Claiming the One Baby/Child) for those who would like to refresh their recollection. Put simply, Solomon offered/threatened to cut the child in two, giving half to each mother.
The Sword of Division in the Hands of the United Nations/the World
Right now negotiations are underway to bring about a Two State solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. This is not in accordance with the revealed will of God - he has given the land of Israel, and a much larger area of land than is the present Israel, as an eternal covenant to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). Furthermore, Jesus Himself walked with love throughout Palestine/Israel and His blood was shed in this land, even though He was rejected.
The Palestinian State ‘died’ at the same time as the miraculous birth of Israel. This can be clearly seen in the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (Resolution 181 II 1947 - see excerpt from Wikipedia below). This Plan was intended to give rise to two independent States, but the Palestinian option was rejected by Arab governments and the Arab community as a whole. They went to war against the fledgling Israel nation instead.
Israel has survived and the wheel has now turned full circle - the two State solution is now the core of new negotiations, supported by the United States, many countries across the world, the United Nations and even many churches. Strangely, with all the crises happening in many parts of the world, nations are focusing on Israel (for example, in respect of building projects). It is my view that Israel and Jerusalem will be divided by a United Nations resolution, supported by most but not all countries. As we read in Joel 3: 1-3 - where division is in the past tense - an event that takes place, making nations accountable for their treatment of Israel).
For behold, in those days and at that time when I shall reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem. 2 I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for [their treatment of] My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations
And [Because] they have divided My land and they have cast lots for My people
The Two State Solution - a Deceptive Facade!
The woman who lost her baby: the baby was lost because of lack of care by the mother, who smothered the baby. She then deceptively claimed ownership of the living baby. Her lack of true love and respect for the living baby was then uncovered through Solomon’s Wisdom. Those who are wise and understand know that the Two State solution is nothing but a deceptive facade, a stepping stone to the ultimate aim of removing the very name of Israel entirely. Thousands of years ago the Lord God Almighty looked into the heart of Israel’s enemies, especially the nations immediately surrounding Israel and we read in Psalm 83: 3 They lay crafty schemes against Your people and consult together against Your hidden and precious ones. 4 They have said,
Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be in remembrance no more.
5 For they have consulted together with one accord and one heart. 12 Who say, Let us take possession for ourselves of the pastures of God.
This is even more true today than it has ever been, as we accelerate towards the Return of Our Lord! In respect of Solomon’s Wisdom, while the mother who had lost her child experienced some sorrow, the solution was not to wrongly claim the living child. The other woman had such a deep love for the baby that she was willing to give the baby up rather than see it sacrificed.
I have not been to Israel, but my understanding is that Israel has transformed the land, including through world best irrigation systems, into a country with beautiful pastures, crops, and trees: even like the Garden of Eden in parts. So who has greater love and respect for the land? The Two State solution is just a crafty scheme to get into position to annihilate Israel - the Wisdom of a Greater then Solomon will, in time, expose the true motives of Israel’s enemies. In summary, the so-called Two State solution is just another attempt to deceptively take hold of the Living Child (Israel).
The Road Ahead for the Two State/One State Solutuions
The Tetrad (blood Red Moons) in 2014 and 2015, falling on Passover and Sukkot, are strong indications that there will be a battle for Israel in/around these years. In the near future the conflagration in the Middle East may worsen, probably due to Iran in particular. In the wake of this the UN may achieve some form of division of Israel/Jerusalem (the Two State solution. God will judge nations for this division of the land.
Support for Israel, even within the Church, will wane and Israel will come to a place of dependence on Yahweh! Then the Psalm 83/Isaiah 17 war will bring about (in ways that we do not know) a great victory for Israel. This will also be one climax of God’s judgment of the nations for dividing His Land. In the Amplified, Psalm 83 verse 15 speaks of terrifying them with Your tornado or hurricane, so the United States may be a focus in this judgment.
My apologies for this long letter. I would like to finish with two thoughts. First, the Wisdom of Solomon shows that the Baby (Land of Israel) is the Living Child, and rightly belongs to Israel. Secondly, we may not know how Psalm 83 will work out, but there are two important clues in Isaiah 17: Damascus will no longer be a city and, in verse 14 we read:
At evening time, behold, terror! And before the morning, they [the terrorizing Assyrians] are not. This is the portion of those who strip us [the Jews] of what belongs to us, and the lot of those who rob us.
Psalm 83 verse two is being fulfilled before our eyes: Your enemies are in tumult, and those who hate You have raised their heads (become more prominent!). Once they stop fighting each other they will turn their focus on Israel, helped probably by a newly created Palestine State. Psalm 83 will, however, wipe out this State and bring about a time of temporary peace for Israel with expanded borders: the climax of Psalm 83 could well be the seventh day of the Six Day War.
In the meantime let us be wise and discern the true nature of the deceptive Two State solution! For those of us Who look for Him, the Rapture could take place at any time!! The time of entering our Eternal Rest!
Denis Maranatha!!
The Two Women Claiming the One Baby/Child - 1 Kings 3 (excerpts)
8 Your servant (Solomon) is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people who cannot be counted for multitude. 9 So give Your servant an understanding mind and a hearing heart to judge Your people.
12 Behold, I have done as you asked. I have given you a wise, discerning mind, so that no one before you was your equal, nor shall any arise after you equal to you.
16 Then two women who had become mothers out of wedlock came and stood before the king. 17 And one woman said, O m .
18 And the third day after I was delivered, this woman also was delivered. And we were together; no stranger was with us, just we two in the house. 19 And this woman’s child died in the night because she lay on him.
20 And she arose at midnight and took my son from beside me while your handmaid slept and laid him in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom. 21 And when I rose to nurse my child, behold, he was dead. But when I had considered him in the morning, behold, it was not the son I had borne.
23 The king said, One says, This is my son that is alive and yours is the dead one. The other woman says, No! But your son is the dead one and mine is the living one.
24 And the king said, Bring me a sword. And they brought a sword to the king. 25 And the king said, Divide the living child in two and give half to the one and half to the other.
26 Then the mother of the living child said to the king, for she yearned over her son, O my lord, give her the living baby, and by no means slay him. But the other said, Let him not be mine or yours, but divide him.
27 Then the king said, Give her [who pleads for his life] the living baby, and by no means slay him. She is the child’s mother.
28 And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had made, and they stood in awe of him, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do justice.
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (Resolution 181 II 1947)
(excerpts from Wikipedia) The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a plan for the future government of Palestine. The Plan was described as a Plan of Partition with Economic Union which, after the termination of the British Mandate, would lead to the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and the Special International Regime for the City of Jerusalem. On 29 November 1947, the General Assembly adopted a resolution recommending the adoption and implementation of the Plan as Resolution 181(II).[2]
The new states would come into existence two months after the (British) withdrawal, but no later than 1 October 1948. The Plan sought to address the conflicting objectives and claims of two competing movements: Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism, known as Zionism. Part II of the Plan included a detailed description of the proposed boundaries for each state. The Plan also called for Economic Union between the proposed states, and for the protection of religious and minority rights.
The Plan was accepted by the Jewish Agency on behalf of the Jewish community, but rejected by Arab governments and the Arab community as a whole. Immediately after adoption of the Resolution by the General Assembly, the Civil War broke out. The partition plan was not implemented.