Steve W (11 Apr 2021)
"!!! 5/4/1970 Kent State Shootings + 911 sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!"

        Hello Five Doves,
                  In our ongoing documentation of how many real world events are synced to the
    2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 we're going to examine the KENT STATE Shootings of 5/4/1970.
    This of course was one of the dramatic events of the VIETNAM WAR where protests over the
    WAR at KENT STATE quickly escalated out of control and the National Guard fired on students,
    and within seconds 4 were dead. This tragedy sparked Nationwide Protests for many weeks !!!!

Here is our first prophetic chart.
                                                                                                                  Astonishing amount of
                                                                Fall of Saigon                          evidence amassing here
                   KENT STATE                            End on                                for the Second Coming of
                      Shootings                         VIETNAM WAR                                  Jesus Christ
                             5/4/1970                               4/30/1975                                          9/30/2028
                              !...............1822 days.............!.....................19512 days.............!
                           2 X 911 = 1822                                Revelation 12:1 begins with vs 
                           2 Towers were Destroyed on         number 195 book of Revelation where the Sign in Heaven 
                                 9/11/2001 which we have         was given on 9/23/2017.  We've documented how this
 documented extensively in our Five Dove articles      Sign in Heaven is synced many different ways to the
was Stage 1 of the 3 Stage Babylon Prophecy              2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!!!
synced to the 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!!!!!         Revelation 12:1
                             !                                                         Sign in Heaven
                             !                                                               given on
                        5/4/1970                                                      9/23/2017
                              !........................17309 days..........................!
                                                                           17309 = 19 X 911 !!!!
                                                   There were 19 Terrorist Hijackers involved in
                                           the prophetic events of 9/11/2001 !!!!

   Now we're going to look at a series of revelations that come to light with the 4 people who died at
   KENT STATE that fateful day.

              Allison Krause born 4/23/1951 died 5/4/1970 lived 6951 days
                 Jeffrey Miller born 3/28/1950 died 54/1970  lived 7342 days
          Sandra Scheuer born  8/11/1949 died 5/4/1970  lived 7571 days
    William Schroeder born 7/20/1950 died 5/4/1970  lived 7228 days
                                                                                  total = 29092 !!!!!
                                         Notice how this total reveals 2+9=11><9+2=11 !!!!
                                                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  So we're seeing again this
       remarkable connection between KENT STATE and the events of 9/11/2001 !!!!
            Then this revelation comes to light >  4 X 7273 29092 !!!!
                 The prophetic revelations here are 4 DEAD at KENT STATE !!!!
                                                           But also 4  planes crashed on 9/11/2001 !!!!
                                                                                 ^^ ^^
   The Twin II Towers were each completed in 1972,1973...In the Bible the only chapters in the Old Testament
                     that have a verse count sequence of 20,28 are >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VVVVVVVVVV
                                                                    PSALM 72,73 !!!!                                                  Second Coming of
                                                             And PSALM 72,73  are chapters 550,551 of the Bible     Jesus Christ
                                                                            From 1973 its >>>>>>>>> 55 yrs to >>>>>>>>>>> 2028 
                                                            Last vs of PSALM 73:28 is 1109 book of Psalms !!!!
This means the KENT STATE shootings
                     of  1970 are prophetically
synced to PSALM 70 and from last vs PSALM 70:5 its exactly 72 vs to 28th and last vs of Psalm 73 !!!!
                                      And this reveals the exact number of days 7228 that 
                                          William Schroeder lived, one of the KENT STATE Victims !!!! The crazy thing is
 Schroeder wasn't even part of the protests ! He was simply walking from one class to another ! HOW TRAGIC !

Another fascinating numerical and prophetic sync here between the KENT STATE shootings and the events of
9/11/2001 is that the number 29092  is a palindrome number meaning it can be read same way forwards as
  backwards > < The links shows 29092 is the 380th palindrome.
Then on 9/11/2001 the 4 planes that crashed had flight numbers 11+175+77+93= 356 !!!!

So we sync these two numbers 380 and 356 for the 4 who died at KENT STATE and 4 planes of 911 and we
get this amazing alignment in the Bible.

