Randy (27 Aug 2011)
"The TRIFECTA of the Rapture Confirmation???? Maybe......"

Great book link posted THIS week on Five Doves.
Book:  No Green Bananas
Free Download.....quick and easy read......ends with 2 Dreams by the Author, with God telling her "the return of Jesus Christ is very, very near..."  Thus, the title of the book.
Her First Dream was on September 29....1981.  (page 95 of the book)
September 29 will FOREVER get my attention....  why?
September 29, 2008....was the day the Stock Market, DOW, had the BIG drop, during the 'save the bank' crisis.  And, Sept. 29, 2008 was what day on the Lord's annual prophetic calendar?? Rosh Hashanah. 
So, the writer, Cynthia Judd, has this dream on Sept 29, 1981.  And so my thought was what......what do you think?    "What day was Rosh Hashanah in 1981?"
What do you think........  ya......Rosh Hashanah in 1981 was Sept 29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hmmmmmmmm......OK......she has my attention!!!
OK....THE TRIFECTA of the Rapture Confirmation: (maybe?) 
So......her dream.....her book.....the point of her book.....comes from a dream (1 of 2) she had on Rosh Hashanah, 1981....about the soon return of Jesus Christ.......it was a Rapture Dream.........dream date was Sept 29, 1981. 
Rosh Hashanah, 2008.....Sept 29, 2008....the DOW drops 777.68 points.  MANY of us (Five Doves) thought then, and now, that that "number" -777 was MORE than coincidental.  I mean, it could have been down 700, or 800, or 750 or ANY number....but it was down exactly 777 (and the .68) 
So, we have TWO Sept 29 dates.....both on Rosh Hashanah...one in 1981 and the other in 2008.  Coincidental?  So what???
THREE: (??)  does the DOW drop on Rosh Hashanah, 2008 point to the Rapture on Rosh Hashanah, 2012????
Some of you may remember, I had struggled to make sense of the -777.68 drop in the months after Sept 29, 2008.  A Few months later, I came to my first possibility.  That is:
If the 777 was meaningful....then the .68 MUST be as well?? 
This was my rationale:   so IF 7 could be representative of the number of completion....... could each 7 represent ONE year?  And IF so.......could the .68 be a 'portion' of a year??   So IF 7 was ONE year......could .7 also be one year?
And I came up with THIS calcuation from high school:
It's a relationship calculation....
.68 is to .70 as X is to 365 days.   or in otherwords..
.68/.70 = X/365.  Solve for X and you get what?   355..355 Days...
OK, I said to myself.....SO WHAT!? 
Well.....take Sept 29, 2008....and ADD 355 days and what do you get?  You get Sept 19, 2009.   OK....again...so what?  I thought "IF Sept 19, 2009 is AGAIN Rosh Hashanah....wouldn't that be interesting?? Coincidental??"
And......it WAS.  Sept 19, 2009 WAS on Rosh Hashanah.  Hmmmmmm.....
So.....as Sept 19, 2008 was coming on.....I was curious IF it might be meaningful...or IF it might be the Rapture....
(I do not think I posted on this at the time.....not until I made sense of all the numbers......777.68.) 
And as we know..it was NOT.  So in the months after Sept 19, 2009.....I continued to think about this.  (I've posted this whole story before....) 
Long story short......  It came to me in March, 2010.....the day my father died.....after having asked God the day before "OK..it's time to ask you......if You would, please tell me 'the' date for the Rapture."  I believe I already 'knew' the time of the year.....Rosh Hashanah.....taught to me by the Lord in answer to a prayer about the 'time' of the year....back in 1999....but I'd never asked more specifically, until then. 
The next morning, as my father was in his final moments of death....as I woke up in my bed 100 miles away....thinking about my prayer the day before...... the answer I heard in my head was "Randy....you already KNOW that date." 
What???  AS I thought about this it crossed my mind "IF the .68 points to one year ahead, Sept 19, 2009....again on Rosh Hashanah........could the three 7's point to 3 more years until the Rapture, from then????" 
And I thought, IF Rosh Hashanah, 2012 IS 3 years from Sept 19, 2009......wouldn't THAT be AMAZING???   So I got out of bed, went to the computer to search the date for Rosh in 2012..and search for the day that was 3x365 days from Sept 19, 2009......and what did I find????
 It is Sept 18, 2012.  ROSH HASHANAH, 2012 !!  The 2nd day of Rosh.....
Interesting?  Coincidence??  The day of the Rapture?  And AT THAT MOMENT...the phone rang to tell me my dad has just died.....
Time will tell....
But, IF there is no Rapture this fall, 2011....  I will be looking at Rosh Hashanah, 2012 with much anticipation.  And in the next 12 months......ALL the Dominoes that are all lined up to fall, we will have 12 more months for world events to continue lining up. 
PS.....I'd rather the Rapture happened THIS Rosh Hashanah.....THIS fall in 2011.
But presuming it will not......Rosh Hashanah 2012 will be a time for me to be watching with all my heart! 
PPS.....my prayer these past weeks has been "Lord, show me what I can do for YOU....for YOUR plans.......in these last days......."  Is this the answer to that prayer, too?