Gino (1 Apr 2018)
"RE: Paul Wilson: 03.25.18: sea"

	I had read your letter, back on the 4th, and then again on the 25th, when you linked to it again.
The first part of that letter, was a little easier to understand.
I really enjoyed the street comparison of asphalt & concrete here, with the pure gold there!
Although I wasn't able to figure out all the different variations on the numbers:
	e.g. "billion dead since creation": 34.32, 33.10, 48.26, and 48.31
I would like to know what those variations imply.
However, the second part, about the sea/seas, was extremely deep & over my head (no pun intended).
I do not speak or read ancient Greek, nor German, and I have forgotten much Latin (i.e. maris aequor).
It would be like reading a newspaper which keeps changing the language, and sometimes using Cyrillic & Chinese characters.
While I was reading it, at a certain point, the comprehension fuse blew, and then I was unable to figure any of it out.
I know you don't normally write like that, and that you were simply showing something from the
So, could you please do me a favor, and explain that part about the sea/seas, only in English?
		Thank you in advance