                                                                     Only place in Old Testament
                                                                                  with 20,28 vs count = Year of Jesus Christ 2nd Coming !!!!!!!
                      PSALM 70,       PSALM 71     ,   PSALM 7273
 KENT STATE sync 1970       has 24 verses        1972,1973 Twin II Towers completed !!
 29092 = palindrome 380     =     24          +             356 < 4 planes crashed 9/11/2001
                                                                                    72 73 X 4 = 29092 =
                                                                                                          4 died at KENT STATE !!!!

Since each PSALM Chapter is prophetic for the corresponding year this
                                                            means PSALM 101                     and PSALM 128
                                                         is synced to 2001 when the           is synced to 2028 
                                                                     Twin II Towers                   for the 2nd Coming
                                                                      were destroyed                       of Jesus Christ
So using PSALM 72,73 as our prophetic             End of                                  End of
   reference point 20,28 verse count sync           PSALM 101                      PSALM 128 
           From end of PSALM 73 its ...........473 vs........!................611 vs.................!
                                                                    ^^^                        ^^^
               a simple math equation reveals >  473 divided by 611 = .774140 !!!!!!!!!!!
  The revelation here is the Twin II Towers location was right on the 74 longitude line
                                                              and the exact latitude line of 40.71 degrees !!!!
The odds are about 10 BILLION to 1 you could find the exact latitude Longitude coordinates of the
Twin II Towers in a Bible Equation, and at the same time being prophetically pointed to 2028 
for the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ !!!!!!!

  These are powerful confirmations that what began as Stage 1 Babylon Prophecy on 9/11/2001 
  will be completed as Stage 3 of Babylon Prophecy in 2028 at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ !!! 
Here is an excerpt from prior Five Dove Article where we document the 3 Stage Babylon Prophecy in much more detail.
              !!! Cynthia Fort Daniel 5 Babylon is Fallen syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
                              > <

To understand how profoundly David Wilkerson is synced to 911 see this prior Five Dove 
article > <
David Wilkerson Cross and Switchblade syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028

  Car Accident   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>II<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  Car Accident
 Head on Collision >>>>>>>>>>>>II<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Head on Collision
  with a Truck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>II<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  with a Truck
  Cynthia Fort                         Twin Towers                    David Wilkerson
     died on                              destroyed on                            died on
    8/24/1987                               9/11/2001                            4/27/2011
           !.................5132 days.............!.............3515 days............!
                                ^^^^                                ^^^^
                                   5132 minus 1617 = 3515
                                                        1617 = 3 X 539 !!!!
      The Fall of Babylon happened in the year 539 BC !!!!
      This historical event is recorded in Daniel chapter 5. And a deeper revelation of END TIME Prophecy
                      with this, is GOD is allowing a 3 Stage prophecy to play out by way of the prophetic phrase 
  Babylon is Fallen is Fallen which occurs  3 times in the Bible in these verses >
                                                     > Isaiah 21:9   ,  Rev 14:8   and  Rev 18:2.
                                                           Stage 1       ,   Stage 2    ,      Stage will be executed
  The dates of these  3  stages were 9/11/2001    ,   3/6/2009    ,     9/30/2028 at the
                                                   Twin Towers    ,   S&P500 hit                      Second Coming 
                                                      destroyed      , 666 its lowest low               of Jesus Christ !!!
                                                             !.......2733 days......!............7148 days............!
     This 3 Stage Prophecy is confirmed in the bible in the following ways starting with where the
     Fall of Babylon is recorded in the Bible in Daniel 5.

                                     "That very night Belshazzar, king of the Chaldeans, was slain.
                           And Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being about 62 years old."
                                                                Daniel 5:30,31                                ^^
 Stage 1> 9/11/2001                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^           Stage 2> 3/6/2009             Stage 3> 9/30/2028
     Babylon is                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^                  Babylon is                       Babylon is
 Fallen is Fallen                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^               Fallen is Fallen               Fallen is Fallen
    seen in text                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^                   seen in text                       seen in text
     Isaiah 21:9                                   Daniel 5:31                  Revelation 14:8                   Revelation 18:2
             !.................3861 verses to...........!............9029 verses to....!..............61 vs to.............!
                                          ^^^^                                           9029  divided  by  61 = 148 !!
                                           ^^^^                 notice this is 9/11=2+9                 6+1=7 ^^^
   Perfect divisors of 3861 are 9 , 11 , 27 , 33 !!!! This reveals the prophetic timeline of Stage 1 to Stage 2
  of Babylon Prophecy 9/11/2001 >>> 2733 days to >>> 3/6/2009 then 7148 days to >>> Stage 39/30/2028
A truly astounding confirmation of this prophecy in real world events comes to light in the following ways...
!!! Tom Brady "Miracle Game"+ Super Bowl 55 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!
See this link > < 
                     Super Bowl 51 is the only Super Bowl to date with a total of 62  points when at the end of 
             regular time the score 28 to 28 New England won 34 to 28 = 62 total pts in sudden death overtime !! 
!!! LO and BEHOLD look what the prophetic time chart reveals !!!             ^^
                                              SB51 Final Score 34to28 = 62                                ^^
Isaiah 21:9 Stage 1     Jesus crucifixion date 4/28/28 A.D                         ^^                     all evidence 
Babylon Prophecy        and Jesus 2nd Coming 2028       This is a Sunday             amassing here for
  Twin Towers                   is revealed in the details                most likely date for             Second Coming of
     destroyed                          of Super Bowl 51                        Super Bowl 62               Jesus Christ
      9/11/2001                                2/5/2017                                    2/6/2028                      9/30/2028  
             !................562 6 days..........!...............4018 days...................!.............237 days..........!
                               ^^^^                                      ^^^^                     In the Bible in the Book of Revelation
                   Daniel 5:31 last vs of chapter          ^^^^                   verse number 237 is Revelation 14:8
             reveals age 62  of Darius in text when  ^^^^                    right where the prophetic phrase 
      Babylon Fell !!! 62  - 6 = 56 = 28 + 28     ^^^^                      "Babylon is Fallen is Fallen"
                 Super Bowl 51 was tied 28 to 28       ^^^^                                       is seen !!!!
              then in overtime 6 pt touchdown ended the              Revelation 14:8                Revelation 18:2
  game with a total of 62  pts !!!!!!!     ^^       ^^      ^^^^                     Stage 2                                    Stage 3
  After Daniel 5 next two chapters are 28 and 28 verses !!      Babylon Prophecy               Babylon Prophecy
                               ^^^^                                         ^^^^                    3/6/2009                               9/30/2028
                               5626     minus    1608    =    4018 !!!!                     !.......................7148 days......!
              Fall of Babylon                   ^^   ^                                             !..6911+237=7148.............!
            Daniel 5:31 is verse number 168 book of Daniel !!!!                           Revelation 14:8 right in the timeline !!!

And there's another astounding prophetic parallel synchronizing here in the following way...
                                                             SB51 Final Score 34to28 = 62 
Isaiah 21:9 Stage 1     Jesus crucifixion date 4/28/28 A.D                                                  all evidence 
Babylon Prophecy        and Jesus 2nd Coming 2028       This is a Sunday             amassing here for
  Twin Towers                           was revealed                        most likely date for             Second Coming of
     destroyed                       in this Super Bowl 51                    Super Bowl 62                    Jesus Christ
      9/11/2001                                2/5/2017                                    2/6/2028                      9/30/2028  
             !................5626 days..........!...............4018 days...................!.............237 days..........!
             !                  ^^^^            END TIME                                                                                  ^^^^
             !                  ^^^^     Rapture Resurrection                                                                     ^^^^
             !                  ^^^^               verse of all                        With Super Bowl 51 pointing us to 2028 
      Start of              ^^^^           GOD's Saints                  and 1st Cor 15:52 synced to Super Bowl 51
 New Testament      ^^^^      1st Corinthians 15:52         this is powerful evidence the END TIME Resurrection
            !.................562vs to..........!                      of all GOD's saints will take place simultaneous with the
                                                                        2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 exactly as the Apostle Paul describes
                                                                              it in the very same chapter of 1st Corinthians 15:20,23 !!!

            "But now Christ is risen from the deadand has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep."
    "But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His(Second) coming."
                                                                                         1st Corinthians 15:20,23
   And 1st Thessalonians 4:16,17 makes it plainly clear that the "dead in Christ are resurrected FIRST" !!! 
  Then and only then "we who are alive and remain shall be caught up with them in the clouds" !!!
  So any talk of an end time Rapture BEFORE the 2nd Coming of Jesus is simply contradicting the plain
  language of these and other scriptures of the bible !!! We will be raptured at the "LAST TRUMPET" 1st Cor 15:52,
 which sounds at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Revelation 11:15 !!! Its plain as day what the Bible reveals on this subject.

As we saw above Cynthia Fort is synced to 911 and the Babylon Prophecy in Daniel 5,
which is synced to Super Bowl 51 by way of the 5626 timeline from 911.
So with 1st Corinthians 15:52 verse 407 book of 1st Corinthians also synced to Super Bowl 51,
by a  5626 verse count from the start of the New Testament, and                      
Jan Fort = 84 + Stephen Wilkins=184+Cynthia Fort=139 total = 407 !! This is how we know 
Jan, Stephen and Cynthia are synced to this exact verse of this exact book of the Bible 1st Cor 15:52 !!!
God Bless Cynthia and all those whose lives were cut short in the events of 911 !!
                                                     GOD is using this historical event,
                                                          the Fall of Babylon 539 B.C,
Stage 1 Twin Towers                           as recorded in Daniel 5,
Destroyed 9/11/2001                             as Prophetic typology 
Babylon is Fallen is Fallen   >>>      to reveal the END TIME    >>> <<<  THE END
     seen in text of        >>>              3 Stage Babylon Prophecy !!!          Book of Daniel
         Isaiah 21:9                                           Daniel 5:31                              Daniel 12:13
                  !.........................3861 vs to..................!...................189 vs to...............!
                                                ^^^^                                          ^^^
                                                   3861 divided by 189 = 20.428 !!!!!
                                                               Jesus Crucifixion 4/28 A.D.
                                                     Jesus Second Coming 2028 !!!!!
God Bless
Steve W
comments welcome >

more articles >>
!!! 66, 1189, 31102 Divine Structure of Bible syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

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!!! SIX DAYS Genesis 1:31 John 12:1 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Coverstone "Bunker Dream" Joshua 10:13 Trump Biden sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! 4/28/28 +2000yrs 4/28/2028 John vs 155 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Cynthia Fort Daniel 5 Babylon is Fallen syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! David Wilkerson Cross and Switchblade sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Kathy S Prophetic word Gen 7:11=2/17/21 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Tom Brady "Miracle Game"+Super Bowl 55 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028  !!!

!!! TABERNACLE reveals Jesus Crucifixion 4/28+2nd Coming 2028  !!!

!!! Song of Solomon 2:1 Shoshana syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! CRASH of Air France Flight 447 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Lisa Taylor 120 Years + Exodus 7 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Psalm 117 to 128+Revelation 15 Wrath of GOD syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! The man who knew INFINITY syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Ezekiel 48 Amos 146 Jonah 48 Matthew 28 syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! MARY CHRIST INE JOB names syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Methuselah 969+Noah Great Flood+Book of Jonah sync to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Enoch+Ark+Movie UNBROKEN+Saturn Jupiter syncs to 2nd Coming of Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! Prophetic Dream of Sister 7/8/2019 Saturn Jupiter syncs to 2nd Coming Jesus 2028 !!!

!!! 2012 Venus Transit 2015 BLOOD MOON 1863 Gettysburg 2020 Election + 2028 Revelation !!!

Revelation 3:7 CHRIS REED PHILADELPHIA prophetic vision of 2020 Election


OCT 23, 2020, LINCOLN, JFK, TRUMP+AMY BARRETT in 2028 Revelations !!!

Special article "Book of MATTHEW Reveals JESUS SECOND COMING 2028"

 Skepticism about Second Coming of JESUS 2028

GOLDEN GATE Dream/Bridge in Prophetic Timeline with USA Election and 2028 Revelations !!

articles about TRUMP Presidency in Prophecy and 2020 Election
 Articles about Jonathan Cahn's book HARBINGER II sync to 2028 Revelations

Special Article about HALLEY's COMET+CHAMBERLAIN KEY synced to 2028 Revelations

Special article about ARK of the COVENANT with COVENANT of MANY Dan 9:27 in 2028 Revelations

ESTHER reveals JESUS Crucifixion Resurrection dates in Prophecy

Special article about Dana Coverstone Statue of Liberty Dream

Special article about the NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL FIRE in 2028 Revelations

Death of Ruth Ginsberg prophetic syncs to Elections and 2028 Revelations